Game of the year?

Game of the year?

No, that would be Cuphead.

good one op

Nigga it's still October, goddamn ffs


definitely a Mario killer for me

Why is she so attractive?

Because you're a fucking pedo and need to be shot on sight.

You know that there's a little thing called Mario coming out this month, right?


>implying it will not flop

Wow, watch your attitude.

Hi Sup Forums

Make me, degenerate.
Actually /k/, but nice try, perv.

post good hatgirls

Sure, like the two Mario Galaxy.

I'm not a pedo, I'm a child enthusiast.


it will win game of the year, but it won't actually be game of the year

Not even close.

It might not even be game of the month if odyssey lives up to the hype

Is Mario even trying

Yeah, definitely. It came out in the same year as the literal best game of all time but, why not? Let's say this terrible, unfinished retro indie trash is GOTY.

>living up to the hype in any year

lmao hacker humor lmao VIIRRUUUSSS lmao they HACKED UR BRIAN

Nope. The content that is in is great, but there really should have been more levels.
Also, I wish they expanded on some things, like adding cut-scene after Conductor/Groove boss-fight.

I know right? Hat in Time has nothing on Yooka-Laylee


>i only play games for the e celebs


This is one ugly looking game

Hi neogaf

>anything that isn't BOTW

No user, I'm Sup Forums and I love lolis

>open world trash that no one cares about anymore
yeah sure

>Trusting journalists.

>liking zelda skyrim

why are her feet white but her body is black

Uh yeah?

If you can't beat Cuphead then you can't beat A Hat in Time
end of story.

it's certainly my indie game of the year

You didnt play many indie games.

this but unironically

this but only if you fap to drawings


Not even the game of the week it was launched.

State your age.

I can't believe anyone would actually think this hat game is even in the same league as botw. There is contrarian and then there is retardation.

Bros did you even play it


>this many replies and still no rule34

Get to work, drawfag cucks.

Post pic of the twit please.

How many worlds are there?


>implying loli is better than Marios man nipples

every other game I've played this year has been better than BOTW and that includes 3 other zeldas. The game was shit and quit the falseflagging already theres been enough shit post threads about that game

No, too short right now

How young are you?

almost a wizard


You know black people have lighter soles and palms right? Kek

the smallest problem with Yooka-Laylee.

I think it's worth the nomination but it's flaws will prevent it from winning

Having fun

No, but it's a damn fine 3D platformer.

i actually don't cause i didnt see black people in my life except on photos

Mario rabbids is better than this game. Don't even consider odyssey even on the same league.

maybe when mommy buys your a pc you can actually play it

You realize you are talking about an actual children's game, right?

I'm an idort.

Uuuuum, no sweaty.

>Sup Forums just shitposts about indie games now
I'd unironically rather spend time in todd threads at this point

cuz their feet and hands evolved before the rest of them

blame cuckhead

Daily reminder that a virgin game designer used Kikestarter funds while Chad game maker took risks and was driven by pure passion alone.

is this game actually good or is it bad
someone be straight with me and tell me if I should get it or not

this year? I played hollow, cuphead and this, but cuphead shouldn't really be thought of indie as they had microsoft backing

Still cant play it on my PS 4 :(

yeah that microsoft exclusivity deal wasn't paid for at all right, only sony does that kind of things right


>should i get a retro platformer from kickstarter, help me i'm for real here
Yeah, totally get it. It seems like it would be right up your alley.

>the absolute state of everyone who owns the PlayStation number four gaming system.

>Some faggy 2D platformer
>Literally walk right and hold down fire: the game
>Literally the Rick & Morty of Video Games
>Literally Contra for nu-male Reddit ironic millennials
>Viraled to FUCK

Ahahahahaha. If big Youtubers like Pewdiepie and Markiplier weren't shilling this fucking game to hell and highwater, Cuphead would be dead in the water. Enjoy your le EPIK rage XD compilations, the "Dark Souls" of platformers.


do you like 3d platformin

black people have white hands so they can catch the bus during the night



What kind of self projecting autism did I just read?

is it a retro platformer? doesn't seem all that retro

I guess? if it's well executed?

GOG says hat in time is 12% off for me for whatever the reason. But I can't see anything about any sale anywhere else. And when I go to checkout I have to pay full price anyway.
What's up with that? Some kind of glitch?

>noone noticing the shadman picture in the middle

When was the last time an indie game won game of the year?

It's a good game with a fresh take on the genre and some neat ideas implemented. It's a little rough around the edges being short, missing a few QoL additions and some noticeable bugs but definitely worth playing.

Wait for a sale of you're on the fence.

Lmao the salt continues

I totally feel ya bro this feeling of emptiness.

So guys lets make sure that they will have opportunity to blow our minds with sequel trailer like Ori did.

>no one cares about anymore
LOL, it just won a GOTY award like two weeks ago?

It's an n64 style collection platformer.

its retro in the sense that mario sunshine and psychonauts are retro

whatever it doesn't even have hats mm is the only zelda i played and the only good one.

Hahaha that's actually interesting. Where are you from? Based Slavland?