What limited edition games do you own?

What limited edition games do you own?

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I own a dev Ouya and probably some other stuff but that's the first thing that comes to mind.


Perfect for nu-males.

The water has soy in it


fuck off ricky and morty reddit spammer

I imported Japanese LEs for both Gal*Gun and Shinovi Versus.

NES Classic is the Szechuan Sauce of video games

god the fucking NAILS

I hate this planet.

Speaking of, did anybody get SNES classic?

Does anybody care?

I feel like if they weren’t such a bitch to get people would love them.

Where can I find this stuff to sell it to idiots for 100x the cost?

You do realize no one's actually buying those

well atleast there is no palm oil in it I guess

>some obscure sauce briefly available in the 90s gets mentioned in a show
>suddenly everyone (including millennials who weren't around for the original sauce) goes batshit crazy over it
>sauce gets re-released in limited quantities so that scalpers can re-sell it for a stupid amount of money
Is this the most successful guerilla marketing campaign in recent history?

you're retarded if you think those won't sell

you're retarded

Very American reaction. What do you suppose we put in miso-like chinese sauce.

>Nobody is buying collectible memorabilia for one of the most popular shows currently airing

No one is nostalgic for this sauce, but they want to appear like they are. BBQ sauce or bust.


>that fucking neckbeard behind the girl


He's saying just because it's labeled as "Sold", doesn't mean they're going to pay for it. People do this all the time on ebay.

WOOBA DOOBA HOOBA LOOBA morty! nothing in life matters so you might as well be a pedophile!

what did mcdonalds mean by this?

Its supposed imitate an asian sauce neocuck.

>waiting in line is the same as buying $1,000+ meme sauce on ebay

Crazy how infuriated people are because they didn't get a sauce they saw on a TV show.

>Rick and Morty memed some shitty tendie sauce back and not the best soda ever to exist
I want off this timeline.

And that's supposed to mean they will fork over $1000s of dollars for the stuff? $100s of dollars maybe.

We got Crystal Pepsi back instead

I bought the Skyrim special edition when it came out. It came with a cheap plastic dragon.

people get mad about not getting sauce on here all the time

You don't see 20 something year old kids flipping out about Orbitz Energy drink or Taco Bell BLT tacos or other short lives fast food items that never came back.

It's only because their Reddit meme show told them to be hyped about something they can't get. Fucking pathetic.

Please don't remind me. Literally just a gimmick. Pepsi Blue had an actually different flavor.

Are rick and morty fans the new bronies?


Had McDonald's just not given a shit, the sauce would've just remained a shitty inside joke among a terrible fan base. Feeding the autism, metaphorically and literally, took it beyond what's reasonable.

Bronies have never gotten into fights at McDonald's over a high fructose corn syrup sauce.

>9 year old will never want to eat McD again due to not getting a sauce

>she acts like thats A. true and B. a bad thing

I hate to be the "THIS IS THE NEW MLP" guy, but I think you're right. What hit snazzy name should we label them?

You know gal gun dp got a giant CE right?

I bought that until my shit was blue. At the time I even had a can that had the expiration date as my birthday

Clean your fucking fingernails and cut them too.

Remember that one episode where Rick turned himself into a pickle?

It's not quite as cancerous yet, and pray it doesn't become so. I really don't want to see a /rm/ board.

Even the normalfags are starting to hate rick and morty. Its only a matter of time now.

Lol I wonder if anyone's tried dipping a pickle in that sauce xD
Reply if you get the reference haha

>special rick and morty szechuan sauce
>neither rick nor morty are on the sauce label
Why are people buying this shit?


>letting your children watch Rick and Morty
>letting your children eat at McDonald's

Why is Szechuan sauce a meme now? Did Rick and Morty do something with that? It's not like they invented it

>dudes with food fetishes

They won't
But someone special enough in the head will

I just don't understand, though. What are you going to do with it if you buy some? Eat it and keep the wrapper? Put it on your shelf and watch it turn into rust in a week?

They used it as the basis for a joke in the season premiere, and the normies chimped out for it.

That sauce was fucking gross in the 90s and its still gross now.

That sauce isn't obscure dude. I buy it at Walmart all of the time for stir frys. It's been around forever

>20 one ounce packets
>per store

I just made it myself, fuck them.
I remember it being sweeter, less intense - that's a lot of preservatives, goddamn.

Literally maybe less than .25% of their audience remembers it. It was around for maybe 1-2 months when it was out, it wasn't anything special and it's not worth chimping out because a reddit cartoon said it was amazing.

Clean your fingernails you fucking animal.

Just a thing for collecting. Doubt people would pay for it to get the taste of it, since supposed recipe was leaked some months ago. Binging with Babish says it has the same taste as a real deal, so it's probably legit


I guess McDonald's didn't expect a wave of grognards to want their shitty meme sauce.

It's macca's mate, it'll last as long as cockroaches after the nuclear holocaust.

Any food that isn't mashed potato or watergate salad is a meme to white people ( see: avocado, sushi and siracha sauce )


>It was around for maybe 1 or 2 months
It's around constantly for years though. Unless you're talking about some limited McDonalds thing. I don't eat McDonalds or watch this show so I'm legit curious on why everyone is spazzing over a fucking mediocre stir fry sauce

You forgot flank steak, kimchi, kamboucha, pomegranate and acai.

Will this shows fanbase actually kill the show? Even the creators hate their fans.

It is a limited McDonald's thing. Specifically whatever recipe they used when they were promoting Mulan.

>Dumb burgers fighting over food
I can get some szechaun sauce any day of the week

Ah okay. So it's essentially the same mindset that gets hardons over the McRib. I'll never understand that shit. I appreciate you helping me figure this out famalam

Disregarding the faggot fanbase, is Rick and Morty actually a good show? I've never seen an episode but the show's fans make me not want to see it.

But is it mulan sauce?

I fucking believe it. Regardless, had a nice watch party with it, and now we'll move on to Blade Runner 2049, Star Wars, and such.

The finale was empty, but the season was entertaining just to see their reactions to the fucked up shit.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

It's smart at times, well written and well produced, just don't mention it to any co-workers you like it or else you'll be bombarded with quotes and memes.

The show is okay, season 3 is kinda shit though.

It's got its moments but it's got some shitters too. The new season had the best and worst episodes in the series, along with a lot that were mediocre.

Just ignore the fanbase. They think it's a lot smarter than it is.


>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

Shutup reddit, go home, this is why nobody likes you. You're the same type of faggot that says Bioshock Infinite was a game for smart gamers. Fuck off.

It's alright, good for mindless laughs and background noise. No idea why people think it's intelligent or some shit.

but BoJack Horseman is the superior cartoon.

This. Xavier is also high tier


I watched part of the episode where all these characters appear in the house which leads to them all being killed cause they're all these aliens in disguise. The only line of dialogue that was funny to me was Rick saying "What is this? 90's Conan?" when two weird combinations of characters talked to him because they both looked like something from that.

yes, they are.

prices are going down though.
the sauce is around $75-$100 right now.

its copypasta

>Falling for a pasta

"my heart will go on" started playing in my head when i saw that. i miss pepi blue

Are these the same children that were literally shaking when their parents told them that GONALD BRUMGPF was gonna gas every nigger and mexican?

You'd be surprised


To be fair the first two seasons were moderately funny, then there was a huge break before season 3 began, they got a bunch of female writers on board and the show "coincidentally" became a brainless memefest.


>literally too intelligent to vote for Hillary

No but i've seen bronies do more embarrasing things at McDonald's.

Which fanbase is worse?

>Wainbow Dash

every fucking time man

I knew exactly what this video was before I clicked the link, fuck you. I still haven't ever finished watching it.

Reminds of those old CWC videos that took place at McDonald's. What is with autists and McDonald's?