Switch vs. n2DS

Should I get a Switch or the New 2ds XL?

I never owned a 3ds. The switch is 2 times the price but I really want to play BOTW

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If you live in australia you should preorder the snes edition of the new 3ds xl.

Guess I should have stated the games I want to play

Zelda, Oddysey, Puyo Puyo (guess I can buy this on PS4)

Ocarina, Majoras, Fire Emblem, Pokemon

3ds has a much bigger library and they are still coming out with games for it while the switch is hyped up garbage with a terrible selection of games

Emulate it if it's the only game you want

3ds has a library
Switch, while it has a couple games worth getting it for, is mostly indie games right now. Though Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey soon

N3DS. Hack it and play every single game you want.

>Fire Emblem Warriors
Nice joke, user.

Found the secondary

2DS for the games.

Just wait to get a Switch.

>New 2ds XL
the worst choice

OP here
Why would I want to spend an extra $50 on a 3ds xl vs 2ds xl?

Especially for a console on its last leg?

>see the new 2ds
>want to buy it
>remember i've owned two 3ds and one old 2ds, one year apart
>always sold them a month or two later
I like the idea of a handheld but got nowhere to use it, except home where I already got my pc.

Get the Switch. The DS line has a lower price point because it's targeted at children.

Buy a Switch if you want Zelda and Mario, you'll get much more of that than the 3DS.
Play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on an emulator.
The Fire Emblems on 3DS are weebshitty to the point you can't imagine, just replay those on GBA and try Fire Emblem 4 Genealogy of the Holy War on the SNES.
Pokemon just replay HeartGold or Emerald.

Buy a used 3DS with a firmware below 11.3 and hack it.


Switch will get ongoing support, the DS line is falling away, and will be emulateable long before stuff like Odyssey will be.

You can emulate everything 3ds related and it will look better but you cant do it with the switch (yet)

>be Canadian
>a Switch is $451.99 after taxes
>a 3DS XL + adapter is $293.79 after taxes
>2DS XL is $225.99 after taxes
>2DS is $123.17 after taxes

Isn't the 3DS ancient at this point? How can they be so expensive? I haven't owned a console since the PS2 and I'm starting to remember why. This shit isn't economically viable.

Or just Hardmod the factory 11.4 firmware that the 2ds comes with like I plan to

>Fire Emblem Warriors
I think you meant Xenoblade 2.

Switch all the way.

Why don't you buy a Wii U and a N2DS then? Should be about the same price as a Switch, and you'll get maaaaany more great games than just a Switch.

By the way, I'm suggesting this because you can play BotW in a Wii U.

>NINTENDO switch
>not targeted at children
manchildren like yourself still contain the word children


Get a 2DS/3DS and hack it, Switch will be worth it when Prime 4 and Xenoblade 2 are out.

wow who knew that the word "nintendo" was synonymous with "children"

I bet you think "fun" is for children, too.

>blaming Nintendo for our trash currency and god awful taxes

Yes but you a minimum wage of $12 per hour for fucking McJobs so it balances out, you can't have it all.
Americans have like a $7 minimum wage, cut them some slack.

>thinking a higher minimum wage is a good thing
Economic illiteracy is a helluva drug.

2DS has more games than the Switch right now, so it's best to get that. Though, the 3DS is nearing its end, so don't expect a bunch of newer games to come out next year (unless Nintendo pulls a Nintendo and does exactly that).
Try and find a good amount of games you want to play on the Switch since it doesn't have as much games as the 2DS. If you don't have much, just wait and save up. I waited until I at least had 5+ games I wanted on the Switch.
Also, if you want a 2DS for just the games, I recommend getting the first 2DS model that's much more cheaper than the newer model, that way you have more money to save towards a Switch.

If I've played Persona 5, should I skip Shin Megami Tensei IV? As I see, gameplay wise it is almost the same, expect it doesn't have a life simulator.

Reading comprehension nigger, I was explaining why not saying it's a good thing.

Fire Emblem was always weebshit, child.

3DS can play DS games and is hackable. Switch will inevitably get a revision.

No contest
>but I wanna play BotW
Play it on CemU, it's overrated as fuck btw.

holy shit

this post

just lmao

how the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
SMT IV has actual story choices while Persona is linear, also the fight system is more complex for many reasons, and while yes Persona 5 has the best battle system from Persona 3 onwards, it's not as hard as SMT IV(or II which is the hardest) which has point allocation for the MC and demon negotiation.

The story is also more nuanced and mature than Persona.

How retarded do you have to be to continuously buy the same product and then sell it just to buy another one?

You should save the money and buy cuphead while it's still cheap.

>3 games on the switch versus 30 on the 3DS
>both are getting like 2 decent games at best next year
just lmao, my fellow nintenshill

Why call the 3DS shit for being for children and then turn around to praise Switch for being for children?

>3 games on Switch
>30 games on 3DS
>>both are getting like 2 decent games at best next year
go ahead and say what's the better console ;)

Neither of them are consoles.

Man the coming soon list on the website is pretty cool, then pokemon, and metroid. be real man. I have the 3ds, those 30 games are 8 pokemon games, 4 fire emblem games, 2 zelda remakes, yokai watch, 4 shin megami games, 2 kirby games, 1 metroid, and 5 mario iterations.

Okay there was monster hunter with terrible online.

Be real, my dude, you know the 3ds library is nothing to admire. The Switch at least has a variety.

you know what i mean user

3DS ofc.

I agree that the 3ds has an amazing library, but the system is also on its last legs

Persona is the spin-off of SMT. Of course they are going to be different.

>but the system is also on its last legs
This is not a negative. This is when smart people buy consoles. Especially Nintendo ones that are underpowered, easy to hack ,and have very little multiplayer

I don't praise the Switch for being children. I praise it for being fun. It's a console for adults. Hence the portability and the price.

>if it's more expensive that means it's for mature adults like me

Dude I used to live in Canada, and my friends are all Canadian (I am Canadian as well, live in America now for some reason.)

My friends have way more money than Americans, and when you adjust for the difference in currency value, it's pretty well spot-on. Canadians don't know poverty, for real.

switch will be more worth it in the long run, you can get a used o3ds for 50$

You can see it in the game library too.

Regi himself said that the Switch was more for adults and the 3ds was more for children.

What the fuck are you talking about?


>3DS has games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem
>Switch has games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon. and Fire Emblem

Get any version of 3ds and hack it. Switch has barely any games and BoTW is overrated trash.

Get 3ds. Its games are free.
Wait till switch xl come out then buy that one.
Play BOTW on your pc.


3DS is the unquestionable choice if you have no problem with piracy.

Should I get a N3DS XL or a N2DS XL? My previous N3DS XL bit the dust and I want to get a replacement to hack and load up with games.

What firmware does each ship at? Would I even be able to hack a newly boughr DS? Is a New 2DS XL the same as the 3D version barring lack of 3D?

Buy Switch , so you can play your infantile games on the plane


>who knew that the word "nintendo" was synonymous with "children"

People who aren't retarded

Different target audiences even if the same series. BOTW is clearly a love letter to older Zelda fans. After years of gay cartoony toon Link shit (LBW, MC, etc.) we finally get back on track. It's also open world which is a thing older gamers love and children are too add to care about. Mario Odyssey. Nuff said. Fire Emblem finally going back to it's roots, mature themes, good characters. No more of that cringey waifu incest shit from the 3DS titles. Pokemon is Pokemon. I'll give you that. But as a hole the Switch is more for adult gamers than your little fisher price 3ds will ever be.

Why do people use "portability" as a big point for Switch over 3DS when 3DS is just as, if not more, portable?

The price point is too similar for the 2DS XL to be a competitor, you're barely saving anything

If you're poor you get the shitty 2DS brick, if you're not poor you get a 3DS XL. Period.

as someone who bought the 2DSXL, only buy it if you're okay with having the shittiest cheapest screens on a handheld in history.

go with Switch

because we're retarded

Because the 3ds has less processing power. If you want a mix of passable processing power, and portability, you get the Switch.

>BOTW is clearly a love letter to older Zelda fans. After years of gay cartoony toon Link shit (LBW, MC, etc.) we finally get back on track.

>BotW still has gay cartoony graphics
>BotW is nothing like any Zelda game before it, and more if an amalmagation of open world sandbox games popular with Gen Z kiddies

Sure thing buddy, but as a long-time fan, BotW is by far my least favorite in the franchise, even moreso than SS, abd I fucking hated SS. But when we thought we were getting an Open World Zelda, I thought we were gonna go back to the Metroidvania style of design similar to the first Zelda game. Not an empty fucking sandbox littered with fucking shrines.

>Because the 3ds has less processing power
And better games you stupid fanboy. Not only that, but 3DS games are better suited for portable gaming than full fledged co sole games. What kind of spastic wants to get fully immersed in a videogame while out and about. Read a fucking book if you want immersion you autist.

>Someone actually took their time to write all this for a shitpost

SMT IV is good on its own, I wouldn't say it's made obsolete in a purely gameplay aspect by Persona 5 since the former has more emphasis on player choice and demon negotiation and the dungeon crawling can be a little more punishing.

>buying a console with no fucking games
I'm not even opposed to nintendo in and of itself, but I can't see how people justify paying over 300 dollarinos for the nintendo switch. There's nothing on it, and the little garbage games it does have are ridiculously expensive.

I heard the Galaxy edition comes with 11.3 which is hackable without any hardware. I got one and is on 11.3.

You guys know hacking your 3DS is illegal, right?

I seriously hope you guys are just joking around about doing that and pirating games. I don't want to have to report this thread to the FBI.

There's actually a good amount of games for it, they're just more niche/indie flavored titles but I'd say the Switch is getting overall more support in release schedule than the Wii U had at this point.

Oh shit, the FBI is knocking on my door. Shouldn't have played that VC injected Kirby game. Goodbye forever, Sup Forums.

I looked on Amazon and there are pretty much no games unless you like platformer shit, mario shit, etc. Where are the games for grown-ups?

switch has a nicer looking future
but 2ds has a great backlog

either would be jolly :)

Oh, sorry Mr. MatureMan, Cawaadooty is that way.

why are you so mad that someone doesn't like handhelds?

call of duty is for braindead dudebro teenagers. I mean story-driven RPGs, which the switch has absolutely zero of them. I don't play games just for games sake.

It's almost like... Nintendo is intentionally marketing their games and consoles... towards teenagers... and younger children...

No it isn't. Pirating the games is illegal but hacking the hardware is not, in and of itself, illegal.

Boy, you sure showed him...

so what you're saying is... don't buy a switch... and those of you on nintendoGAF (here) who never shut the fuck up about it... are all overgrown manchildren.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Get an 2DS and then buy BotW for Wii U.

yeah...bro, toatllly just get xbox one and get gears....best multiplayer

Slow to catch on, are we?

Well OP.... do you like games?

Or empty promises?

Do you legitimately think that's the reason?


>Mass Effect Andromeda not on Switch
>PES 2018 not on Switch
Oh my god, what a loss

Isn't the reality that it was just too weak of a system for developers to realistically offer Switch support?

You can't really blame them

For those with hacked 3DS, what kind of memory card did you get for your 3DS and DS library?


Get at least 32gb, also class 10 is the best.

Who's blaming the devs? This is entirely Nintendo's fault, yet again...