Copies The Witcher 3

>copies The Witcher 3
>set in Late Kingdom Egypt
>has cool stellar shamanism, occult elements
>hack n slash combat that reminds me of Shadow of Rome
>I love all of these things

>somehow Ubisoft manages to make the most boring looking game they've shat out in decades

Holy fuck Sup Forums, how do they do it? How do Ubisoft manage to have so many tallent staff members and great ideas on paper, but always execute them in the most boring fucking ways imaginable?

Other urls found in this thread:

TW3 isn't a good standard when it comes to gameplay.

Once a corporation establishes its global position, the trick to success becomes non-offensive, acceptable products catered to a wide demographic. It's not about producing art or competing with the creativity of indie games.

Altair was White, this jabroni is black
But why ?

because it's 2017 and having a white main character is offensive to everybody. hell, the game should be 100% black so that it's super diverse

Altair was Syrian

>I love all of these things

Mastering interesting combat is fun. Getting loot is somewhat satisfying.

Thats why I said White

Yeah it's too hard to match

He shouldn't have to be white. He's at least Caucasian

>educational mode

Altair was arabic

Arabs are white

Dude doesn't look that black to me. Looks like an egyptian who have spent too much time in the sun. Most egyptians get really dark when they get a tan.

ancient egyptians weren't caucasian. They were closely related to other people who lived in the levant like the phoenicians. Fun fact, modern egyptians have more sub-saharan genes in them than ancient egyptians.

>hack n slash combat that reminds me of Shadow of Rome

I'm sorry, what?

They put so money into their games that they have to make it appeal to as many people as possible so they can turn a profit.

Gotta get them normie bucks, man.

>non-offensive, acceptable products catered to a wide demographic.
God that's the perfect definition of Ubisoft products.

>copies The Witchew 3
>set in Wate Kingdom Egypt
>has coow stewwaw shamanyism, occuwt ewements
>hack n swash combat that weminds me of Shadow of Wome
>I wuv aww of these things

>somehow Ubisoft manyages to make the most bowing wooking game they've shat out in decades

Howy fuck Sup Forums, how do they do it? How do Ubisoft manyage to have so many tawwent staff membews and gweat ideas on papew, but awways execute them in the most bowing fucking ways imaginyabwe?

gta v is the best selling game of all time and its 10x more fun than anything that this garbage series ever did

Is this a new breed of autism?

Don't talk with your mouth full.

Stop using Yukikaze to shitpost.

t. laid off Bioware employee
Diversity hiring, ironically Ubisoft's 'b' team make the gems (Steep and AC:Rogue).

I saw a news about lootboxes and I'm not sure about this game now.

I'd buy it if I can use cheat engine or trainer on that. Fuck lootboxes seriously.

African Continent

How many hours you have into them?

Lack of focus. They have a checklist that fans are expecting over making a good video game.

>sooo..... WE

>ancient egyptians weren't caucasian.
>They were closely related to other people who lived in the levant like the phoenicians.

Phoenicians were Caucasian. Being caucasian doesn't mean being white, it's more about bone structure. Some academics even classify Indians was Caucasoid.

>but always execute them in the most boring fucking ways imaginable?
their games sell breaking records so you are wrong OP
sorry you dont like it, you have shit taste

>Being caucasian doesn't mean being white

>copies The Witcher 3
b-but Sup Forums told me The Witcher 3 copies Ass Creed

>their games sell breaking records so you are wrong OP

Unity and Syndicate failed to meet expectations.


You do know where the word "caucasian" comes from, right?

That guy is not black in the slightest, EASY to see he is semitic.


Middle Eastern Arabs have caucasian skulls.

>set in Late Kingdom Egypt
Best egypt

wut, steep and ac:rogue are both absolute dogshit..

>Dumb pale retarded Anime pedophile picture



Can't believe how many of you are actually interested in this game. It's really fucking disheartening you know.

Unity sold like 9 mill, its the best selling AC game
Siege is the best selling R6 game and currently the most popular online shooter
Division and Watch dogs both broke sales records and sold a shitton


its made by the same team that did black flag, aka the only good ass creed game. It also is more of an rpg and they ditched the counter gameplay, its now a proper hack and slash game and you level up and cant insta kill people anymore due to enemies having levels instead of just being cannon fodder for flashy executions

So I mean its understandable that people would be interested in an ass creed game that ditches almost all of the series mechanics

Not really, it's still assassins creed.

[citation needed]
Siege did do well I will concede but not the rest, especially WD2 and Syndicate.

oh also forgot
Wildlands is the best selling game this year
For Honor is #2

you are a dumbass white person aren't you. i bet you think everyone with dark skin is black.

They all look like faggots except my nigga in Afirca and Turkey

White skin is clearly a glitch in the DNA matrx and should be quarantined by using Gamesharks. Shove a 32-X up their white asses and send launch them off the Earth

Remember when there were threads how it looks like a Soulsgame or some shit like that? I mean it kinda does and they do talk a lot about weapons and having to dodge and some shit like that but they also havebuilt in the "I don't like videogames :^)" mode which is right now hot shit among game journalists.
You can even turn off the UI completely to make it ""hardcore"" and it's probably one of the laziest shit, it just turns it off and you don't even see a crosshair anymore (I'm pretty sure you can aim in reallife even though we don't have UIs)
They just try to dip in everything

Again, proof.

>You can even turn off the UI completely to make it ""hardcore"" and it's probably one of the laziest shit,
Souls is literally Bamham with button prompts turned off

pretty much in name only, the team strictly went into this game to make it not like an asscreed game, shit even has the FFX sphere grid for its levelling structure

I have many Egyptian Copts(christians) friends on facebook, and they kinda look semitic but not full on niggers, but yeah during the summer they tan a lot.
Pic related it's them with a Copt priest.

They also only marry with other christian families so the genetics should be close to old Egyptians, they also all have greek names for example one of the guys in the foto is called Khirollos.

diversity hires.

Indeed. It's hard to get the 10 braindead chimpanzees and force them to code. Only possible in a shithole like Poland that has no animal activism.

Fuck off, Ubi shill.

Yeah nobody played Witcher 3 for the gameplay. Combat is kinda bad and at the end of the day Witcher 3 is still just another open world game running from one marker to the next.

What made Witcher work was the writing. No more no less.

Because Ubi copies these elements but dont do any of them right, is like a watered down version.

>They also only marry with other christian families so the genetics should be close to old Egyptians

>French education

Except he's not black you fucking retard

It has magic? Sounds interesting.

Ubi's shit but only the first two Souls games were even remotely good, everything since has been pure garbage.

You do know what Copts are right?
They're one of the oldest and biggest communities of Christians in North Africa, dating back to the first century BC when Christianism was introduced to the region.
Some of them even speak a different language than arabic that is similar to old egyptian mixed with greek.

Its funny how the first Christians were Arabs.

Not something dailystormer would write about.

Lootboxes for Asscreed confirmed.

again, retard assblasted

He's not half-wrong, while Mesopotamia predates them Egypt laid the foundations of Mathematics, Astronomy, Monotheism(the god Aton introduced by Akenathon) and even influenced the first Greek Philosophers like Thales.

Not something that's actually true.

That's true, he is just wrong.

> Egypt laid the foundations of Mathematics
Lol. I mean, I'm not saying it was whites and I don't want to spoonfeed you here, but dude.

They also have different holidays than us, for example their easter is way more important and longer than ours and they don't really worship the Holy Virgin Mary like Catholics do.

>Christianity is a race

Yeah but tell me about those inbred/pure sandniggers

The first Christian were actually Semites. Technically Arabs are Arabian speaking people who originated from the Arabian peninsula, culturally they were very different from the Semitic (as well are North African) people.

Flash forward a few hundred years and thanks to some conquest and rape those regions got arabized.

That pic is from Ethiopia


>first Greek Philosophers like Thales.

Well if you want to get technical about it... they were semitic. Ironically if you follow the history back to before the word semite and its permutations was appropriated to mean jews exclusively you realize it actually encompassed the entirety of all that is Arab.

As a final ironic twist this means that Israeli settlers and hard line zionists are actually the most anti-semitic force that has ever existed on earth.

Babylonians and ancient Egypt were close in the study of Mathematics, and the most ancient written record of numbers we have is Egyptian.
Of course we advanced after that and Greeks, Latins, Arabs, Europeans and later Americans innovated even more, but the so called Fertile Crescent was basically Egypt and Babylonia.

>what are diversity hires

He's semitic, pham. If you think those are black features you're dropped.

Thales was a trader that travelled between Greek colonies and Egypt a lot, and he probably exchanged ideas with Egyptians in his travels.
Maybe articulate your points instead of posting "hilarious" reaction images.
And yes, Thales is one of the earlier Greek Philosophers.



Alitar was trukish

Witcher 3 copied AC series

Yup. The dev also admitted that they copied the arkham gameplay (aka don't think, just spam atk).

Bloodborne is objectively better than DS1

The witcher 3 has garbage gameplay. play dark souls for a game with good gameplay kid

Shit source with no numbers.

Combining PS4 and Xbone it did not beat two single platform games.

As for PC as well PUB has 13 million sales compaired to Wildlands 500,000.

Yes I know you can buy wild lands on Uplay but who the fuck would do that. Aside from all that Ubisoft themselves were disappointed with Wildlands sales and active users, most people got bored of it fast (which means less DLC sold).

>in which Sup Forums decides egyptians were in fact white

>nigger protag
>WE WUZ story
>loot boxes
>skip boss difficulty
can it get worse?

What happened to small turk man? :(

And 2017 has been a very uneventful year expect for PUB. And wait till the end of the year for the Christmas blockbusters to completely destroy it.

>They were christians in the first century Before Christ

I guess you could say there were very... Ahead of the times, huh?

>Being caucasian doesn't mean being white

Can you even read?

>Thales is one of the earliest Philosophers.

There, some even argue that he might be first actual philosopher but that debate will never finish.

He just bought a bunch of olive presses before the harvest and secured livelihood and just created the philosophy thing because for fun and blew those dirty sandniggers/viziers out who were tryharding for several dynasties.

>dark souls
>good gameplay
>light attack, heavy attack and roll: the game
