Don't you think it's stupid to hate things just because they're popular/mainstream?
This game is pretty fantastic
Don't you think it's stupid to hate things just because they're popular/mainstream?
This game is pretty fantastic
nah, i enjoy it bc I enjoyed arma 2 mods and that genre of game. its a good battle royale game. i want the smaller map and vaulting pronto tho
For every popular view, there is always a contrarian one.
yes it is stupid but Sup Forums is retarded
Who cares about the game, I am not jewing out money to some manchild developer who thinks he's untouchable.
I wouldn't call it fantastic. Only one map, barely any gun variety, ass optimization, etc.
It's fun. Not fantastic, but good enough to have some hours in it.
>jewing out money
game was a golden goose at one point, shitting out crates you can make fat steam bux on. i made my 30 back I spent on the game and another 50 gabe shekel. feels gud.
on top of all that I enjoyed playing the game
I don't like it because the gameplay puts me to sleep and it looks ugly as fuck.
Its fun to play 4-5 games max(with mates). After that you are done and want to play something else.
I hate shooters altogether
>at one point
So that means you can't get them anymore?
>still still have the pre-order items
They just keep going up, I can literally go on vacation selling them
It's objectively a terrible game, you can enjoy it if you want, but calling fantastic is delusional.
I've seen this thread 5 times now. Exact text and pic. Fuck off, retard.
pic related
Kill yourself op
nah they are only worth 60 cents and 80 cents now, as opposed to 3 bucks. I still make a few gabe shekels whenever I play, not much though. not enough to care desu.
gud for you user, I didn't get the game that early. Got the game in June
>bluehole is one person
When did you get bored of PUBG, Sup Forums?
Currently at 400 hours /played and it's getting really fucking boring. Winning doesn't even feel that good anymore. Won't complain considering I paid 25€ for it and made about 150€ from selling crates and other stuff.
It was a nice run
i had a strong dislike for it before it was cool.
It's a pretty fun game
It's still pretty wooden and has a number of bugs and nuisances, but the basic mechanics and principles of the game are solid
150 hours before I burnt out. Currently waiting on the new/small map and vaulting. desu I think it will continue to get better, it has with each patch thus far.
Actually, you can't. It'll be Steam wallet money which you can't put back into your bank account or paypal.
When's the vaulting going to come out?
>This game is pretty fantastic
Hah, naah.
>This game is pretty fantastic
But it's not. At all.
The performance is beyond shitty.
The gunplay is shitty.
Everything is janky as all fuck.
And most off all, the CORE GAMEPLAY is fucking shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Rewarding whoever can camp the best with their backs pushed into a corner.
And you open those crates with keys in like CSGO or what? How does it work.
I'm waiting on xbox version. I tried Fortnite BR on Friday and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. My pc can't run PubG so I gotta wait. I'll pass on it if they go through with cross play between xbox and pc though. No interest in getting destroyed by players with a superior control method.
>6000x6000 2.13mb
Kill yourself
>smaller map
What. Are they seriously gonna make new maps smaller? Part of the fun is the fuckhueg map.
>Part of the fun is the fuckhueg map
I mean, if they make the new one more detailed and interesting it'd work, considering you no one gets to see/be in 85% of the map during any match
>Don't you think it's stupid to hate things just because they're popular/mainstream?
No, I think these are some of the coolest people on the planet. Nationality, culture, etc are irrelevant in the face of the ability to totally disregard norm. One of the few types of attitudes in people I can still respect.
>play game
>get points for playing
>get points for kills
>get points for winning
>use points to buy crates
>sell crates for $$$
Even if you play 2 hours a week and make no kills you're probably making 1-2$
Fortnite will become more popular than PUBG. Why you ask?
PUBG is a good concept, but their base game and engine in unbelievably shit and buggy. They keep adding new stuff when their base is terrible. Rewriting the entire foundation of their game is an impossibly large task. It's just not going to happen. He'll probably shit out another game in a few years or so and lets PUBG die for the shit game it is.
Fortnite uses a similar concept, but their game actually runs well and plays well. It's the perfect base for a game to improve and add content over the years. Add their F2P model, and the fact that it runs on a toaster, and you've got a winner.
Not bad, can the crates be opened for in game points too?
I think it's ok to hate things just because they're pretty fucking shitty and stupid.
Incidentally, stupid and shitty things tend to be popular/mainstream, because people are fucking retarded, gullible and don't know any better.
Case in point:
>let's distill the Day Z gameplay into it's basic murderboning PvP bullshit
>and add an invisible kill-wall that makes the whole open world shit pointless
>people now love it because it's PvP run n' gun game #578
In conclusion, fuck off normie. Enjoy having fun with your poignant shitpiss games, but leave us out of it. You're not fooling anyone.
Overshit is popular too, that doesn't make it less garbage.
How do I get good at PUBG guys? Just got the game a while ago.
I also can't decide between TPP and FPP.
One one hand, I'd assume that on average people playing TPP are worse at the game than those playing first person - which is good for me cause I'm not that good either. And it makes it easier to camp. On the other hand that goes both ways, enemies can easily camp and look around corners too while FPP rewards a more aggressive playstyle.
>shitting on the current popular title
>overwatch reaction
Yeah, you don't need keys for your weekly crates. You can just open them or sell them.
However during gamescom you could get special boxes for points and for these you need to buy a key to open them. They were available for a week or so.
I still have 10 of them and will wait till the prices go up to 10€ a piece before selling them
I still keep contact with people I first played WoW with, we sometimes play other vidya too and we're all ready to jump all over Fortnite as soon as they fix cheating and add EU servers.
According to Playerunknown they'll get rid of free-to-open crates after launch. From then on you'll still get crates for points but you'll always need to buy a key to open them.
RIP the wallet dream.
I like some things about Fortnite but the building aspect is a huge turnoff desu. I wish it was what it is right now but without the ability to build. Just not enjoying that too much.
I can only play fortnite (due to toaster) but have played pubg at a friends house and it's clearly the better one.
What's realistically going to happen is everyone with a toaster/ps4 will play fortnite, and everyone with a good pc/xbone will play pubg.
i dont know about this crate shit but the gamescom ones were by far the most valuable
if you wanna make money selling them just wait for new and limited runs of crates and blow all your C on it
pubg is coming to ps4
Only on Xbone for now.
It undoubtedly will, it's going to be a few years though.
>the game is pretty fantastic
it's fun but it's not even close to a masterpiece.
It still has major performance issues, both on the end of netcode, the fact that hit detection is rendered clientside, and the unreal store assets all make the game perform like hot garbage, even on top of the line systems. If they're gunning for an official release soon they need to actually step up and fix these issues (namely the netcode and server stability) or else the influx of players looking to get into it now that it's out of Early Access will just burden the problem further (as well as the influx of xbone players who get the game as well)
Then you also have the rampant cheating problem. as of right now the top 50 or so of the leaderboards are all obvious cheaters. Accounts with less than 100 matches played with 90% win rates all across the boards while top tier players (and streamers) who have been playing nonstop are nowhere to be found, not to mention that just about every match is dominated by those aimbotters, speedhackers, and people abusing the client side hit detection to win. Battleye is highly ineffective as an anti-cheat measure, and probably also a big reason why performance is spotty at best.
I picked up the game about a month ago, got a few chicken dinners under my belt, and managed to make my money back through trading crate drops within that timeframe, but overall if we don't at least see some kind of communication from Bluehole about major problems currently going on with the game (outside of just your run of the mill Early Access buggyness), there's a good chance that someone can easily come along with another BR game and dethrone them quick.
I get that technically it's a "small" studio behind it, but with the massive influx of cash that came their way relatively quick, they should have used it to plan beter. Hire a PR firm to handle your relations, source out some actual netcode frameworks and tech to improve on the servers, and get better anti-cheat
>Don't you think it's stupid to hate things just because they're popular/mainstream?
of course, but there are plenty of other reasons to hate it
>favoring third-person is there purely out of arma-mod intertia, inevitably turning 95% of encounters into a dice roll of who first spots whose pixels before the other party sees them
>first-person only improves vaguely, but then you have to deal with the litany of bugs and fumble with sluggish, inconsistent movement and handling
>nearly-completely rng-based loot can render games completely unwinnable just on its own, at worst putting you immediately into a hopeless fight, at best leading to you sneaking around other players into an equally hopeless endgame
>contracting circle is the laziest possible choice for bringing players together: the longer the game goes on, the more luck-based it gets. whoever happened to land inside it at the end wins basically every time
>engagements are just lethal and chaotic enough that you can get fucked out of nowhere with no hope of response, but also are so tied into the loot game that outmaneuvering and outaiming the opponent can be nullified by them having lucked into sufficiently better stuff
occasionally, the game will blunder its way into interesting moments, but more as a side effect of really garbage design choices that come with enormous drawbacks
I agree the sentiment is shitty and I enjoy the game but they have a metric shit ton of bugs they need to fix STILL.
>Don't you think it's stupid to hate things just because they're popular/mainstream?
Not when mainstream taste in videogames is only above Sup Forums's in terms of how shit it is. And it's only made worse by the fact that most people are incapable of distinguishing enjoyment from quality.
>Fortnite will become more popular than PUBG. Why you ask?
literally the only thing that got Fortnite into the conciousness was Bluehole throwing a shit fit about the game, and the only thing keeping it active is that it's free to play.
Sure it's better optimized, but that's about it. The cartoon graphics are pretty bad, map is way too small for 100 people, loot/inventory system is garbage, and the building aspect is more cumbersome and complex than is necessary for what the game requires of it.
The building aspect is what sets it apart from other BR games. Being able to build and having destroyable buildings is what adds depth. And it's fun.
If it was just a generic shoot shit up game I wouldn't be nearly as interested in it as I am right now.
>map is way too small for 100 people
t. never played Fortnite
Could argue that map is too big since mid-game often goes by without a lot of action. It's definitely not too small.
I know that, but I just don't think it's doing this game any good. It's too limited. Either they'll have to add a LOT more depth to building or just don't have it at all. Right now it just comes down to some people building little fortresses at the end of a match as well as spamming stairs to shoot down from.
How on earth will PUBG work on consoles?
I enjoy it but it has plenty of problems
The same way every shooter works on consoles
silky smooth 15 fps and the lack of transparency from shitty dev will kill the game
>what is 3rd party sites
popular with chinese bots and normies wow what a great argument
But PUBG is not just any shooter.
>Can't hit constant 60fps at 1080p on a 1070
It won't. This is the classic example of a game people get super hyped for watching others play, watching videos, hearing news and so on, then it comes to console and the inevitably shit port means all the problems that are already present get 100x worse. Then all the idiots who bought into the hype realize that not only they bought a piece of hot shit, but they can't even make their money back through crates, and then the hype dies and 2 months to a year later nobody talks about it anymore.
>what is chargeback
Thirld world CPU?
>What are trusted sites with plenty of good history
Fortnite is so much better 10x more fun.
Mechanically the game is pretty good, with some small problems here and there. I just don't like playerunkown.
But it is probably the most fun I've had playing with my buds in a while. Some of them are really good and I can just dick around while they carry me and get 10 kills =^)
Ryzen 5 1600
>implying those exist
FiM was hated just because it was popular, so...
Is it worth it to open the weekly random crates or just sell them for pennies?
This is the point you want me to name one and then call me a shill right? Thats your goal right? Because I have used one before and never lost any money, some even offer payouts in BigBoyBitCoin...
Good question
Crate is like 60 cents
But many of the items you could get it from it might be 6 cents
Of course you could also get lucky and get an item worth 200 dollars
buy and open two crates a week, when your cost reaches 2800, don't bother.
I hate it because its boring and ugly.
i really want to like the game but stupid shit always happens to me
like i get stuck in a railing or something or server lags exact wrong time.
looting and interacting with anythnig annoys me, why is there such a delay?
Then idk, I have a rather good system with a 7700k and 1080 ti and I average 100 ish. I would think a 1060 would do about 60....
Maybe the game sucks at using multiple cores, which is what the AMD fuzz is about. So maybe just buy Intel like a good goy?
I literally just exited the game after giving it a demo.
the map is WAY too small. There isn't a large enough mix of "high value but dangerous" and "low value but safe" zones to drop into that dictate your performance in a given round. It's either drop in a "town" with three houses and fight 20 different people off for what little loot there is, or drop in the middle of nowhere and get literally nothing until you make your way into a town and hope that there's some loot left over.
Sure it's nice to not be stuck in the blue hell that most PUBG matches turn into, where you have to hike for 30 minutes just to get picked off right outside the circle, or worse die to the blue because you weren't fast enough to make it in time. But at the same time PUBG's larger map also provides a better spread for looting, as between the time you land and you make it to the first circle, you usually have _something_ to work with.
There's also way less incentive to camp in Fortnite, which i'm okay with. The storm moves in faster than the circles of PUBG, and even if you're in the literal opposite of where it ends up, you can reach it on foot with no problem. But with the lack of actual environment outside of buildings, the cartoon art style leaving characters to stick out like a sore thumb even from max view distance, and the absolutely garbage gunplay which allows for non sniper weapons to reach halfway across the map with no detriment (as well as hitbox issues).
It's a delicate act that both games aren't just quite hitting right. PUBG's large map makes games longer, but provides a better gearing overall, while Fortnite has shorter matches but worse experience with gearing unless you always shoot for the higher populated areas.
>gamescom crates were worth $3 last time i checked
>now $5
My 1060 6gb gets 80-100 fps in most places, but sometimes it does dip to 55 or so
Pretty smooth for the most part
2 crates a week means less than 15$ in 3 months
And they'll keep dropping in price
I think it's worth to just open them
I has gotten quite allot better during the last half year too imo, conclusion is AMD fags on suicide watch I guess?
>tfw stocked up on them when they were super cheap
i kinda want to unbox a few, but i don't want to spend my money on keys and i don't want to take the chance to get items that are worth less than the crates themselves.
if this wasn't popular Sup Forums would be making 'where my operator bros @' threads over pubg
>games close range combat is shit and buggy
>hey lets add heavy fog, people will love that
>universally hated, fog games on average have ten to twenty people leave before the match starts
>devs double down, no changes will be made
>adding more stuff instead of fixing the unresponsiveness, shows they have no clue how to fix it
>threatens legal action, under the impression that they own the Battle Royal idea and genre
Fortnite is pretty great, but filled with cheaters. I eagerly await for them to fix that and more AAA devs to get in on this craze. This E3 is gunna be nothing but this genre.
honestly it's worth it to buy like 2 of them with BP and just open them
At best you'll get some high ticket items (like anywhere from $1-$10) to flip, and at worse you'll get dupes or low value items to equip or sell.
Don't buy them from the market place unless you've already spent your BP on two. And unless you're playing long enough and well enough to get past the 5000BP required to buy your first three crates a week, you're better off just avoiding crate flips as there just aren't any rare enough items that didn't come from pre-order or twitch crates, and it's virtually impossible to make a profit from it unless you're running afk bots for BP farming.
>Sup Forums hates it only because it's popular!
I guess Sup Forums must love all those shitty underground asset flips too, holy fuck weeb mentality is on level of third graders.
>I have no idea what the actual situation of gamedevelopment are and I have no idea what the case was except the reddit headline
Fuck off redditfag
heavy fog is bad dude, no one likes it except for the shitters than cant win normal games
Personal preference is personal preference. Plenty of people like fog, plenty of people don't, personally I'm not opposed to an extra spooky fog game once in a while.
>asset flip
The Slaughtering Grounds is an asset flip, a game like pubg is using the asset store as intended as they've actually hired people they've bought assets from
i hate it because it's on early access.