Is The Witness any good? Haven't played any puzzle-heavy games since the 90s...

Is The Witness any good? Haven't played any puzzle-heavy games since the 90s, and I wasn't any good at them back then cause i was a little kid...

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It's real fuckin' good.

Now leave this thread before the mechanic that makes everyone love it is spoiled for you.

If your willing to play it blind, taking no hints and treating it like a little hobby for a few weeks, I think it's incredible.

It's built like there's an ancient language on the island, you learn it by trying the mechanics out in diff places, and then bring all that knowledge back to places you were stuck.

I think it's a genius work of art but lots of people will just look up solutions to puzzles online, and then act confused why they didn't "feel" anything. The whole thing is built as a personal journey, figuring something out is the only reward.

some of the puzzles are so incomprehensibly bullshit that you'll get angry that they exist
the world layout isn't well thought out
the puzzles can get extremely repetitive
its pretty good beyond that

If you just take it as a puzzle/exploration/walking game it's fantastic.
If you dare to delve deeper into it it'll probably leave an extremely sour taste in your mouth.

I don't always agree with his views, but I have a lot of respect for Jon Blow. There aren't many indie devs left who make their own engines and still manage to get shit done, all while striving to improve at the craft of engineering.

what a faggot

It's really fucking good if you don't expect anything more than a puzzle game.
You also have to not check any solution online for this, the whole point is to find out about the rules of the game.

The Artist of videogames. A critical darling with no legacy and that no one could give a fuck about a month after release.

It's 90 percent line puzzles you can probably download for your phone. The rest is a series of 4 or 5 well thought out puzzles stretched as thin as they possibly can and soundbites of some fags talking about various physicists and philosophers.

This. It's great. Play it.

It's amazing, go play it. Don't look anything up.

It's unironically one of my favorite games of all time.

Just be aware that it's one of those games that doesn't shower you with achievements or unlocks for solving a puzzle. The reward should be your own satisfaction with yourself for being clever enough to figure it out on your own.

It's artsy-fartsy bullshit. If you frequently shove avocados up your ass, you will enjoy it.

There is no "meaning" behind everything, and that's the ACTUAL meaning behind the game. You will do hundreds upon hundreds of line puzzles, desperately trying to understand the story, only to find that there is no story.

And you will eat that shit up like the faggot hipster you are. After all, it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey, right?

Some of the later puzzles blew my mind. As everyone else here is saying DO NOT LOOK ANYTHING UP the whole point of game progression is to teach you how to solve each puzzle by visiting the relevant areas around the map. It is incredible game design.

GOG it

It has a good point, but god-fucking-damn me does it repeats the fucking point over and over and over again. YEAH I FUCKING GET IT MY PERSPECTIVE CHANGED ALL RIGHT. HOLY SHIT.

Just try it for yourself, you might love like i did it or absolutely hate it like most of Sup Forums does.

>It's artsy-fartsy bullshit.
It is. But it doesn't detract from the game. You can quite easily ignore all of it and still enjoy the meat of the game.

Nobody in this thread is praising it for "artsy fartsy" reasons at all.

It's a fucking good puzzle game with a neat twist. That's all that matters.

Why are you pretending it's Gone Home or something.

its 2 hard

Only if you play it blind.

The puzzles are fun if you ignore the pretentious bullshit around them such as those videos and the audio quotes

Play Talos Principle, a better, longer game for like half the price.

To be honest, the actual artistic stuff in it is often really damn good.

It's when it goes into the 2derp4u territory where you can almost imagine Blow teasing his nipples while an hour long video he got from Youtube plays.

The only reason one could possibly think The Talos Principle is better than The Witness is if you're incredibly angry at The Witness for being "pretentiouss and artsy"

I played it while watching x-files and really enjoyed it

Back to your /vg/ containment threads, rpgcuck.

They're completely different and both essential games for anyone who likes the puzzle genre.

Or... play both?

I enjoyed it for a while. But the game eventually feels more tedious than interesting in how it presents a challenge.

In terms of individual puzzles, it's quite good, although that one spot in the Treehouse where the tutorial panel is after the difficult panel can go fuck itself. Each puzzle is self-contained and the game does a piss-poor job of explaining the rules, but you can always go and redo the tutorial puzzles to try and figure it out.
For a well-crafted puzzle game with overarching plot and possibly meta stuff, it's absolutely awful. Overall, great for the puzzles, terrible for the game as a whole.

>the game does a piss-poor job of explaining the rules
isn't that the point? you're reverse engineering the rules through systematic trial and error

Not really, no. You're drawing lines on grids. Prior to the Color Lab and the Sound Jungle, I had no real problems figuring out the puzzles, even the tetrominoes, but I've seen some people mash their head against a puzzle for hours simply because they can't figure it out. Especially the shape swamp.

>the game does a piss-poor job of explaining the rules
That's sort of the entire point. You're supposed to learn by yourself through testing, and through the easier puzzles. Sometimes it'll throw a curveball and make you re-think what a symbol means, but it still remains consitent with past puzzles.

It's the most artisitically valuable gave ever made and the finest example of Ludo-narrative game design we have.

Pretty much this. Walking around and changing angles is fine, but time reflection puzzles that require specific angles and take like half a minute to reset are fucking boring.

go away yahtzee

t. shallow fuck


>Find depth in something

The Witness is baby's first ludo-narrative experience after Stanley Parable or The Directors Guide. Dig deeper faggot.

No, you're literally figuring out the rules on your own, that's the entire point of the gotcha moments with the tetrominos and stars where you think you've figured it all out and the game reveals another layer of complexity in the current ruleset.

Players you are talking about who get stuck and call the game "cheap" for "changing the rules" are too bullheaded and not systematic enough in their attempts. Being able to admit you're wrong is key to solving puzzles in this game.

If you've ever tried reverse engineering code or file formats with a hex editor it requires the exact type of mindset as this game.

It's very repetitive and very heavily autistic. It has, like 5 to 6 times more content than it actually needs (and yes, this is usually called "filler"). Ultimately it's a game, built around one single moment, which has no reason whatsoever to last more than, say, 5 or 6 hours. Well, as it is, it does last 30 to 40. Also, at the same time, it's pretty much postmodernist bunch-a-bullshit. And, well, I'll leave it to you to decide, whether you consider that to be a good thing or a bad thing.

>as a puzzle/exploration/walking game
Well, it's not that good exploration-wise. I mean, Riven, RHEMs and the first half of Obduction are much more, sort of, intricate games about labyrinths. Witness just opens shortcuts, but it pretty much never actually requires the player to use them to get somewhere s/he couldn't before. Basically, the shortcuts are there to just "Ooooh, guys, everything is interconnected and stuff, duuuuude", i.e. purely for fluff.

>There is no "meaning" behind everything
Not really. There is no fixed "meaning", but that doesn't stop anyone from anyone from ascribing their own meanings to what they see. Which, subsequently, serves as pretty much the basis for communication as it is. Since, you know, everyone is ascribing to same things different meanings.

Well, the point it seems to make, is that your perspective changed AS THE DIRECT RESULT OF COMMUNICATION (I think, the author treats insights as God's communication or something, with postmodernist visage it's impossible to tell). And, well, this just isn't unconditionally right in my opinion. For me, my common sense suggests, that changes in perspective CAN and DO occur without any involvement of other people whatsoever. I mean, other that communicate, people can also THINK.

Witness and Talos Principle are the top1 in puzzle games.

Just get both and delve in unspoiled. Be patient and soak yourself in them.

I liked the Witness for the first few hours, then I couldn't finish it. It REALLY drags on. It feels like they put in a shit-ton of puzzles of the same type just for the sake of it. The game is pretty though, and if you like/are good at puzzle games then it'll really stimulate you.

While I'm here, what was the point of the recordings? If I remember correctly, none of them really had much to do with one another, they were just snippets of literature.

The recordings mean nothing in the context of gameplay. Just perspectives.

The regular pretentious recordings were basically only an excuse so they could also add some meta recordings hidden in the end-game areas where the speakers start talking about other things after reading their quotes. The "plot" of the game is basically that you're in an anti-religious indoctrination simulation.