>he plays alliance
He plays alliance
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i don't get it
We're bullying the retards and children that played alliance. However, the updated version for 2017 would be
>he plays legion
>the literal shit state of horde
>Breasts too big
Kill yourself my dude
>he unironically plays the blood elven Horde
>He's siding with a bunch of idiots who only managed to not be completely slaughtered by accepting the Alliance's sloppy seconds into their ranks, TWICE.
Sylvanas is a miracle of the universe.
They should've let us join Garrosh.
Thrall turned into a giant bitch.
Yes, user. The underdogs tend to attract a higher class of people.
I made an ally in legion, and it's true. The horde population is, and has always been of a much higher caliber.
>he plays world of warcraft
>he STILL plays wow
To be fair, I only play my ironman character once in a while.
WoW could really use a harder perma death mode to make things more interesting and make the thousands of quests not irrelevant anymore.
nublizz would never make something that actually requires effort from the player
Mythic raiding still requires effort.
>Switch to alliance
>It's not the same
>go back to horde
I realized I missed buildings with nonsensical spikes. Spikes look so nice. WoD was visually very pleasing.
well since war3 was about the creation of the horde, featuring Thrall, and most wow players started because of war3 that would mean the underdog are the races of the alliance
well let's be serious, the horde used to be better, before be
Thinking of playing again, is legion worth it?
>he doesn't play as a Blood Elf
Stop answering to fucking memes
I am Videogame Jack Johnson. Reply to me, and you get one (1) videogame fact to keep and to use.
>male blood elf
sylvanas's ice cold pussy
What does undead pusy feel like
Like cracking open a cold one after a long day's hard work.
>he takes orders from a woman
Male Belves are hot.
>he thinks the alliance are the good guys.
Videogame Jack Johnson says:
Basically unpleasant for the majority of the time, because an important part of the sexual experience is bodyheat. You might get satisfaction because of movement and vaginal tightening, but unless your emotional attachement to the undead girl is extremly high, a normal living body is obbjectivly better. Unless, of course, you are a necrophiliac.
Thats your videogame fact, presented by Videogame Jack Johnson, free of charge. Use it wisely.
>blatantly evil character liked only because she has tits
>implying Sylvanas isn't /ourgirl/
Genn please leave. You have other kids to worry about. One of them is even a dirty rogue.
>Corpsefags are still salty they got BTFO by a furry.
Stay mad.
>his son got blown out by someone who can be killed by a level 20 asshole
Horde was cool before TBC. Elves ruined them.
Thanks Videogame Jack Johnson!
Sorry, but us normal people all play humans that match our real genders, anything else is for sex deviants and edgy victims of bullying.
I like the horde more simply because The Alliance is so full of humans they had to add a human race to the horde just to be balanced
the undead shouldve been the bad guys and you know it
I play for characters who dont do anything.
>He plays video games
No one that plays wow in 2017 is a higher caliber
>having to play together with orcs and trolls because belfs are the only good looking male race
I was bullied all my childhood, yet I still played a white human male. I actually wanted to roll undead or orc, but some real life acquiescences told me to make an alliance character to play with them. By the time I was level 22, they all made new horde characters on a new server, leaving me alone. I was too annoyed and lazy to start leveling all over again that I stuck with my character for 6 years.
>Mythic + Invitational has 30k Viewers
Yeah (No One)
>he plays wow
>he actually cares about Alliance/Horde
Why are all the horde leaders, besides Thrall, constantly cucked out doing anything?
>Sylvanas is killed by a level 20 jobber and when it looks like she'll get an expansion of story Illidan shows up to steal the show
>The only expansion Vol'jin is leader for he has almost zero screen time and then is killed almost immiediatly at the start of the next one.
>Cairne and Bain have had next to no discussion since Cairne's death
>Lor'themar shows up from from time to time does something cool then goes back into stasis
>Gallywix and Jin are literal whos
>Gallywix and Jin are literal whos
erm.. who?
>he plays an evil zombie
hots is the thinkin' man's game
All trash of humanity, like wow players have always been.
>The fucking Trade Prince has done nothing since Cataclysm
I regret Rolling Goblin
Yes but the next expac will be announced next month, theres a lot of catch up mechanics so getting into high level mythics will be ez pz
HOTS is for people with an insufficient number of chromosomes.
If you think with your dick
>he doesn't play both
Real question. Are there any forsaken characters that aren't either edgelords or cartoonishly evil besides Alonsus Faol?
>tfw main is human warrior
>alt is undead DK for when my warrior "died" and Sylvanas took him over
Are there any decent RP servers left on EU or were they destroyed with the crossrealm thingie?
>nobody cares!
>these people do
>they don't count they're all shit nobody cares!
>Baine was supposed to be in Highmountain but alliance players complained too much so he got cut
>We still have to deal with tyrande crying about malfurion
>The one time Cairne did anything since WoW launched it was in a book when he died
This game was literally made for fapping to the models
Real talk, do the kangs even have two handed swords? Don't their sword art rely on speed/dancing? Wasn't there an organization based on being kang jedis? What happened, Todd?
>wants an undead character, that lives in scooby doo styled haunted underground city to be subtle
For what purpose? All of the fun of the Forsaken is the saturday morning edge. I love that shit.
The answer lies in elder scrolls: skyrim
Buy it
i think jaina being corrupted into a dreadlord is the only time i'd actually be okay with metzen tier writing
she's due for some madness with all the shit that's happened to her
also thicc
Some of the basically irrelevant NPCs are, but a lot of the Forsaken's poignancy was lost in the Cata revamp.
Fuck you Todd change your engine
quality porn exists on the internet and it's 100% free. No matter what your fetish is, there is so much content you couldn't see it all if you fapped until you die of old age. Who the fuck masturbates to ingame models and what is their malfunction?
At least there's a mild lore explanation in the fact that most people who turn kill themselves due to the stigma around being undead.
made for dick
t. man with extra chromosomes
>playing any blizzard game these days
Blizzard games have always been waifubait, it's just a shame they don't go all out. That ass could've been at least twice as fat.
who cares
>tfw play horde and still loved this cutscene
>binding jump to mousewheel makes lucio go faster
how was that possible
>vol'jin using his experience and knowledge to lead the horde effort against garrosh
>his skills contribute greatly to garrosh's downfall and vol'jin is rewarded for his efforts by being made warchief, the first warchief who isn't an orc
>has to sit on the sidelines in Warlords because Khadgar and Durotan have more important things to do
>legion comes around
>is mortally wounded by a literally who felguard on the broken shore and dies unceremoniously from his injuries in orgrimmar
>names sylvanas the next warchief because "da spirits talk to me mon" and not because she had done anything to earn that position like vol'jin had
>vol'jijn dies with no one to fill the role as racial leader for the trolls
>sylvanas becomes warchief and does nothing because legion is incredibly alliance-centric
No yeah playing Horde in Legion is great.
>muh lasthitting boogeyman
The engine is fine.
Buy my game
These threads belong in
Horde has been the center of the universe for most of the game's existence, it's time you guys took a back seat for a while. Next you're going to complain about Baine's Highmountain arc being removed because Alliance players didn't want to work with a Horde character.
players found a way to bunnyhop, and instead of patching it they are just banning players who bind jump to the mouse wheel
like, they aren't removing the ability to bind jump the mouse wheel but just banning players who do it
every single blizz thread is pure shit, just look at the current overwatch thread
>Baine literally had to be Garrosh's lawyer at Garrosh's trial
Why does Blizz hate the Tauren so much?
Horde didn't bitch about muradin questline in wotlk
>Next you're going to complain about Baine's Highmountain arc being removed because Alliance players didn't want to work with a Horde character.
I think in Val'sharah it made sense, because Malfurion and Xavius are old enemies and it would make sense to help Tyrande in that situation. Killing Vol'jin off was pointless.
It's incredibly Illidan-centric. Just because a lot of the bullshit that's going on features races more connected to the Alliance (Army of Light, Kirin Tor, Highborne/naga, Vrykul) doesn't mean there's really a feeling of Alliance spotlight. Genn cucked Sylvanas that one time in Stormheim, Alliance got a little quest chain with Anduin, that's about it.
>implying /wowg/ talks about WoW
If by "Horde" you mean Thrall? Then yes. The rest of the Horde? Hell no. The only group to get it worse then the rest of the Horde would probably be the Gnomes
So do all Final Fantasy, Mario, Sonic, GTA, fighting game, racing game, Mega Man, Skyrim, and all other games/genres threads. Better start going into all the threads on Sup Forums and telling them to fuck off if you don't want to look like a hypocrit.
Never played WoW in my life, should I start now or would it be a waste?
Who fucking knows. Even dumber is that the Celestials were going to let Garrosh off the hook
We get it, it was a trial for the other leaders and ultimately their fault Garrosh went full dindu but seriously? Motherfucker was ready to genocide literally everything and did a lot of fucked up stuff.
>because legion is incredibly alliance-centric
The only Alliance character really getting any sort of focus is Velen, and he's always been more of a neutral character anyway.
Magic's gone
only if you have at least 1 friend to play with, otherwise it's a time waster at BEST