What happened to all those interesting* games and why aren't they made anymore?

What happened to all those interesting* games and why aren't they made anymore?

*like Black & White, NOLF, Sacrifice, Battle Realms, C&C Renagade, Giants:Citizens of Kabuto, Battleforge, Battlefield 2142.

I mean modern games are all well-made, but they feel all so "stream-lined"?!

>you will never have a tall gf whose boobs press right into your face when she gives you a hug and lifts you up by your collar to give you a kiss

How long are they?

>6'0 vs 5'10"

> Black & White, NOLF, Sacrifice, Battle Realms, C&C Renagade, Giants:Citizens of Kabuto, Battleforge, Battlefield 2142.
never heard of any

Start looking at indies.

Of course AAA games are gonna be blander, they cost so much fucking money it would be clinically retarded to take huge risks.

giv giant gf

Is this shopped?

based giv poster

>tfw no amazon gf


>ywn have a short gf that you can pick up effortlessly and have her give you a suspended thighjob

What's the point of even going on

Nice joke

When Black and White's mentioned, I always die inside.
Back when Lionhead where "Okay".
I wish we got a 3rd one in the playstyle of the First game.

>tfw 6'3
>amazonian black woman stands beside me
>i have to look up to see her face
>sexy as fuck
>per proportions were normal just bigger
>fit ass
the rage that build up inside me

is this what manlets have to go through on a daily?

Why would you rage, lanklet? Insecure much?

Kill me.

stop being gay, I'd kill for a gf taller than me

A good chunk of the games he listed are unique almost entirely because they were independent ventures allowed to take risks with their budget.

what games have giant amazons

m-make them swap panties

More people buy cinematic experience shit and online shooters.

Indie games could be the answer but they are too focused on pixel shit and getting lesbians or whatever in their games.

are you casuals even underage anymore

I disagree with your use of the term streamlined. a streamlined game is one that functions self-explanatorily, intuitively, and doesn't have a shaggy UI

That aside, the reason all modern games are the same is because they are aiming for the largest possible demographic. (aka one size fits all (aka kind of but not really))

That wasn't rage, it was breeding instinct. Rape her and force her to raise your babies into 6'11 demigods.

Same reason why Hollywood does remakes. They go for the safe thing.

>the rage that build up inside me

more like.. boners haha

someone must shoop Todd

Games cost too much to make. People would rather make their money back and thensome instead of try something different and possibly lose money.

Tvh titanfall 2 has given me the same amount and kind of fun 2142 did for me.

I still hope for a 2144 or something. Nothing is quite the same as titan mode

>Battlefield 2142
Literally a streamlined BF2 for casuals.

>C&C Renagade
At this point this is just nostalgia goggles.

>spelunky, cave story, bastion, FTL, Super meat boy, Cuphead, Papers please, Braid, Fez, Hotline Miami, Terraria, Darkest Dungeon, Axiom Verge, Binding of Isaac, dorf fortress, journey, gunpoint, crypt of the necrodancer.

Just listing some indies off the top of my head that are notable.

None of them are about lesbians, are you the type of person who reads a twitter screencap and then tunnel visions on it.




He's already standing right next to the short girl

>not playing the revive project

A lot of those are pixel shit. Some are okay. I'd say we average maybe 2 worthwhile indie games per year at this point.

>amazonian black woman
>sexy as fuck

I wonder who is the absolute tallest woman athlete in history (that also doesnt look like shit), is it that polish basketball player?

>literally who games

>almost all pixel shit

Speaking of tunnel vision...

I can give you some advice if you want. For one, stop being a frogposter or anime fan.


>you will never have a tall futanari gf whose dick press right into your face when she gives you a hug and lifts you onto her cock by your collar

>stop being an anime fan

>stop being an anime fan.

tall girls are life, heels are hometown

Damn, she'd probably dwarf me and I'm a pretty average height at 5'5"

>ywn be a short gf

There's nothing sexier than a tall girl in high heels.

>average height
Yea, in an IRON FORGE

>I'm a pretty average height at 5'5"
Post your boobs.

>not being at least 5'7"

manlets, when will they learn

me on the left

where did you get that sikk pineapple tank?

>not a manlet

I'm over 6 feet tall and it hurts that this dream is pretty much impossible

>stop being an anime fan.

This. Big movie blockbusters and triple A games are almost always bland anf safe aiming for the mainstream audience.

The experimental games of yore were fairly cheap and games were still experimenting. The market was still in the bubble phase.

>giantesses think they are even considered female

Make a new dream, then. Find a tiny gf and perform mating presses on her over and over until she gives into you.

p-pls stop

>tfw over 6' but like both dwarf girls and amazons
Thankfully I'm not completely fucked
The only problem now is Actually getting a gf

You can try indie games but be prepared to shift through mountains of pixelized adventure platformers, pretentious art bullshit and just plain trash. You might find a handful of okay games.

Wtf nobody told me giantess' were actually real.

You're not alone

>stop being an anime fan

>inb4 vore/crush art spam

>Make a new dream
thats not how it works buddy

It does too, you just need to focus your chi.


It's not exactly something to focus on, but it's almost a necessity on the road to becoming an attractive partner.

>it's almost a necessity on the road to becoming an attractive partner.
I hope this post isn't serious.


>stop being an anime fan.

>you will never have both at the same time

>it's almost a necessity on the road to becoming an attractive partner.


How do we get more giant women in video games?

>boobs bigger than her face
She could lift her up and squeeze her face between her boobs and suffocate her


There is some games which tries to do things in a different way. Look at Copper dreams.

Or Phoenix point, wich could be the more innovative strategy game in a long, long time


More importantly how do I get a tall bf?


The denial and unwillingness to address what others perceive as flaws is what will make you miserable in the long game.
I'm just giving you a big fat reality check.





You cant imagine how glad I am that IC is now easily available. Tellurian mod is comfy as fuck.

I know posts like these are bait but I'll bite anyway cause fuck it I don't have anything to do.
>The denial and unwillingness to address what others perceive as flaws is what will make you miserable in the long game.
Being into anime or videogames isn't a flaw more than being into knitting or movies is. If a potential partner can't deal with the fact you watch anime, then they should fuck off, and if you're willing to drop something that makes you happy because someone else wants you to then you are a traitor to your very self

>C&C Renagade
Game was the shit. Fuck the critics and haters, I liked it.