Why did it fail?
Why did it fail?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Seriously. I would love if they would release the sales numbers already
When do sales numbers normally show up? It's been nearly a month and we've only gotten early Japan sales figures as far as I know.
Because we wanted 2d and they gave us 2.5d.
Also shit controls and forced Ridley.
Those sure are some ebony hand
Look at all those Eggman's opinions!
This, basically.
This is the most retarded thing I have ever read
It should have been on the Switch. There was zero reason to release it on a dead handheld when they have a perfectly good, brand new console in desperate need of games.
This so much. I don't think its WORSE for being on the 3ds (some of those backgrounds are absolutely stunning in 3d), but I would have much prefered if this was a switch title
Why do people always throw shitfits when a game isn't on the console they think it should have been on?
Because the 3ds is pretty clearly on the way out, and its frustrating to know the game won't get the recognition it deserves being on a dying system. As a 3ds lover, I mean that in the best way possible. It simply would have gotten way more attention on the switch
I wish I could see your face when Nintendo inevitably announces a new handheld. The Switch is a home console with a gimmick. Nintendo doesn't care about your OCD, they aren't dumb enough to squander all that potential revenue.
It's "dying", not dead. And many games have come out on the tail end of a system's life and still been recognized and successful.
Well yea, obviously. But are you really going to deny that the game would have gotten more recognition on the switch?
If it was a september switch release with HD graphics, you SERIOUSLY think it wouldn't have been recieved better?
You seem obsessed with the idea that a game can only be successful and remembered if it's on a console.
Anything memorable?
I haven't catch any so far, and I hated the new moves, teleporter and amiibo shit.
>Release game from relatively niche franchise on a handheld with a huge install base that's cheap to develop games for
>Release game from relatively niche franchise on a brand new home console with small install base that is considerably more expensive to develop games for
Yup, zero reasons to release it on a "dead" handheld.
Except we have no way of knowing that you shitter. Summerfags are supposed to leave when school starts.
Pretty sure it won't fail. It's really good classic Metroid on a system a lot of people own.
Look, cockdonkey, I'll falseflasg and shitpost as much as I please, how dare you question our culture.
It released on the 3ds.
The people who want metroid likely have a hacked 3ds.
They all pirated it.
At least find some better material than sales number autism. NA is the only market that matters, the rest are uncultured savages.
Piracy. Pure and simple.
Like said.
You want to know why Nintendo refuses to do another F-Zero? Same thing, except faggots would just cheat online too, just like they do with Mario Kart.
Feminist pandering never works. SJWs don't buy games.
This. No more female characters in games, nobody likes or cares about women and only fags want to pretend to be a woman.
Gimmick is something that changes gameplay. Portability isn't a gimmick, idiot.
Go away Josh.
>confirmed to be getting a Metroid 5 yesterday
Kill yourself, Sonyroach.
>confirmed to be getting a Metroid 5 yesterday
>There was zero reason
>an actual ownerbase to sell the game to
>much cheaper to develop for
Now fuck off, idiots
>consoles shouldn't have longtime support
Fuck you too, buddy.
>but the game would've LOOK better
cause AM2R was better
Sakamoto: “For the time being I’d like to leave [Metroid’s future] up to the imagination of all the fans who’ve supported Samus,” he said. “I think it’s likely their imagination and my own vision are in synch, and that’s what I’m hoping for.”
After the Wii U? Hell no
>no dual screens
>shit controls
fucking stop
There is not a single valid criticism of Metroid Samus Returns in this thread so far
And here come the AM2R falseflaggers, right on schedule.
not a falseflagger. AM2R is objectively the better game, better soundtrack, better atmosphere. 2D is generally better than 2.5D and nintendo added a bunch of unnessecary bullshit
shut up josh
I won't be buying it until Christmas, its a viciously busy time of year.
I'll give you one then, enemies are made too durable to encourage you to stop and melee counter every one of them, completely ruining the pace of the game up until you get the Plasma Beam.
that is wishful thinking, not a confirmation
Shut up dummy I watch the game footage and it's fan art that moves, don't be a fag
I liked it but it dragged on too long and they designed it to be annoying instead of challenging, which made it feel like a chore at points. None of the areas had identity. Also, whoever had the idea of the bosses leaving at a certain health level to go to another room should be fired.
Yes yes yes random people on the internet are gods of making games because the evil corporate Jews blah blah blah.
>nintendo added a bunch of unnessecary bullshit
Such as?
There is a reason: it's cheaper to rush out a 3ds game in a year than it is a Switch game.
Enemies are toooo hard. Awww
>counter destroys pacing
>I literally do not pick up missile packs
Nigga it's easier to dodge than counter. Maybe if you mentioned the hardened enemies that require rapid fire or power bomb I would have given your opinion a chance.
melee counter for one never said any of the sort of things about jewish overlords though. have you checked your eyesight recently?
It's pretty much confirmation, dipshit.
No, they all have the exact same routine and choreographed tell that makes melee countering simple, and then the game rewards you by giving you a charged shot and aiming for you. There is no challenge whatsoever. It's exactly the same deal as the sense move in Other M.
Missiles are suboptimal. They fall out of use entirely long before you get the super missiles, with the melee counter being the ideal way to deal with every enemy.
Every time someone tries the "better made" "argument" it's always because they think Nintendo are cheap Jews who hate 2D sprites. Are you going to answer my question?
You know you can freeze enemies with the ice beam then melee them for an instant kill right?
Because the 3D backgrounds look really cool and having dual screens for your map and equipment is a great QoL feature for a 2D Metroid game.
thats some spicy projecting you have there
also read the first part of my post. the one linking to the other post. maybe read that too to get a full understanding
>gimmicks are cool!
Fucking kids ruining video games.
>with the melee counter being the ideal way to deal with every enemy.
Confirmed that you didn't even finish the game. At worst it extends enemy encounters by a second, at best it's completely avoidable. Why do you want to go back to brainless enemies doing nothing but scooting on the floor?
>just don't use it! xD
How about the game not incentivize its use so heavily by making it give you shitloads of aeion whenever you counter as well as being a convenient way to instantly kill everything? Besides, you can't freeze everything with the ice beam.
Huh. Not the person you replied to, but I've been using missiles this whole time with the Ice Beam. Did not know melee was a OHKO. Thanks.
only nintendo thing I own this generation is a 3DS
eat shit Josh
I have no idea who Josh is
A lot of people didn't use the ice and missile combo.
The frogs die by one missile without freezing.
>shitloads of aeion
You fucking wish.
>Oh no, an enemy! Gotta mash X like the game told me to ONCE then never again! Dear god why is sakamoto ruining my beloved metroid!!!??!?
This is literally you right now. You never have to use counter after the first bat, if you think it's a complete fucking crutch then guess who's fault that is?
I used ice beam almost exclusively for metroids and it worked pretty well
Don't you have to spray your console, Sonyroach?
Even if I force myself to play in a retarded manner like these, that doesn't negate my point at all. Why do I need to freeze enemies and instantly kill them instead of just shooting them with my beam? Can you name any other Metroid game where the enemies were so spongy?
>Why do you want to go back to brainless enemies doing nothing but scooting on the floor?
That's a really nice strawman. Speaking of which, you don't have a brain. There's no difference between those types of enemies and the ones in Samus Returns that make a loud noise then rush at you to be countered. Both require no thought whatsoever to deal with, but the latter requires me to stop if I want to deal with them.
>just don't use it! xD
This is your only argument because you know the whole thing is fucked.
Mercury steam
It didn't, you insufferable faggot
>but the latter requires me to stop if I want to deal with them.
You keep saying this as if it's true but you really don't know anything that you're talking about. Have you even tried to deal with a minor enemy without pressing X like it's the fucking QTE button? It actually legitimately sounds like you don't understand that the counter is OPTIONAL and works only to your benefit.
All you're doing is parroting the same three sentences while saying that I'm the one without a brain. Don't you have any other criticisms besides "My brain cannot process more than one way to deal with an enemy now that the counter exists"?
>dead handheld
Largest install base. Opinion discarded.
>robots are color coded to use beam burst and give you more aeion.
>you can kill without the ice beam but you have to mash really
>you can be efficient and use the ice beam combo
> you can use beam burst outside the places they make you use it. you can open charge shots doors with beam burst.
> you can make gamma metroids not flee on area 3.
>You can use phase drift on omega and the queen battle to kill them faster.
>You can spiderspark on the queen's head.
>You can power bomb the omega's to destroy their portection.
You can single wall jump.
> You can spiderspark diagonally.
> You can kill ridley faster with beam burst.
> You can use lighting shield to go through enemies without stopping.
How the hell do you force a boss that's appeared in some way in almost every single entry in the franchise? Ridley's appearance in SR has plot relevance anyway. We can assume that the space pirates sent him after her to kill her before she can strike at them again (because she will since space pirates killed her parents) and Ridley just so happens to find her escorting a freshly hatched infant metroid. Of course, something being escorted by Samus would have to be dangerous, powerful or something else right? The whole final fight against Ridley in SR helps to better set up exactly how Ridley even know where the infant Metroid was.
They’re releasing a mainline Pokémon game for Switch. That alone confirms there will be no supplementary handheld-only condole.
The melee counter triggered you that much?
Sales numbers usually do not show up. Most of the records that Sup Forums pulls up are completely fabricated
>phase drift
I only used that to powerbomb the queen without taking too much damage
>spiderspark diagonally
Neat but unfortunately never used for a secret
>powerbomb omega protection
I never even knew that, there were only a few metroids left after you get it anyway so I had mastered the patterns already
>A port of an already existing 3DS game because Switch barely has games and Pokemon sweetens the deal
Stop the presses! Gamefreak confirmed for dropping 3DS!