Unpopular opinions

Post your unpopular opinions.

I think multiplayer prevents that good games are being made.

leftards are ruining videogames

I think every game with a single player campaign has no reason to have a multiplayer option where you just play a nameless character to follow the story of the main guy

I think Persona 4 is a much better game than Persona 3.

The Witcher 3 isn't an RPG.
Skyrim is objectively better than Oblivion but still sucks.
Sup Forums is 90% redditors and normies.
All of the above are undeniable facts.

I'd love for you to elaborate on this.

I'm interested in the perspective that creative works can somehow cannibalize other creative works, like games/art/vision is a limited resource or something. It makes so little sense it's fascinating.

That's not an unpopular opinion, user.
It's an unpopular truth

>Sup Forums is 90% redditors and normies.
Not unpopular.

Do I have to reach out for it?
But seriously, everyone on Sup Forums sucks P3's dick when I much prefer the campy SoL story and fun characters/great group dynamic of 4

Cuphead isn’t visually appealing. It’s kind of cool at first, and a nice homage to older cartoons, but it just gets irritating after a while.

Procgen is a fucking joke and unless you can actually interact with the level Nethack style, or at least Spelunky style with the digging and explosives, why is it even in the game?

I hate the new Wolfenstein games it annoys me that they have absolutely no multiplayer even tacked on death match would be cool

Mass Effect 1 is the only good game in the series.
Mass Effect 3 is far superior to 2, 2 is the worst game in the series.

I think that if there would be more story driven games than the general quality of games would improve.
Like if you take a book for example, if you buy one, you get a unique story which can be build up upon.
Multiplayer would be the same book, same story just with a few minor details altered every time you read it again, it gets boring after a certain amount of time.

Also on a side note, there should be more co-op play in story driven games, about 2-4 players max.

I think so. When you think about it, companies doing multiplayer games are companies that would jump onto any bandwagon to make some bucks anyway.

If "great games" were made everyday by everyday, every game would be mediocre as well. And bandwagon companies would just copycat formulas that work.

You might want to look into playing tabletop RPGs if you don't already.

>Sup Forums is 90% redditors and normies.
He said opinions, not fact

You can unlock some filters that makes it even better


I do actually, it is great fun.

But I solely wish that vidya would be similiar.
I don't mind multiplayer as a format, but I really think that much great potential is being destroyed by money driven greed which multiplayer games are mostly.

>I think so

I meant, I *don't* think so.

Controllers ruin games from the initial development stage of being so limited.
A G13 + mouse, outside of game specific devices, is the pinnacle of what controls look like. 'More comfortable' is not an argument.

Witcher 3 is a very good game.

Half Life 2 is shit
MGS 3 is boring

You seem to think that if multiplayer didn't make money, then people would exclusively make single player story based games, instead of something else.

You realize that's not the case right.

Why is 2 worse than 3?

You have way more side quests, tons of choices that impact the story and the way other characters interact with you, interesting new characters like Mordin or Legion, and the final mission is such a thrill ride.

Mass Effect 3 took away an entire dialogue option, you have basically 3 choices in the entire game that affect anything, side quests all involve you walking around the citadel listening to conversations, the new characters are all ass, and the only good part about the entire game is Tuchanka. Everything else is shit

wow save this for your eighth grade essay

Not OP, but you sound so far up your own ass it's fascinating.

It's a little self centered to think everything that doesn't cater to you is robbing you of things that would otherwise. Grow up.

They should completely drop the Final Fantasy series as a whole, and strictly focus on the Kingdom Hearts series because the sad truth is the last good Final Fantasy game was IX

I think the shilling of cuphead was done in a tasteful manner

t. paid cuphead shill

>I think Sonic Adventure 2 is consistently better than 1
>DOOM '16 is better than DOOM II
>The first FNAF was a good horror game
>Earthbound's atmosphere is way better than Mother 3's
>These past two years have been better for vidya in general than the last decade almost
>Half-Life 1 is far better than Half-Life 2, maybe rivaling Ep 2
>Overwatch is too controlled of a game to remain consistently fun

Sup Forums is the best vidya community on the internet

Because 3 didn't ruin the series, 2 ruined the series, so 2 is by default the worse game. 3 can't be worse than 2 because it wasn't the first game to completely squander the insane potential Mass Effect 1 had going for it. Mass Effect 1 was made by Bioware, Mass Effect 2 and 3 were made by EA.

Also 3 added shit back in like an inventory, weapon customization, a better skills list, and actually had decent combat which wasn't nerfed to shit, unlike 2.

Im consider myself a huge Zelda fan, but absolutely despised Breath of the Wild. Please go back to being linear

I like the shooter sections in the Darksiders games.

Top bad the last good KH game was KH1

KH2 was amazing and can easily hold contention for greatest game of all time.

Sure, my preference is self centered but whose isn't?

But that's not the case, I simply state that gaming get way to repetitive, which it wouldn't if there would be more single/co-op player games would be made.

Games that are story heavy, cinematic and that have QTE boss fights can be the best games ever if pulled just right. Like Bayonetta, MGS or MGR:R.

Gameplay is overrated because it is very easy to get tired of it. There needs to be a very big focus on human interaction (like you see in Attorney Online, Epic Mafia and MMORPGs) or great scenes (like in the cinematic games I mentioned above)

fuck off back to Sup Forums nazi

Metal Gear Online 2 was godawful, a straight up run n' gun headshotfest where you just instantly die or instantly kill someone. Even the first Metal Gear Online on PS2 was better. I even enjoyed the overly kung-fu and cardboard box oriented Portable Ops more.

Metal Gear Online 3 is much better designed overall and actually features stealth and more playstyles than just instantly headshotting everything.

But stories done well in games will never be better than stories in movies or literature. Games should instead aspire to use gameplay to convey ideas. If not, they might as well not be games.

I'd hedge a bet that the user you're responding to doesn't consume any other media than games and cartoons, so he's not getting his fill anywhere.

Which is why he would pine for those thing in games.

t. person with no friends

And you are one of them

Only kikes, shitskins and useful idiots are against E-Sports.

Capcom is the worst offender of nostalgia pandering. They need to stop referencing older works and should let their series just die despite fans demanding sequels like MML3 and DMC5.

>GTA: Chinatown Wars is the best GTA game in the entire series.
>GTA: San Andreas does not hold up to scrutiny, superficially it's fun but there are a lot of problems that people just hand waive due to nostalgia.
>Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game.
>Star Fox has never been good outside of Star Fox Adventures.
>QTE's can be a lot of fun if implemented correctly
>Sonic Adventure 2> Sonic Adventure
>Sup Forums's best period was in 2011
>Rockstar and CDProjektRed are the only remaining Western developers I care about.
>Castlevania SoN did Metroid better than Metroid.

Of course games can pull better stories than movies and literature. Imagine if Metal Gear Rising Revengeance was done in a book, it'd be awful since the theme is not near mature enough or complex enough. And the game wouldn't fit in a 2 hour long movie without some cutting. There's also how it feels good to actually play a role in many scenes. We'll be seeing a Metal Gear Solid movie soon, let's see if it really is better in a movie

I occasionally read some fiction. But it's stuff like Dostoevsky, Dante Alighieri and Douglas Adams. No idea how anyone can have patience for reading things like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

You are stating your completely subjective opinion.

2 and 3 were both made by Bioware, just produced by EA. 3 is the most unfinished feeling game in the series. The combat is almost identical between 2 and 3, your customization options in 3 are awful.

2 is still a good game because they put effort into it. Yeah you can say that thermal clips are dumb, but the overheat mechanics and wild shot mechanics weren't fun. The combat in 2 feels much tighter and more refined than in 1. The only fun class to play was biotic, where as in 2 ( and 3) all of the classes are pretty fun

>but there are a lot of problems that people just hand waive due to nostalgia
Like what, apart from the dogshit territory control that everyone hates?

>GTA: Chinatown Wars is the best GTA game in the entire series.

>GTA: San Andreas does not hold up to scrutiny, superficially it's fun but there are a lot of problems that people just hand waive due to nostalgia.
Not unpopular, more like the general consensus

>Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game.
You certainly never played Super Mario Galaxy, the actual best Mario Game. I mean, 3D World has a bunch of 3 minutes long worlds, how is that possibly the best mario game.

>Star Fox has never been good outside of Star Fox Adventures.
I too dislike Star Fox and also a lot of people

>Rockstar and CDProjektRed are the only remaining Western developers I care about.
You and the rest of Sup Forums

The rest is good and indeed unpopular

the kingdom hearts series is absolutely embarrassing trash in all respects and anyone who thinks otherwise either has massive nostalgia or is utterly deluded

the same also applies to final fantasy to some extent

That's my opinion for most turn based games

The japanese gaming industry is in a worse state than the west. Old corporate ceos are stifling the industry there, resulting in large amounts of repetition and lack of innovation. The west still faces this, but the indie industry, no matter how self absorbed and pompous you believe it to be still manages to make new and interesting games; whether this be due to sheer volume of games made or just better game design is irrelevant. i still love doujin circle games, but they do not receive as much industry attention as western indie games get

>useful idiots
What do you mean by this?

The micro-transaction in SoW are not nearly as bad as people think because it's mostly based on Orks and you are an absolute retard if you think the game is "grindy"

I've seen so much worse from other games like ass creed and overwatch.

Read the thread theme.

Nier: Automata is not a good game and is extremely overrated. On par with Bioshock Infinite in its disappointing gameplay & pretentious plot.

Is it the same character?

that's not unpopular at all

Arcade mode in fighting games is a stupid waste of time. All fighting games need is local multiplayer, good netcode and a good practice mode.

Yes, he is.

All Metroid games have been equally linear, some are just more obvious than others. And the Metroid Prime series is over rated and ruined by their terrible controls

Minecraft is still fun to play and revisit everyone now and then if you try to put aside the stigma and cancer surrounding the game. I've been playing it on my Switch for the past week and I have been enjoying myself.

I agree, but Minecraft on console...?

Well there's that issue you mention. The storyline outstays its welcome and quickly becomes aimless, just seems like it was stitched together. The shooting is unsatisfying and clunky. Drive-bys are even more awkward. The RPG stat managing stuff is novel but inconsequential, it even gates behind better controls for driving, cycling etc. I still think it's fun to mess around in the massive sandbox and the sheer variety is captivating, which is why we spent so much time with it as young people but the individual elements are just lacking.

>>I think Sonic Adventure 2 is consistently better than 1
>>The first FNAF was a good horror game
They are all good horrors, but more for the story rather than gameplay
>>These past two years have been better for vidya in general than the last decade almost
Last year was shit but this year is great
>>Half-Life 1 is far better than Half-Life 2, maybe rivaling Ep 2
Obviously a fact
>>Overwatch is too controlled of a game to remain consistently fun
Again, pure fact

I prefer Daedalic's adventure games to LucasArts

I found Half-Life 2's plot to be incredibly boring, i can't remember any of it except the fat priest, only fun character. I recognize the game's importance as far as mechanics, physics and shit go, but then i see people crying all day about how they just want more of the story and i don't get it

I will concede it's pretty awkward but doesn't ruin the experience for me. I'm a normalfag who's barely ever at home ao I play Switch and DS more than anything else.

>Last year was shit
Not really
DOOM '16, and I count Persona 5 as a last year's game. Overwatch was good in it's beginning too, but like you noted it got stale later in the year.
Wasn't as good as this year by a longshot though, but it was the beginning.

Nier Automata was a step down in most aspects from Nier. The music was better and the gameplay was tighter, but the story was awful and cliched. The romance subplot was horrible, and the world felt woefully empty just as an excuse to call it open world.
Fighting the credits was amusing and deleting your save was a good move, but it felt removed from the rest of the game to the point of being distracting.
I give it a 7/10.

It's wrong because multiplayer games are made specifically because they offer a different type of gaming compared to single player.
Since overwhelming majority of games focus on either multiplayer or singleplayer, not both you'd just have less games overall, not more single player games.

I have no legtimate problem with women, trans or gay in videogames, or videogames pushing that angle. I realized that the extreme examples that are often cited are highly exaggerated, and the work of single crazies on the other side of the political spectrum, and can safely be ignored.

There is proper reasoning for an opinion, and then there is just thinking that everyone else should think just like you do.

>The shooting is unsatisfying and clunky
I'd disagree there, I found the hyper lock-on spam to just get faster and faster, made shootouts very fast-paced and fun for me.

Otherwise yeah.

you first neofag

I think that Senran Kagura is a great series and it's overlooked simply because of it's unabashed desire to provide fan service.

RE 5 is a better game than RE 4

This. I've found that it's just not worth the effort to get mad about them. If being represented in a game makes them happy, that's all I can ask for.

When its such obvious pandering, then the game just isn't for me, and that's okay.

Gameplay becomes boring the moment it becomes too easy, repetitive, mundane or just tiresome. Big part of designing good gameplay is creating something that avoids this sort of problems.
It is notoriously difficult though, and that is one big reason many games choose to allocate resources into other areas when designing the game. If the gameplay alone isn't enough to keep players playing, using music, story, technical presentation and other elements not directly related to how the game is played to keep them in.
Just as often as it can create an interesting and unique experience, it's also just used as a lazy way to try and add value to game when imagination fails with design. Something like The Order 1886 is a prime example of how games rely on things not-gameplay just to gain interest...and how it can definitely backfire pretty badly.

Princess High Ground m8

But the games are boring without the fanservice. The only trouble I had in shinovi versus were the two dlc campaigns. Everything else was a cakewalk that felt unsatisfying

Yes the only thing I get annoyed at is obvious pandering, and it does happen unfortunately.

Also people getting upset that you can customize your appearance in multiplayer games such as WW2 CoD to be whatever you want. Who gives a shit if its in multiplayer.

QTEs are fine in short bursts and if they are blended into the gameplay

Thanks for this user, I needed to know if there was someone else like me and thought it was stupid as fuck from the perspective of all 3 characters too
Also ontop of the fact you play as fanservice androids instead of something actually unique in a post-apocalyptic world

Yeah, obvious pandering is where I just kinda go "well that sucks". A lot of the time though it's just in the game and not a major portion of it.

And yeah, it's customization! It would be worse if you couldn't customize your character beyond what is historically accurate. The control is in the players hands, why is giving people options bad? I just don't get it.

JRPGs are not videogames in the same way that walking simulators are not video games.

not vidya but I think the Dragonball series is absolute horse shit

Yeah. I don't think the game is terrible or anything, but it isn't great once you take a step back. I wouldn't mind the robots if any of them were was fleshed out as 9S was by the end of his arc. The others are just one note characters made to fill a checkbox.

Cutting edge graphics and photorealism don't mean shit if the game has no soul

He has proper reasoning for his opinion, you just don't like it.

Undertale is kike propaganda, and Chara did nothing wrong.

Devil May Cry and Bayonetta both have one of the most uninspired and lazy combat designs ever made.

relying on mods fucking sucks

kek, nice argument you have there.

Knowing what defines a "redditor" probably makes you one. If you're not visiting reddit, you wouldn't know that.
A "normie" is a subjective term. If somebody likes a game you don't like it doesn't make them a normie per say.

How do I get trips?