What was your favorite skill in Runescape?

What was your favorite skill in Runescape?

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Fletching and Runecrafting


I used to have this route where I visit plots and use that giant tree to teleport and use that gnome glider to fly around desu desu desu.

Also Dungeoneering cause it's comfy

Working up the courage to try and sell something in Varrock West, despite my crippling social anxiety.

>selling thing!
>how much?

I've always had a thing for Mining and Smithing.

Something just felt so satisfying about being able to mine materials and make my own armor for free.

It's too bad it becomes wildly disproportionate to your combat levels after you can make steel.

Thankfully ironman mode sates my self-sustainable boner just fine, but I still have a soft spot for those skills.

I will never forget hitting the first 10, then the first 20 and then the first 30.

>Selling thing!


I guess I just want my own house since it's impossible IRL

farming. No other skill respected a slow pace of play, or routine. Every other skill was grindgrindgrindrdigfhgdjd. But farming was impossible to "farm", believe it or not, so it forced people to actually play the game.

not playing Runescape

>Don't have that much. The rest in Ess.
>o-ok... Th-thanks for buying...!

play Sup Forumsscape




I don't know why but I vividly remember my first 27.


Slayer was my shit.

so comfy
....I can't believe I wasted so much of my young life just clicking and waiting...


fishing lvs?




Woodcutting was pretty comfy.
I'd level up defence so that I could annoy all the strength pures with bad atittudes.

This is an old map

>lol noob

Ok Sup Forums, what's ur max hit?




Slayer by far, got all combat skills to 99 while having a blast slaying.

I think it was called herbalism, or maybe it was farming but I had this route that I would go on everyday and it was always so fun traveling all across the world. Damn I miss those days.

Fishing lobsters

Not mining. It was my highest skill but fuck it was tedious and high stress world jumping/wildy mining for that sweet rune ore.

It was the fastest way to make money in F2P if I remember correctly though. Got a santa hat by mining rune ore.

For comfy skills woodcutting and fishing.

how come it keeps asking for the authenticator to my real rs character


83 on slayer task
140 on bosses
250 in raids

Non-combat are the best skills, fishing being my personal favourite.
Nothing will beat chilling at Catherby with your friends after a long day at school.

which one did you choose, anons?

High detail at home, low detail at school and the library

Low because my dad's laptop that I snuck into my room then relocated to the lounge room at night where the phone jack was so I could connect via 56k was slow.

>256MB ram 450 MHz CPU

that is for importing your real rs character to the server silly

>when you completed knights sword quest and got about 13k xp
That really helped a lot to get the ball rolling so you could make steel items pretty fast, I liked smithing but damn was it slow especially if you mined your ores.
I eventually got 99, it was worth it.


Back when I'd go to the haunted house in the member zone and kill the hands for materials to make rings, which I would then enchant and sell for dosh.

I play RS3

Slayer was my first 99.

fuck off faggot

because Sup Forumsscape is a shitty knockoff with 100x xp and they steal your character

also when did the numbers get so fucking big?

low of course. I didn't own one of the supercomputers at school that could run it in high detail mode.

RC because getting 99 back in 05 made me like 600m which easily let me buy a phat set with tons of cash to spare. Easily the best moneymaker in the game for as long as I could remember.

it's some semi-recent ranged weapon that costs like 1b, is broken against bosses and is basically the OSRS version of hexhunter from dung


when i was younger it was woodcutting but now it's magic