This game is a bit boring
This game is a bit boring
this thread wont go quietly, Sup Forums can count on that
forgot to take your ritalin today user?
It's actually not, in reality it's the most entertaining Fallout to date.
Nope, its literally perfect.
Mod in A World of Pain.
pop some concertas and you'll be fine user.
Yeah it is, that's why I download new enemy spawn locations to turn the desert into giant battlefields inbetween safe zones. at least it's fun to shitpost about the various factions though
it certainly isn't
cause it doesn't have a sequel
>le I'm 30 years old and only the original outdated Fallout games are good!!!!!
Epic meme friend
>This game is a bit boring
I've tried to play this game twice and every time I get to Vegas I end up getting bored and quit. Just doesn't seem interesting when it seems like all the fun stuff is in one part of the map, I just really like exploring.
I still have it installed, convince me to play it again I guess, Sup Forums.
If exploring to you is just "look a new place", there's still a bit of that left. If it's just a general feeling of discovery, you get this feeling from interacting with and working for the various factions and people. Just my two cents.
It's honestly garbage only liked by fedoras and numales
Not OP, but i won't take that shit anymore, i can't sleep :(
Really made think...
>Play DUST
>Get instakilled by some random hillbilly with shitty 9mm rifle
dont play bad mods
>700 hours played
>have never played a single game of caravan
Fuck you it's best Fallout.
>not an argument
You fucked up your supposed to go to a mission far away and end up discovering a bunch of people to talk too who then give you cool areas to explore and find the backstory about.
This isn't borderlands.
It's free money
Being the most entertaining fallout and being extremely boring are not mutually exclusive
Heavy guns builds are really underrated in this game. There is nothing as fun as tearing through a hallway full of raiders with a minigun.
Come on now user, NV is one of my top games and imo the best fallout but by no means is it perfect.
What part of the map?
The only thing i hate is how hard are some of them to find. On the top of my head the earliest heavy weapon i can get my hands on early is Anabelle in Black Mountain
There is also a mod that restores the "big guns" skill that was absent from the game.
I would say it has boring bits, but it's still a great game.
putting 50 gold bars in a scrap of father elijah and carrying that to the dead money exit is free money.
also rolling 10 luck from the start and getting banned from all the casinos
if i wanted to play cards i would go to grandmas, nigger
you should try out old world blues
the map is small but really, really dense with lots of cool shit to find, it's very reminiscent of fallout 3's approach where you start off in the middle of the map, pick a direction and see what comes up
I just started a new playthrough what level should I be before doing old world blues?
It's alright
it's the closest thing though
>only original fallout games are good
Yep, you're not wrong for once.
the game recommends around level 15, you could probably manage it at a lower level if you being some good weapons
>There is also a mod that restores the "big guns" skill that was absent from the game
It has no reason to be in the game anyway
Is there any way to make Freeside Open not destroy my game? Love what it does but it's so buggy
Should have combined melee and unarmed too desu.
If they had more time to sort it out then it would be. And honestly I always get the impression that obsidian are too ambitious in their projects as well. As good as the dlcs (namely dead money and Honest Hearts) were, I would have preferred they used some of that time to fix the base games problems and add cut content.
yeah but now that the dust has settled what did i think of fallout 4?
Agreed, probably the worst of the modern Fallouts.
>I would have preferred they used some of that time to fix the base games problems
They did. Every DLC also released with a general purpose patch.
The time they had to make DLC was given to them by Bethesda specifically to make a DLC for them to sell, not finish what they started with the base game.
I'm mean more stuff like the cut legion content but fair enough. I understand that they had to make dlc but it's still a shame.
Are the DLCs worth buying? What order should they be played in? Is the loot good?
scare the living shit out of me
essential mods for hardcore mode?
and female looks?
Whatever happened to all those New Vegas Threads? Did the mods start buckling down on them after a while or just a loss of interest in making boring generals?
Just pirate them
Release order
Definitely worth, it's usually agreed upon that they're worth playing in release order
HH and DM can be played interchangeably though
You can do them at pretty much any level
Any level, but with high Energy Weapons skill and the Sprtl-Wood 9000.
It melts roboscorpions.
>Are the DLCs worth buying?
You can pirate them and install them like mods
>What order should they be played in?
Lonesome Road is clearly meant to be played last and around the endgame, the rest is up to you
>Is the loot good?
So good that it kind of trivializes the game
why does reddit and Sup Forums love New Vegas so much? Other games that Sup Forums overrates to death like Morrowind and Dark Souls are universally praised but New Vegas is so and so even by Fallout fans
What kind of "fans" are we talking about? The ones that like 3 & 4, i.e. dumb cunts that aren't worth any attention?
Its ok honestly. its bogged down by the shitty fallout 3 mechanics but at least the writing is a bit better. It's a really mediocre fps/rpg hybrid and that really just tends to bore you. People who like this game and disregard the original games are the audience for this. They don't know any better so leave them to it.
Yes, and Yes
Dead money gives you a new house and a vending machine which lets you create infinite items. Honest hearts gives you .45 weapons, and some new recipes. Old world blues gives you yet another home and some pretty wonky weapons, including a gun that instakills everything in one hit due to a script. Lonesome road upgrades ed-e and gives you a badass suit of faction free ranger armor(armor seen on boxart)
Lonesome road first, ignore all other posts. You will thank me later
Every dlc pack increases level cap by 5 and adds new perks/traits as well. Gun runner's arsenal also adds unique weapons, mods and ammo types in all major stores
It's a glorified expansion pack to a mediocre game. What did you expect?
Anyone else completely burnt out from Fallout?
No matter which game I play, if I try to start a new character I just feel overwhelmed and stop playing after an hour or two because the game world is too big and there's too many quests and stuff to do.
I've played all the Fallout games so many times that at this point it feels like a job to play them, such a chore. Like I'm some sort of playtester forever destined to play the games.
I just wish I could play Fallout NV and enjoy it like the first time. I wish I could swallow a pill that would make me forget everything I know about New Vegas so I could experience it all over again from the start.
>a burger
Everyone knows this fucker is a kike.
Theres a lot to do in these games, but Jesus there's only so much content. Find something else to play until the next fallout releases.
Dead Money
>BAR is a good alternative to This machine
>Gold Bars in end dungeon are free money
>Holorifle is pretty neat
>Infinite stimpaks once you get the Sierra Madre chip recipe from Christine.
Honest Hearts
>Survivalist Rifle, M1911 and Thompson are top tier guns
>Desert Ranger armor great if not NCR (still great if with them)
>Not loot, but Randall Clark, the Survivalist. Just read his terminals.
Old Wolrd Blues
>Elijah's LAER toppest tier energy weapon.
>Stealth Suit Mk.II best girl
>Sonic Emitter is pretty alright.
>Protonic Axes and Saturnite Fists are excellent melee/unarmed choices.
Lonesome Road
>SMMG and Red Glare are great
>All Riot Armor variants.
>Sierra Scorched T-45d if you nuke NCR (will cause you lose reputation).
Yep, worth it.
Have you considered not playing the games you moron? Just wait like 3-5 years or longer before replaying them, they'll feel fresh
Man, I've already done that. I've just bought Fallout 4 and all the DLC for 20€ on a keysite and started modding it but I can't bring myself to play it. Even though I know it's inferior to FNV I can't even muster up the will to get started with the game.
I think I'm just depressed.
Duh, what do you think I've done? I haven't really played NV since 2014, and I played F4 once when it came out and stopped playing after a week. But my memory is too good, I remember everything about the games.
>I think I'm just depressed.
You really are a moron, if you were genuinely depressed you wouldn't have the energy or will to mope about something this trivial
Dead money at low level sounds impossible
Not really, there's many types of depression and not all of them will keep you in bed all day.
play ttw
Dead Money's lowest set level is 5. You'd have a hard time with the stat checks but it would be possible to finish it
That's what I've been doing with NV the last few days. But it just feels weird.
Iirc the enemies in dead money don't start scaling with your level until level 7
>lonesome road first
can you explain your reasoning behind this
Maybe playing a shitter game will rekindle your appreciation for NV. Beyond that all I could suggest is thinking up a very specific character and sticking with it, maybe the direction of acting as they would and only taking quests that align with their interests will help your focus and prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed.
The Cyberdog gun is so dull this is the first time I've seen it mentioned in months. I almost forgot it existed
Protip, just ignore anything and everything Fallout until you have a genuine urge to play the games again, simple as that. It might take YEARS, but it'll happen eventually.
it's doable, a good challenge, and you get some good rewards after it's done
you won't get any use out of the duster or the nail gun, or the flare gun, or mres, or other items, unless you do it straight after primm. just do it, man, it's a journey. you can do the mile when you feel like it, tho
it's supposed to feel weird. even better when modded
you get infinite ammo from the sierra madre machine, it makes for a great, if heavy, scoped rifle. .44 is just too hard to get in large amounts
500 hours here.
I tried only once.
Have no idea how it works.
>t. Sergeant Dornan
>.44 is just too hard to get in large amounts
I agree wholeheartedly. I recommend this "Fallout 4" game instead if you want to have some fun. The DLCs were also awesome, so you might wanna buy them too.
Is it because there's chronology in the events, because I read there were references in one dlc after another.
Why can HH and DM be played out of order? Any particular reason?
I don't tend to visit hoover dam until end game, and I always side with house
I play on the Xbox. I'm not a pc guy.
Is the loot good enough that I should steer clear of bringing vanilla weapons with me into the DLC?
great khan armory tends to have lots of ammo for sale too
Most of the lore based checks for ulysses' extra dialogueas well as some difficult locks are too much for a player fresh out of spawn. I think the optimal thing to do is to go through the first bunker only for the US army gear+general outfit and nail gun and then go back to the wasteland.
It's piss easy to break, but only a few NPCs play and by the time you assemble an optimal deck you won't need the money anyway.
I have this too, in reality you go and do a lot of boring repetitive things 90% of the time and get to enjoy the remaining 10%. If you're done you're happy with your badass character but to do it all for virtually the same reward? That feels like work.
Maybe it's better to have a relaxed attitude when playing these games, like when you're driving around but even so since much of the dialogue is the same I can't stand doing that so I end up rushing.
Sounds like that's your problem, not the game's problem.
never side with them, either
you don't have a choice in honest hearts and dead money. You should bring all the guns and ammo you can into old world blues, you can store them when you need them, lonesome road gives you plenty lf end game tier weapons as well as new ones, so you should only bring what you need, but with all the ammo you will need
>not killing ulysses at level 8
Honest Hearts doesn't have much to do with the DLC storyline. It connects more to the main plot. Thus it can be done at any point.
Honest Hearts doesn't relate to the other DLCs and I don't think DM does either so you can play them interchangeably. You can play them in any order really it's just agreed that release order is usually best
I tend to use k9000, so it's not a problem, actually
and tarantula kills everything in one hit, so you don't need any other weapons if you play a sneak/high critical build
There is no good 44 mag gun in the game. Prove me wrong.
>magnum pistol is lackluster
>trail carbine isn't good enough relative to when you acquire it
>FIDO is probably worse than a full modded cyberdog gun (which is utter trash already), and even then it is stupidly hard to get.
I've read that post in his voice.
trail carbine is a cowboy sniper