Why did RTS died?
Why did RTS died?
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matches are too long. most of the time isn't spent doing much anything. it's why point control like coh is still alive and the other kinds are dead.
>matches are too long
>most of the time isn't spent doing much anything
guess milenials like 70min ASSFAGGOTS and clicking goombas for 50min instead of rushing your opponent
Same reason why arena FPS's died. Mainstream don't want to waste their time on steep learning curves. Unlike autistic like you they have a life to live.
Because you aren't bothering to look for them, like all of these threads about X being dead it isn't and you just aren't bothering to look.
Get Syrian Warfare, it's great.
>steep learning curve
high skill cap =/= steep learning curve
both of the genres you mentioned are easier to learn than Overwatch or LoL
AoE2 is still surprisingly active. 12k players on a nearly 20 year old game is pretty amazing
the community is there, you just donĀ“t get to shitpost about it on Sup Forums as much as the memegame of the month
You people kept buying Blizzshit and other shovelware that disguised itself as an RTS. Also ASSFAGGOTS. So yeah, go ahead and make shitty threads about how you are feeling le feels XD because they have stopped developing RTS games when you are to blame for this.
No they are not you deluded fuck.
bit rude mate
>when u this desperate to prove that Overwatch and LoL are hardcores game
shakin' my head at u honky nigga.
They are the same people that would type "nr 20 mins" at the start of matches and then cry when you rushed them anyway.
Stop with this meme please.
>hwen u tryin' to defend a genre so cancerous it killed several franchises
nigga wat u doin?
RTS got replaced by assfaggots.
And it's not like RTS is the only dead genre. Shooter suffer from ''e-sport'' faggoty and crates the same way.
And RPGs get more and more linear and ''cinematic'' as well.
This is the price for videogames going mainstream.
Normalfags don't want options - Options are confusing.
They also don't want challenges because losing can be frustrating.
And they gladly pay to not do gameplay due to them mostly ''playing'' games to distract themselves from other mundane tasks.
Nobody plays games for the sake of it anymore.
And those who do are not relevant to the overall market.
user look, a genre cannot kill a genre. But consumers can, ASSFAGGOTS was not even there 100% when RTSes died. RTS didn't lose against another genre, that's not how world works. Main consumer just lost interest to RTS genre.
shiz u honky nigga shut up and walk on outta here you MOBA playin' honky cracka.
I don't even like mobas you dicknugget.
shakin' my head atchu don't lie now I's knows you play dat shit nigguh.
>assfaggots is not the reason why RTS died
Just look at the release charts.
We got flooded with multiple decent RTS games every year until 2010
LoL got released 2009
People keep saying mobas when in reality it was the death of LAN and the rise of clash of clans that finally killed RTS
>games are too long
I thought the popular opinion was that if you play RTS in any other way than RUSH RUSH RUSH you were playing wrong.
It's certainty why I don't play with real people much.
They're still alive, you're just not looking hard enough.
Shitty campaigns, mpfags will just keep playing AoE2
that's kind of the problem. Most matches are curbstomps in one direction or the other. When you do finally get a good match it can take fucking hours.
You dont even need to refer to LoL. People in my country stopped playing rts when guinsoo made dota back in 2005.
>CaC 4
Only decent "expansion" that got out that year was Dawn of War and you know it.
There is very little desire for competitive 1v1 when we now have an abundance of small team games that give the same competitive feeling, but without being alone and having all the responsibility.
Despite this, they keep focusing on competitive multiplayer with single player and co-op as an afterthought. RTS would probably do better to play to that audience rather than the esports one.
>Dont worry guys, we'll save RTS
they were never alive.
try this pic related
>enjoy playing RTS
>rarely finish one because i suck at them
damn. I don't think I ever built a single wall in supcom
were they actually good for anything?
Also did anyone ever fix game slowing the fuck down with a buttload of bots? Or is the fastest single threaded cpu the only cure? The new i7's paired with fast memory actually showed real improvement in ashes of singularity
>not being a boring piece of shit RTS
i'll pass, rather play AOE 1,2,3, more fun
Good taste.
At least we can play against bits and pretend we're good
This post. Jesus fucking Christ.
Slowdowns can't be fixed since that's something in the engine itself. Best you can do is pump that dualcore performance. From my experience it's not really a problem unless you're a Setons addict or play trash ecowhoring games, good connectivity is way more important.
Because RTS want the console peasants and esports crowd instead of being fun and interesting. What fucking moron thought that having LESS features is a good thing?
Earth 2150, a game older than most 4chins posters, had a complex weather system, day/night cycle, customizable units, FMVs for every mission and every major tech researched, toggleable headlights on vehicles, land, sea and air units, terraforming, underground tunneling, transports, ballistic missiles and defenses, an awesome campaign spanning half a year, et cetera et cetera, and it was atmospheric and fun. nuRTS like Starcraft 2, SupCom 2 and WC3 pale in comparison, barely able to animate their shitty units, dozen or so per side.
>any time an rts thread pops up on Sup Forums i am reminded of the fact that i will never get to play metal fatigue with folks ever in my life without some ridiculous hoop jumping and luck
I miss Metal Fatigue so much.
supcom is the goodshit bb
Patrician taste.
Play SpringRTS instead, it can handle dozens of AI players per match with ease.
I miss Gaylo whores
MOBAs offered normalfags a way to play an RTS game without having their sensibilities challenged, and because normalfags entered the market studios began appealing to them
>pretty soon games like civ will die too when the 40 year olds cant do it anymore
RTS never died for me, i still play pic related and plenty others. I do wish ASSFAGGOTS and other moba shit would fuck off so we can get some actual decent new rts games though. MOBA's are literally reskinned, overhead rpgs at this point.
A shame the story got butchered in the translation because it was deemed too complex for the average burger. And Perimeter 2 was fucking trash.
Are there anymore RTS games with the amount of unit control and options that men of war has?
Does anyone play the Europe at War mod for coh?
Rts is alive on mobile
flouride in the water
xenogens in the water and air and food
everyone's IQ being lowered
everyone unable to learn new things
the biggest killer of any video game is new players unable to compete with veteran players and veteran players holding nothing back and completely and totally dominating all other competition.
Video games aren't killed off by anyone other than the layers themselves who through the fires of combat defeated every single other human being alive who was knowledgeable of the game and was defeated past the point of no return.
All video games have a single champion.
That was the point of the video game in case you didn't know. To create these champions.
I wonder how many champions you know
Have some more crappy OC. I wish we had VP9 already.
Maybe not Overwatch because it's the same curve like any FPS but LoL (and any moba) have high entry level - creep control, items, skill leveling, jungle, metagame, avoiding turret dmg (this is least intuitive for beginners). And this is only the entry level. When you digest the basic then comes creep denial, champion synergy, proper build, importance of objectives... and the list goes on and on...
RTSes usually follow a deterministic system. After a few minutes you can evaluate who will win. Real world strategy isn't so ubiquitous, and in turn boring.
>RTS game comes out
>WTF it's not Starcraft what a piece of shit!
it's the same with faggots who pretend to like arena shooters despite the fact that they jumped on Counter Strike bandwagon.
RTT with TBS > RTS
The overall intelligence of the average video game player has devolved. The 'competitive' element has established a constant mathematical equation for every game to find the ideal 'meta' to be completed as fast as possible. Companies, both in and out of video games, saw larger profit in selling their products 'piecemeal' instead of just creating a well balanced product for purchase.
Now that companies see that consumers will gladly part with $60-potentially unlimited funding for their video game 'franchise,' a video game is now seen as a 'platform' in itself that can be used as a vehicle to sell even more useless digital products.
jup, 1v1 is fucking stress, having a buddy or a few on the team is much more fun
Well, EA bought Westwood, and things went predictably from there
RTS is still alive user
This game makes me sad. I liked it a lot but there wasn't enough content for it to actually stand out
It died with the popularization of "APM"
RTS is no longer "strategy", it became guitar hero. No body wants to play like they used to, coming up with fun and zaney strategies and tactics. It's just the same cookie cutter bullshit every time now, and it's boring as shit.