Xenoblade Thread

There will never be a JRPG series as quality as classic Final Fant-

Please don't start the thread talking shit

While I agree they're mechanically up to snuff the plot of X was garbage so they've still a way to go.

There was never a point where FF was the pinnacle of the genre.

The plot was great, they just didnt do anything with it.

>Thinks FF has ever been a quality series
You Xenoplebs never fail to amuse me.

X had a great story. A story of a bunch of different peoples crashing on a hostile planet and making a life together. That's the kind of story that you could only tell in a game.

Only FF6 and 7 had good stories though. Almost everything after X has been particularly bad.

I don't know if we're talking about XCX or FFX anymore

>good plot
>hey, there's this generic, villainous ruler
>and he does all sorts of evil shit and jazz
>let's stop him
>oh and now he wants to gain ultimate power, to do even more evil shit everywhere
>let's stop that too
>oops, here comes his generic, evil lackey
>you know, the one whose personality consists of laughing and... laughing
>remember, he poisoned a water supply and... poisoned a water supply
>anyway, he's stepping in at the last second to steal the ultimate power for himself instead, to do his own evil shit
>except his evil shit is ruining the world instead of ruling it
>well the world got dicked, so now go around and get back whichever friends you give a shit about and go beat him up for being such a douche

There are maybe half dozen pretty decent character examinations in 6 (Kefka is not one of them), but the plot is just as basic as any other random jrpg and most of the characters are just as shallow.

>but the plot is just as basic as any other random jrpg and most of the characters are just as shallow.
And that's not always a bad thing, it was a fun and very engaging plot, but from that point on the plots of the following games started getting more convoluted and nonsensical, with XIII being the epitome of it probably.

Xenoblade isn't a JRPG

X's plot wasn't meant to be good, though. The focus was entirely on exploration.

>RPG made in Japan
>Not a JRPG


>Can't even give (You)s correctly


>Game looked fantastic at Gamescom
>The Milan demonstration is a new build and has even more improvements

Monolith must be in crazy crunch time.

What was different between builds? I think I didn't notice anything.

Textures and Lightning are a little bit better

I fucking love Monolith. They're games are the closest thing to the spirit of classic Squaresoft JRPGs. Square Enix themselves have lost sight of that.

Look at the environment in pic related and tell me it couldn't have come straight out off Chrono Trigger or a 2D Final Fantasy.

>Slight upgrades to visuals, mostly lighting, but those white pollen orbs on the ground got improved definitely
>Roc and his driver removed from the build, letting the demonstrator actually open up the menu without spoiling anything
>Those little blade skills that level up after a battle had their names changed from "Achievements" to "Affinity Rewards"

There's some other little things too that I forgot.


Yeah, I kinda see it

You even climb ladders and moss/weeds on cliff to get to other area just like in CT. The level design is designed basically the same in CT, as in there's linear paths but these are widened. It's fantastic how you fall into that Uraya area and you start right at the back and as you're exploring Uraya, you can see the city all the way in front of you and high up above like that's your destination. It's fucking brilliant level design. You're basically journeying towards it. Fucking god Monolith Soft are KINGS.

>there's a waterfall
>there's a pathway tat goes behind the waterfall
>you can't go there
Made me mad even as a kid

don't die xenoblade thread

Nah let it die, make a new one later tonight.

It's fine user, we're getting Japan Time later
There will probably be another thread later on

I don’t even see a slight resemblance.

Try and imagine Uraya from a top-down perspective

>People unironically think middle looks better than bottom

Yes it is.
Even if bottom needed a more fair screenshot

No it isn't.

Yeah exactly this