I'm 14 and don't want to spend full price for games but also don't want to actually pirate because i'm a bitch

>I'm 14 and don't want to spend full price for games but also don't want to actually pirate because i'm a bitch
>so I'll use my white parents' money to buy shitty copies from G2A or CDKeys

Explain yourselves

Online features for less.

>Paying full retail price for a game you can get for less

No OP, you need to explain yourself and your unwise spending habits.

If you want it for less then fucking pirate it you fucking child

Wow are you some kind of thief? How shameful.

CD Keys is arguably worse than piracy.

How is it any different from buying a game on ebay? Third party sellers aren't any trouble.

This is the only correct answer.

Never get an offline game from these places.

There literally isn't any way to.

i go back to them. buy all the keys so i cant get to them if you dont like em

You're still supporting the developer by buying through G2A or CDKeys.

Most games nowadays aren't worth $60, especially when they keep locking half of the content behind a paywall

I don't buy from G2A as I don't want to deal with individuals selling games, but CD Keys is fine. The only problem I've ever encountered with them is them cancelling my TW Warhammer 2 preorder because they only got EU copies.

Alright picture this.
There's a product. It's for sale for 50$ wherever I look. I could pirate it for free but I would be locked up from updates/multiplayer.
I'd be willing to buy it for 30$. I really want to buy it.
I go check a cdkey website and find the same one for 25$ and buy it.

the only time i pay full price for a game is when i actually give a fuck about the series, which nowadays isnt many.

If its single player and convenient to pirate, i.e can download at about the same rate as if i bought it from steam, then i'll do that.
If it isnt cracked, wont be cracked for months down the line or has online features i want then i'll buy a key.

Who pays £50 when you can pay like £26?

>Hurr durr westerners buying game at third world rate even worse than no sale at all!!

So fucking pirate it you fucking child

>so I'll use my white parents' money
t.poor nigger

then argue

Dumb kids thing trucks full of CD keys get raided daily. Meanwhile, in reality, all but a few of the CD keys come from bought retail boxes in territories where they cost less.

Developers don't like this because the reason for this price differentiation is to make more money but the other hand they can't do anything about it since their practice is the reason CD key sites can exist.

>ad hominems at everyone who disagrees
you are like a little baby

Instead of pirating the game, leaving the option open for a sale that gives most of the money to the developers, you are giving the money to a Key Reseller/Scammer who then pockets that cash to steal more CD keys.

He believes games on cdkeys websites are bought using stolen credit cards.

gib keys

>caring about corporate money so much
Why do you care OP? They don't care about you when they try to jew you out of as much as they possibly can, as scummy as possible.

So fucking pirate it you fucking child

>"The free market is only good if it benefits the corporations!"

>store buys games wholesale
>passes the savings on to customers
You hate capitalism, commiefag?

No, i will enable cheaper stores that let me buy games cheaper, instead of buying full price to reward scummy publishers.

Lots of teenagers ITT

Kys OP. Obvious redditeer

>He doesn't buy Xbox Gold/PSN Plus for as cheap as possible

What's your excuse?

>publishers get mad that consumers are taking advantage of globalism and are exercising their rights
>Get their eceleb friends to tell ledditors that all resellers are evil
>Teenagers start throwing tantrums that not everyone is willing to mindlessly suck corporate dick

Teenagers are better with money than you are apparently.

"teenager" is a buzzword.

Good goyim.

I miss when we just called them all ‘underage’.

Fucking teenagers

Whats wrong with CDKeys?

Nah, they just use their parents money

Is this a new meme?

found the teenager

Sucking corporate cock apparently.

>butthurt indy dev fag mad that people are selling their own property
stay mad faggot