Likes one movie as a kid just a tad too much

>likes one movie as a kid just a tad too much
>can’t be a knight, so he settles on being a hero
>does reckless shit like rushing into the enemy and attempting to kidnap a president
>let’s himself get manipulated because “muh knight dream”
>attempts to destroy his friends, home, and ushers in an apocalyptic event because “muh knighthood”
>says fuck it and goes home after he gets his shit kicked in
>no justice

Worst Final Fantasy antagonist?

He had a dream and went with it.

the worst ff antagonists are the Sup Forums phonepostes bashing 1 game in the series and praising another

It was a stupid-ass dream. Let’s say he stuck with the whole time compression bullshit. What was he going to protect?

>Worst Final Fantasy antagonist?

that would be Seymour

His witchfu.

Seymour's plan is complete insanity and still makes more sense than Seifer's

What are some games where a character is a scumbag who has committed heinous acts of genocide, wiping out entire civilizations, and never once shows regret about it, but the heroes welcome him as a friend for absolutely no reason?

Seymour did literally nothing wrong

Holy fuck, so you're saying that a Final Fantasy game has a shitty villain?

Seymour is great though. Also best music. Are you mad because he cucked Tidus?

I'm mad that you don't know what cucking is.

She was just following orders. General Leo was the same deal but that didn't stop him from being a cool dude.

t. "alpha" cuck

General Leo showed remorse and turned on the empire.

She expressed regret after Brahn Odin’d Cleyra, didn’t she?

You make it sound like Seifer was well received.

Nobody liked Seifer back in the day. He was received by the fanbase as lukewarm as Seymour was for FFX. Utterly botched attempts at making a childish disturbing rival is everything the main character isn't right down to the silly motivation.

Didn't she also? Been awhile, can't remember.

Yeah, she apologized to Freya when the queen tried to kill Garnet.

What are they supposed to do? Have an end credits of him getting spanked by Quistis?

Send him to Gay Baby Jail

Every JRPG ever.

Seifer did literally nothing wrong.

>apologized to Freya

Who? I don't remember a character by that name in IX. Must have been some minor NPC.