Battle Chasers - Nightwar

Who /playing this/ here? I'm L7, did the first dungeon--Iron Fortress--on Heroic and it felt like the reward wasn't worth the difficulty increase although I did okay, almost had a character die to the boss though.

I am enjoying the game thus far.

I'm enjoying the game more than i thought i would, lvl 12 and the only difficulty i've had was some golems in junk town but only because they would pull out 400 damage attacks now and then.

I'm surprised this game was made wasn't the comic short lived and done over a decade ago?

I'm surprised too, it is way better than I imagined.

Turned on a 1.5 speedhack through cheat engine and it made the game 10x times better.
It feels like it was supposed to be played at that speed.

Yeah it does feel a bit slow, in combat animation and on the overworld.

ps4 seems to crash after a dungeon almost every time
im kind of tired of it and want it to be fixed already

what cheat engine? Would be nice if they had some kind of turbo mode implemented in the game.

So are beast perks universal buffs after acquired?

LOVED darksiders, real interested in this game but how many hours can i expect to get out of it when i havent played an RPG since like FF9.

I've played 8 hours or so and reached lvl 12-13, not sure how much there is left, Someone who finished it can maybe put in what level they were at.

thanks man. i see people in the reviews on steam having 50+ hours in the game. Loved Joe madureiras Darksiders designs and would like to support this too, but 30 bongbux for like 5-6 hours isnt really worth it for me.

too basic, not much to do in battles
looks good an plays nice i guess but its not enough for me

Is there a reason to do Heroic over Normal?

is the game difficult? or is it just grind?

Not that difficult but I'm killing most monsters I see.

I have 40 but I'm near the end. I did do every dungeon twice though because I'm an autist, but you can easily expect 30 hours at the very least, not including NG+

Is it possible to run a party without healer and tank without needing to overgrind? Anytime I try to drop Bretto I just get shit on.

Probably not. You absolutely need a healer and bretto is the only viable one until you get another one around level 17.

What are some other good turn based games that recently came out (aside from Divinity OS2)? Bonus points if they're anything like FFT:WotL or Tactics Ogre (Fuck Disgaea though).

Stupid slime boss on the sewer rekt me

I came back at around lvl 12 for him, don't bother at lvl 10 he will wreck most setups. It's pretty much a dps race and mass cleanse with calibretto or Monika is a must.

Not him but I just finished Junktown and I'm doing pretty good with Knolan instead of Bretto

I just make Gully use taunt and spam Protection/Heroism/Elemental/Mana Barrier for massive amounts of shield and use Knolan's Burst 2 to refill mana now and then.

I don't even remember a sewer boss. Is it to do with the pump system that you don't know how it works?

Please respond.


You get a new mission in the sewer after finishing the first one, this time with slimes and fuckup alchemists.

Ah I'll have to check back. He didn't offer anything right away but that's okay.

Should I be saving my Flint for that fire cavern?

You'll get enough after the wolfmen dungeon, some extra treasures can be discovered by using flint in that dungeon on torches.

Okay yeah I'm here now. I guess I can backtrack real quick, only completed one half of the area so far.

The difficulty is a bit retard sometime. The game is easy for the most part but randomly you can some encounter with mob than can one shot you.

Game is piss easy by the end.
Monika with crit stacking execute annihilates bosses.
Caliberto shreds everything with wildfire and working together with Alumon the amount of heals is insane. I get 2k auto heal by the end of each battle too.

you're probably under 10 hours into the game
once you actually have the whole cast and some skills, it opens up a ton

That's what you get for getting the inferior version. Should have bought a PC.

Anyone got the in-game kickstarter code to share?

I kind of wish you could change out party members without returning to town. Not to mention, if you aren't using someone, they aren't getting EXP either so they just fall behind on leveling with the group.