I love Edea!

I love Edea!

please post Edeas!

Other urls found in this thread:



Did Bravely Second change the pronunciation of Edea? I always thought it was E-Dia in BD, but now it's Id-Ea in BS? Am I imagining this?

Bravely Third when?

Agnes is not for lewds!

i thought they always pronounced id-Ea from the first game

After the BD team finishes Octopath Traveller.



it is sad that there is not enough fanart of these characters.

Am I doing it rite?

no! Edea Lee only!!!

I want to let Edea die.

Post more edeass


here ya go!

A Bravely thread.

This art style is really good.

>BD threads
>barely any fairy
>even less of her thighs


It usually is the Edea poster that makes these threads. you better promote airy posting!

Here you go user

How are you always in these kind of threads?


A bald Edea for you

Edea is a cutie

When Revo comes back

Whats the deal with reggie and the BD concert?



I just decided to make a meme. Same with Bill.


ah. This guy likes to post Revo memes and the bravely default concert in my threads.

It's fun

i heard that the plushies are extremely hard to get


the way this artist draws clothes sticking to the abdomen really gets to me

I saw a Tiz plush on Google the other day.

wooow, are those official?

Edea Lee = Ideally

Agnes is perfection.

>Bikini babe
>Blonde w/blue eyes
>Strong independent womyn
>Lives in a snowy kingdom with the best healthcare in the world

Very Scandinavian.

Ringabel is best character

oh my

The drawings? Yes they are from the design works artbook

Let's remember that Ringabell was also blonde. This means that the game spoiled us a bit the origins of Ringabell from the very beginning



good lord

should I play the localized version of the uncensored version

Ringabel for Bravely Third playable character

i am not sure if this could be allowed at all on Sup Forums.

Is Edea supposed to be wearing white pants with a shirt that fold out or is white tights with a miniskirt that covers nothing?

the only things censored are the clothes. Your choice!

I know you have the other one saved, user. Post it.

Now that Octopath demo is out, who is the better waifu, Edea or Primrose?


white pants with a dress that ends like a mini-skirt.

isn't it obvious?

Still Edea


I wish I knew what you were talking about.





The one who hasn't sucked hundreds of dicks.

so... so...


plz no

go back to /d/

Why Agnes is so hated?

Is her game worth 40 bucks?
I haven't played Final Fantasy in years but I really like Dragon Quest. Not sure if that is a good reference.

Actually playing this for the first time.
Why the fuck does every enemy have that one "Fuck you!" attack. It's completely bullshit. How is Bravely Second, btw? First game has some nice music.

boss* meant to say

shes boring and has large breasts

Oh especially if you like Dragon Quest. the story is top notch in the first half and in the end chapter. And combat is far more interesting and fast with the brave/default system.

So BD>BS ?

BS has a better gameplay, ending and final boss.

And characters were aged up for some reason. But I believe that and the clothes are it. Isn't there a fan-patch to uncensor the clothing? Might be wrong about that.

Supreme taste my dude

>Mag's whole thigh/hip/dress area
Why doesnt japan draw more of that?

Annoying voice

mmm except for Sup Forums, there is not a lot of places to find hacks of the game.

You mean I imagined myself being a little girl when I could've imagined myself being a badass like Ringabel?

brb replaying BD

Edea is far from being «little»

Doesn't matter too much anyway. The clothing changes are so small in the first one. I'd be more concerned about the second where at least one outfit is entirely changed.

I prefer the cowboy outfit honestly, but the tribal one is awesome.

i always pronounced it edayah

BS is better IMO. Graphics and gameplay are better and it's not as repetitive as the first. I like Magnolia and Yew. Music is good but not as good as the first game. When you get done with Default, watch the concert m.youtube.com/watch?v=hrIpuaWVAec

IDK guys, but i like Tiz for some reason.

He has the best character theme in Default (non vocal) Best vocal is Agnès

>not ringabel's theme

I wonder... If someone did arrangements for the characters themes in Second, could vocals work with them? I'd like to hear vocal versions of BS character themes.

only if they ditch he guitars

Ringabel's theme is sexy. The man who sings Ringabel's theme is sexy too.

Of course the guitars would need to be ditched. I'd go back to the flute for Tiz and saxophone for Edea since they had the instrument for the first game. As far as Yew and Magnloia... What instruments would work for them? Maybe something French for Magnolia since she speaks the language?




Because BS bombed.