>identical themes
>parent searching for child
>retro future tech
Imagine of Fallout 4 was actually executed competently and was as good as this film.
This is what Fallout 4 was trying to be
So how's the movie
This fucking film's got me depressed the whole day today. Great film.
i give it a 7/10
the visuals are pretty cool but the story kinda sucks
how badly does harrison ford need paychecks
>the story kinda sucks
no actually, it's pretty great
I'm kind of glad it flopped, the original is my favorite movie of all time and that's cliche enough being a semi-obscure revered cult classic
Good, but really long and really slow
>be /our movie/
>flop horrendously
God damn it. Why arent you people going and watching this?
This is a good thing man. Yes, the movie is amazing 10/10. But you don't want Hollywood putting it on the sequel train. Let it be. We get our kino, and it stays pure.
But I'm left with so many questions after it feels like there should be a follow up
It already is set up for a sequel though.
>story kinda sucks
t.16 year old
The parts where we follow the journey of a replicant searching for meaning in a world where he is unwelcome are excellent
They try and up the stakes with some weird generic modern sci-fi vague bullshit about a replicant messiah and a human-replicant civil war and it feels really out of place
I loved the movie and it felt like exactly what I wanted from a sequel, I'm just so happy to see so many normies who mindlessly got swept up in the hype get bored and whine at the end of the film because they were expecting some all action thriller.
but i did and K is /ourguy/
>reject 3D thot for his delicious holo waifu
Without K, maybe with Deckard. Both Bladerunner movies are small stories with complex things happening in the background. A sequel was setup at the end of the first Bladerunner as well and nothing came of it for 35 years.
Even if Villeneuve intended to "resolve loose ends" in a sequel (I really doubt it), with these sales it won't happen. And that's a good thing.
>find out some world shattering shit
>decide they don't want to be slaves
>if they don't want to be slaves they'll be killed
Seems natural to me
not as good as the first Blade Runner, so I can only give it a 9/10
>a human-replicant civil war
the civil war undertone has always been in bladeruner
It's a normie filter. See it.
Why? :(
Our hero is an autist with a 2D waifu and it's set in a world where loving fictional women is normal
There's a scene where a whore stops propositioning him because she realizes "Oh... so you don't like real girls?"
>no actually, it's pretty great
No, it is actually pretty mediocre and the only interesting thing about it is the twist
25 actually
But that's the point. The story never really goes that way. It's always centered on K. I was worried that they were going to turn this into a save-the-world story during the scene with the Revolution but instead the story continued exactly as it should have - with K not giving a shit and forging his own path.
>shapeshifter fetish
>that scene with the holo-waifu
>it's another Sup Forums redditor forces his garbage medium on Sup Forums episode
Same with IT.
Why do you fatasses force movie threads on Sup Forums?
They shouldn't have included the rebels at all. There was no need for the lines from the police chief and one-eyed replicant about "this revelation will start a war" or "we're building an army and we'll claim our freedom".
That kind of vague and generic dialogue is a hallmark of terrible sci-fi and the movie would be better without it.
>25 actually
So you're a tasteless faggot that's even worse
Great. Too bad the music isn't great when you listen it out of the film.
I can bet a million dollars you're making these exact same posts on Sup Forums but with the board name changed.
Off yourself.
8/10, moty
It didn't invent what its doing so that's a strike against it. It's also spoiled by trailers. 8/10
But why were there scenes focused on it
Why would K or the audience give a shit about any of that
Two hours forty nine minutes long
What did reddit mean by this?
But what they're saying is absolutely a logical conclusion. You can argue whether it should be foreground or background, but a replicant giving birth is certainly reason for a revolution in-universe. Seeing as their society is built on the backs of replicant slaves, and Wallace wants to accelerate this even further, it would literally "break the world".
I wanted to watch it, but it's probably like every other film I've seen. Sick of the medium itself beyond webm's, images and gifs.
>someone who actually liked thinking he has any taste
oh the irony. Did you like the emoji movie as well?
>reddit prefer to complain instead of hiding and reporting thread
It's less like other modern films than you would expect, but more than you would hope
And proven right just like that.
Cyberpunk 2077 will likely be cancelled or even if it's good probably flop, you can't market shit based on Cyberpunk aesthetics alone, it was a niche genre reserved for 80's anime
>muh sony
Sup Forums
Nothing wrong with teaching obese redditors how rules work in Sup Forums.
Yes user, your le epic fad movie that you'll forget about in a week sure needs threads in every board, just like IT.
This movie didn't deserve to flop.
thanks for bumping the thread i guess then
>le emoji movie
>...ones and zeroes.
Neither did the first one and look what happened to it
Too good for the world. Prepare for 10 more years of Marvel quipshit.
>sub plots left unresolved or treated vaguely
It's the hallmark of setting up a sequel... movie is under performing at the box office tho. Sony ain't gonna green light another one
Nah, Marvel's been fucking up left and right.
i saw people leaving the theater in the middle of it
>dust and echoes
>Two hours forty nine minutes long
Now I'm interested
Yoo do i need to watch the first one to get this? My friends wanna watch this so I'm wondering
It helps.
Watch the three shorts that take place before 2049 too
>tfw no VR waifu
Yes you have to watch the first one
You should kill yourself if you haven't already seen it though
Not really but it's better to know what happened first
For exemple i didnt watch the short first and i didnt know what the blackout was about
That actually made me kek in the cinema
Unfortunately a lot of people today still don't understand how computers work so it has to be spelled out. On an unrelated note I designed some hardware to process DNA nucleotide reads and once you format the problem with a mapping from base to binary (like G=00,A=01, etc. or whatever encoding you choose) everything else follows naturally.
I can tell just from the way that you type that you wouldn't appreciate either this film or the original. Don't waste your time.
>tfw too INTERLINKED for this movie
How did they get Rachel's eye color wrong
They have archived footage that's LITERALLY JUST A VIDEO OF HER EYE
Set up but they could easily just let it be and not capitalise on it, it probably had it in mind to do that.
was Deckard eating only honey and drinking only whiskey for 28 years?
Wallace is blind and one of the replicants doing the job was retarded. That's what Wallace gets for building a replicant with daddy issues who wants to kill every other replicant.
? Rachel had brown eyes in the original blade runner. Deckard just says that to save face and show wallace he doesn't give a shit.
>Ryan Memeling
Automatically shit.
depends on the type of sequel
Thanks for confirming you don't know about saging.
K is the most relatable film protagonist in ages
It was fucking incredible. My only issue with it was that my suspension of disbelief kind of died when Luv decided not to kill K in Vegas for seemingly no reason. But aside from a couple plot contrivances, it was fantastic.
you cant sage anymore newfag
Yes you can, retard.
Try saging in a thread in page 10, it won't bump.
*chortles aggressively*
Why is Goose always so good at pretending to be autistic?
Couldn't they have gotten Vangelis to do the music again?
Idk. He's great in interviews. Idk how he does it.
Epic as fuck reddit asterisks right there, obese redditor.
today I will remind them
Denis wanted the Goose or nothing
Luv hates seeing replicants die (remember how she cried when Wallace killed the prototype)
But her model can't disobey orders, so she left him for dead thinking it would be good enough
Gosling is literally the greatest actor of this generation