What went wrong? This shit was getting shil- I mean 'praised' like crazy for about a week and now it's gone

What went wrong? This shit was getting shil- I mean 'praised' like crazy for about a week and now it's gone.

It was too complex for the sapes.

>What went wrong?
Our inferior non-neanderthal brains lack the capacity for the unlimited potential of Gremwah.

Well, the game 20 years in the making, was literally 20 years late.

If you released most of the games that came out 20 years ago most people would shit on them, specially if they were one man projects filled with bugs.

>spend 20 years making a game
>constantly push back the release date because of bug fixing
>it releases with bugs out the ass

Who could have seen that coming

>This shit was getting shil- I mean 'praised' like crazy for about a week
You mean people were shitposting about it because Cleve is a hilarious nutter.

Non-meme answer.

The game was poorly designed and buggy, the fanbase was shit, the creator was incompetent, and the advertisement campaign had so much bullshit in it, even Todd Howard would be disgusted by the volume of lies that Cleve has told.
>Game made in 20 years finally comes out...half-finished.
>Game has over 600 hours of content...can get all the endings in 80-100 hours.
>Game a shitload of possibilities...and yet you'll always default to shit like deep freeze because the game boils down to rocket tag
Etc. Etc.
Thing is, it wasn't even a one-man show, he paid people to provide art assets for the game.

>Grimoire threads out the ass every single day smashing the reply limit then being made again minutes later to do the same thing
>Even had two or three general threads on /vg/ that hit the reply limit
>All time peak of 211 players
Some numbers aren't adding up. If so many people were eagerly awaiting this games release, why are the numbers so tiny?


no one was willing to buy this pos, but everyone wanted to play it just to see if it was as shit as everyone expected or a real masterpiece of classic gaming

nobody wanted to buy this shit at the asking price
most of the hype was from people in disbeleif that it was a real game at all, thie shit was up in the air for 2 decades

>spend 20 years making something
>it flops
Has he necked himself yet?

I for one was shiposting my ass out in those threads and wasnt interested in the game at all. I doubt i was the only one

Any recent news from Cleve since the launch hype wore off? I kinda miss that crazy motherfucker

Use Steamspy
Concurrent players is a useless stat for non MP games

Not much to say, really. Cleve is a lul-cow, but his game is just a decent old-school dungeon crawler. People were holding out hope that there would be some of his insanity in the game itself or at the very least it would be hilariously bad, but aside from a few save corrupting updates early on it's appropriate for all ages and lifestyles and it's just a decent game, which is unforunately the worst thing it could have been after 26 years or whatever it was as far as generating sales and conversation goes.

The game is a 60-80 hour autistic slog, where you 100% the maps using Magic Screens lvl7 and Armor Shields lvl7 stacked to infinity, and Detect Secrets, oneshotting anything using Lethal Blows and immediately robbing any NPC you encounter for quest-related keys. It's ridiculously repetitive, and pretty much the only area which is at least somewhat interesting writing-wise is Knossos (there is some other interesting stuff, the zoo, the end of the world, etc., but it's really minor) with its weird sleep-related stuff. 99 percent of loot is random shit, and the second half of the game contains, like, more than 20 maps, each of which, like, contains some random monsters and a chest and that's it. Like, starting from a certain point, you just start doing the same exact motions, you do them for like 3 to 4 hours, and you are like "Okay, the total map coverage went up from 68% to 73%, good enough for me, I'm outta here".

It's like, honestly? For me even that czech Inquisitor shitcake was more entertaining than this crap - and, by the way, I DID complete the Inquisitor. THIS I have dropped with 85% total map coverage.

>Thing is, it wasn't even a one-man show, he paid people to provide art assets for the game.
Don't forget his old buddy, the programmer who basically did his engine.

Cleve only designed the levels and wrote the story. He copied all the systems from Wiz7 and made it worse somehow.

Because nobody is going to pay $40 for a game that has more bugs than a vanilla Bethesda game.

>OP doesn't realize we were all making fun of Cleve

>even worse than Bradley
Good God.
I'll just use that opportunity to remind everyone, that pretty much only Bradley's game, where the mechanics aren't complete trash, is a fucking FPS game (yeah, Cybermage, ONCE you manage configure keyboard layout to something at least somewhat adequate) and, MAYBE, Wizardry fucking FIVE.
To create a game, that's incomparably more broken, than Bradley's hackjobs, takes fucking talent.

>check the game out as I had never heard of it before
>creator is leaving comments on random Youtube videos and "banning" people from buying his game
>video only has a few thousand views

I went and found the screenshot I took on fireden and found it oddly satisfying to see it reposted several times.