>tfw vidya is still fun
Tfw vidya is still fun
>tfw enjoyed replaying HL1 and Underrail this weekend
>tfw have to work tomorrow
I had fun with Cuphead.
I'm looking forward to Dusk, which comes out this month I think.
dusk is out tho
No it isn't
Steam has the release date literally as SOON™ and gog has nothing on it
but i pirated and played it
>Pre-Purchase and Play Episode 1 NOW
>played EOIV for 60 hours the last two weeks and happy
Yeah, episode 1
There's gonna be at least 3 if I'm not mistaken, like doom or quake.
>Loved Evil Within
>Excited for Evil Within 2
>vidya is fun
>grafix card died
>stuck on integrated graphics for the time being
Still fun, yay
Why is this cute, little loli in such gray spirits?
>buy game
>download it
>unplayable on the lowest settings
hey this is fun!
she's going to the dentist
>tfw vidya doesn't have to be fun anymore.
>vidya has to be "thought-provoking" and "artful"
>Play vidya I enjoyed before but don't feel anything because it's predictable
>Often launch a new game and play for 5 mins and get bored
>This will happen several times over a month or something
>Start a new game and it clicks, get utterly engrossed by it and end up having the time of my life again
do you have source on that? reverse search gives nothing
Geiger counter?
Vidya can be whatever it wants to be my famalam, as long as there is interactivity I don't discriminate.
oh fug, thanks I just assumed it was a jojo meme holy shit
>tfw "job" is on call graveshift stuff and can play Vita/Switch/Laptop in the office.
>tfw penalty pay rates so can afford any vidya I want
>tfw still does and funpost on Sup Forums
Livin the dream lads
>tfw still no gf
>Play and complete vidya
>Search up porn for it afterwards
Have any of you fucks even read this doujin? I'll have you know I couldn't fap for THREE DAYS afterwards because of it's contents.
Sup Forums is so much better than Sup Forums at this its not even funny.
I sometimes wish we'd switch
>tomorrow is a holiday
>going to play Yakuza all day today
Having fun in a Hat
You fucking pussy. Didn't stop me but I sure felt bad as fuck afterwards.
I fapped to it pretty hard.
Sequel soon.
i haven't, don't want to
at what senpai?
Beware the gf, finding one that won't stab you in the back and take everything is crucial.
At porn?
yeah, Sup Forums would be so much better with endless talking about e-celebs and politics!
>tfw have over 100 games to choose from
>don't want to play any of them
Neet life is taxing
Which one?
>tomorrow is a holiday
>don't actually know what to do and want to go to work
Someone just put an end to me.
What a good brother
I know
Just saw 2049 and am tentavively on the robot waifu train
>not being gay
He actually gets revenge for his sister with the help of a teacher who also hates the brat.
I want less drama, not slightly different drama with more glitter
>vidya is fun
>pc is old as shit and broken as shit and unfixable
>have to go without vidya for 3 more months
patrician taste
>I desperately searched for the video and then I jerked off.
>That aside...
I figured that's where it was going. I was only a little sarcastic.
Yakuza Zero I'm enjoying it a lot
I mean 2017 is the best year we had for games in over a decade
I had a night shift working at a commercial gas station. I just lurked Sup Forums all night on my phone. My boss would get angry at me that I didn't do anything and caught me on camera every night but nobody else could work the night shift so I got away with murder. Also did a lot of drugs, could've shit in the register and nobody would have said anything. That was a great job.
i'm just idealising stuff i've never experienced user
i imagine bf would be better than gf
>tfw I just don't have fun anymore
>love playing video games but suck at it
>best friend is a huge gamer
>owns every console
>he often goes over to my house to play any ways
>he even does it when I'm not around
>when I finally catch them in the act, my console calls me a pussy and tells me how much of a better player he is
Should I switch to PC gaming?
>tfw going through some shit and vidya isn't fun for now
>tfw thought neet life would be the shit
I've played every game I own tens times, watched everything on Netflix and all the anime on crunchyroll. This is after one year with no end in sight. I don't remember what it feels like to enjoy a video game.
>tfw enjoying old and new games
>big titles, smaller titles and even little projects
Humans aren't meant to sit around and do nothing. Evolution has made it so we need to work for a reward otherwise we become depressed and start to think existentially. Life is nothing more than a constant battle against adversity.
Either start working towards getting a job or find a productive hobby.
>Friend gets me into a competitive multiplayer game
>Have genuine fun with it and play for fun instead of obligation
I too am going through this. I can't even sitdown for a few minutes without feeling bad
>those eyes at the end
What the fuck? Did she plan her brother coming for her?
I don't know. What do you think?
Thanks brother.
You can't say something like that and then don't give me source
Same. Doujin-variety rape like can be fun but that shit got waaay too real.
2017 has been a really good year for vidya
Source on that Jill? I need it for research.
> I'll have you know I couldn't fap for THREE DAYS afterwards because of it's contents.
Why, it's fairly tame.
>tfw no matter how enjoyable vidya is you still feel guilty for playing it
>feeling guilty for something that has become widespread and accepted by everyone as the superior form of entertainment
Are you retarded? In 20 years VR will be the advanced form of entertainment and everyone who still plays with a mouse and keyboard will be laughed at. The same way I today laugh about people who still watch TV. There's no need to feel guilty for going with the times, unless you think being an out of touch grandpa should be your modus operandi.
I wish this could happen to my little sister irl...
make it happen yourself, find out where the little bullied girl lives, tell her you're gonna avenge her, rape your sister and then acquire demure loli gf+fuck your loli sister
Geiger Counter 2
im 25. im guessing your like 17. our current life goals are different.