What exactly makes Bloodborne so life-changing?
What exactly makes Bloodborne so life-changing?
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Your life must be really shitty if a videogame can change it.
the lootboxes
It's just a really good spinoff Souls game that's well polished and actually feels like a full, complete game; that in itself is impressive for modern video games.
more engadging gameplay.
now in Dark Souls 3.
Nothing. It's a good but heavily flawed game.
it's an extremely well-done all around package
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ
More of the same shit as any other Souls game. Repetitive levels with no music and repulsively bland aesthetics, terribly designed bosses that don't seem to take the game's camera into account at all, and purposely obscured narrative underpinnings. Nothing about any game in this series is good, and their popularity in recent years is one of the most distressing trends in modern gaming, if you ask me.
3/10 needs work.
You'll never be able to enjoy games again as every one you play after it pales in comparison.
Le Frameraté Cinématique
The OST.
atmosphere, incredible effective gameplay.
I'm terribly sorry you were asked, then
>Repetitive levels with no music and repulsively bland aesthetics
Who needs a well thought out argument when you have vapid buzzwords.
It's pure, unadulterated kino.
the constant shilling
Nothing until Old Hunters, then it's goat.
Suffering from pleb syndrome here. I liked better Dark Souls 3 at 30fps than I did at 60fps.
The smooth frame rate removes something from the game that I cannot explain.
After I played and beat the game, Kos (or some say Kosm) granted me eyes. Truly my life changed.
Old Hunters is little more than a boss slog tho.
pretty much this
Just beat the base game and started on Chalice Dungeons. It was ok. The Victorian London level style got old fairly quickly. Later on, in a left over design flaw from DaS2, you are inexplicably whisked off to completely unrelated areas or """""""nightmares""""""", but this mostly due to the fact that they couldn't think of any more ways to make the 9854958th church area or foggy alley way more intriguing. 80% of the bosses were pathetically easy, with only Martyr Logarius and Blood Starved Beast proving any difficulty (and BSB only because you're under leveled when you fight him the first time, hes piss easy in the Chalice). The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst was more difficult than literally every other boss, unless you cheese him with poison daggers of course. Completely forgettable NPCs. Gotta go fast cuhrazy jumping around gameplay. The game is fun and all, but its not memorable like DaS1 was and I enjoyed DaS3 and the elements they incorporated from BB much more.
I played it too much when it came out and it gave me chronic back pain. This changed my life.
It's real fun, the bosses are mostly interesting, and the DLC is some real top tier difficult.
Although Laurence is hard mostly because of his fucky hitboxes and his health pool being too fucking big
Based orphan of kosm
It's the only game of its console
>The one boss I can't consistently beat, unlike Ludwig or Maria who I can take down without getting hit
I know what I have to do to beat him, I just can't bring myself to do it. It's a strange feeling
>A game
Hahaha fucking hell what a loser you are
Had an unintentional kino moment with Kos
it's shit, for real, Sup Forums hyped me so much for this game but when i actually played it was so underhelming. Never bothered to finish it.
Ah this meme still alive and well
Name another good ps4 game, just one and I will suck your cock
Still waiting sonyman...
To me, it is by far, the toughest boss to learn in the entire series. His 2nd phase movements are really hard to predict and his horizontal attack have some weird ranges too.
Plus the crazy damage, so you'll spend a long time retrying this fight until you learn one or two moves of him that you can punish.
Having to pay $400 to play it.
He's fucking fast, he's real fucking aggressive, and I just have a lot of trouble parrying him
I still haven't gotten his P1 parry timing down, and god help me when he spergs out and goes to P2
Plus, like you said, the fucker hits like a truck, so you'll be seeing "You died" a lot with him
It filled me with disappointment when I couldn't bang the doll. Uuuh other than that it made me like souls games more... And lovecraft
Storytelling was the best in this game compared to other Souls games.
I am still living the dream of Bloodborne.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bloodborne. The horror is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Lovecraft's Dreamlands most of the themes will go over a typical gamers's head. There's also Laurence's opportunistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from christian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these themes, to realize that they're not just scary- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bloodborne truly ARE beastly idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the deepnes in Master Willem's existencial catchphrase "Fear the Old Blood" which itself is a cryptic reference to Kubrick's American comedy Doctor Strangelove I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Myazaki's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Bloodborne tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
that's not Dark Souls 1? that was a literally both a life and industry-changing
it's not life changing, it's just a really really great game
good job hadn't read this before, had a laugh
>Wanting Gehrman's sloppy seconds
>Not wanting to stick your dick in crazy
A normal Iosefka is fine too
Wait wait wait I thought she was just like his nurse or whatever. Can that old guy even get an erection?
Good taste, friend
Best blind playthrough ever. Jumping into the moon lake on a hunch was best moment. Nightmare frontier sucked ass tho, but in a good way. Mixing miscegenated fetus parts with hallucinogenic plants and then drinking the mixture and tripping balls in an interdimensional graveyard was an interesting spin on certain religious rituals. Even the eternal tree motif from the ds games made an appearance.
He's been in there for a LONG time, and he made the doll in Maria's image. Given his creepy fucking dialogue, which seems out of place in a Souls game, it can be infered that he used to do SOMETHING to the doll, also judging by his obsession with Maria he probably used it as a placeholder
The fact that she isn't moving when you first get to the dream shows that he feels nothing for the doll anymore, and has pretty much discarded it
The fact that I got meme'd into spending $300 to play a half decent game on such a shitty console
It was life changing in that it made me hate sonygros