>we will never have WW2 FPS from the point of Axis
We will never have WW2 FPS from the point of Axis
Other urls found in this thread:
There aren't even any good mods.
because they were bad
>mfw no italian fps
Red Orchestra 2 has a German campaign
>not fighting for your country
if you can call it that
it's just bunch of maps against bots
Theres plenty.
make your own game :^)
Did the italians even fight any battles during WW2?
I'm pretty sure it was just the japs and germans
>no "all quiet on the western front"-style game depicting the mental and physical struggles of lowly soldiers in the trenches, losing their battles, their war and eventually their lives to a society they have long since detached from
>he doesn't know about Greece
Italy was more pathetic than you think
I just want to shoot shit
Cod2 mods user
>tfw you will never fight defensive battles and are always portrayed as an aggressor when playing Axis
Pewds great rise to infamy will be documented in games for sure. Just need a few more years!
Wrong war but 10/10 book
Rising Storm is the only game, and it sucks :(
>tfw no rhodesian bush wars game
You ever heard of the Normandy landings?
of course
>mfw no spanish civil war game
>it's another "look, I sympathize with nazis" episode
Fuck off.
wwwaaaaah waaaaaah waaaah
ehm what is hell let loose?
why would you want a game about being a loser?
I would recommend you Day of Infamy.
It's multiplayer only but it's one of few games that don't portray the germans as the "bad guys".
They appear just as another faction in the game.
The voice acting is in german with subtitles and the game includes several german factions like paratroopers and 1st infantry division.
Kill yourself, kike.
Good. Wehraboo faggots should not have their childish fantasies indulged.
>everyone thinking about online only team dethmatch things
i think he means a solo/coop campaign from the viewpoints of the nazis invading france or some shit and not just noscoping in a trainyard
>no Second Congo War game where you play as a Rwandan paratrooper doing crazy balls to the wall things
same reason people like vietnam games?
>love using the Kar-98
>most games bolts are irrelevant now
Wrong side of history, friendo
>not being a literal nazi sympathizer makes you a liberal
Whew lad.
Its called Red Orchestra, you idiot.
The band is on the wrong arm.
nobody ever said drumpfkins were smart
The only people who won WW2 were Jews
>we will never have a cute anime girl FPS
>trying to rewrite history
The war was lost, Jerry.
I could have sworn in cod3 campaign you played as the Nazis at some point.
>He's a wermacht-boo
Dumb ape lol. He was being ironic.
I wouldn't mind one, if it's done right. Like you play as a double agent or defector or something. Would be cool to be in the bunker as you hear hitler shoot himself
Man I'd love to play as the Germans one time. BF1 at least allows you to do that though its based on WW1.
Samefag /utg/ kike, kill yourself and then permanently fuck off back to /utg/ where you came from, kike.
any WW2 singleplayer aussie games?
both me
neither are shilldawgs
This is a fed by the way.
The voice acting is superb in that game honestly, doesn't sound exaggerated like in most other games
The brits are fine too but the americans sound like shit honestly both of them
>multiplayer game without an official story mode doesn't portray the Germans as bad guys
oh shit we got a real life historian over here
>doesn't specify genre
Too easy:
begone grandpa, noclip back to your retirement home, yungins such as thyself require FPS or TPS or BUST
>yeah I'm not a huge fan of the nazis
>lol ur just a jew lol
>if you state facts you're a jew
Die in a bus fire, /utg/ fag kike. SAMEFAG kike.
You know, three years ago, I'd be happy to have that.
But not so much anymore. Nazis ruined nazis.
Oh and fuck off to Sup Forums
>tfw you will never digitally slot flops
Yeah it's more like boot camp for MP. So learn the most basic of basic
>wanting to play as a nation of failure
>everyone who disagrees with me is le Sup Forums boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, kike.
you poor thing
Go suck-start a can of Zyklon B, millennial /utg/ fag kike.
i can't tell if these are irony or not
>mfw curbstomping nazi and commie scum
>he can't immediately spot tryhard falseflaggers
Nazis are the new constantly offended SJWs that are trying to constantly nag society into oblivion. I just want to talk about video games, but it's always nazi shit with you guys.
Fuck off to your containment board.
>inb4 you say you're an ancap
Ancap and libertarianism are the astrology of ideologies.
>everyone who disagrees with me is le falseflag boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, kike.
Fine, here is an FPS where you can play as Aussies in Singleplayer. Not much of a story but who cares right?
>everyone who disagrees with me is le Sup Forums boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, kike.
>they were bad becuz everyone told me they were bad.
nice try
How's the playercount?
Ye.. I like RO2 but I kinda prefer DOI because of the coop.
Multiplayer only but DOI has aussies too. With exclusive voice acting and of course the Owen SMG
that doesnt count, i need another game
>ywn sit on a comfy maxim gun blasting baddies
>ask for singleplayer
>multiplayer only but.....
singleplayer or BUST!!!
someone give me a good singleplaye WW2 game, hard mode: it isnt a le epic 1 man army FPS thing but is actually difficult, impossible: find me a good WW2 espionage game.pro tip: you metaphysically are unable to
>Doesn't explain why it doesn't count
>This guy moved from /got/ to Sup Forums
Try the Ukraine user. They're still using them there.
it's not high but it's nowhere near dead