Replaying this after so many years and holy fucking shit, now that I turned gay I realize how shitty and offensive Atlus made his character.
Replaying this after so many years and holy fucking shit...
>turned gay
Are you offended that he's not gay?
Hi. Actual gay guy here.
You don’t turn gay. You’re either born that way or you’re not.
You’re most likely bi at best.
Also Kanji’s character was fine. Yosuke’s constant homophobia throughout the game was not.
How did you turn gay? I'm really worried about this happening to me and I want to try and avoid it.
>Yosuke’s constant homophobia throughout the game was not.
Why not? High schoolers totally act that way
He's made even worse in Golden. There's a new scene where Kanji is trying to pick up ladies along with the guys and the next fucking day Yosuke is still acting like Kanji's some closetted fag. It was grating as fuck.
By playing a lot of Japanese games.
Kanji isn't gay you homo, the combination of having a girly hobby and girls making fun of him for it gave him an aversion to girls. This made him think "Well, If I have a girly hobby and I don't like girls, maybe i'm gay?".
Even even worse in Q, his only character trait is hoping things aren't gay.
just because you're gay doesn't give you any merit on where/how/when homosexuality arrises you mong
i am too lazy to post a frog but..
kanji isn't gay.his elemantery school crush is girl, he loves naoto, who is also a girl, thinks about his sexuality when he starts to get interested in naoto and then feels relived when he learns naoto is a girl. he would be fucking bi at most. and the whole point of kanji is loving kanji without giving a fuck about his sexuality, why the fuck everyone cares. "personas gay character", "how a gay made persona 4 great". do the fuckers even know how to read, did they play the fucknig game
ok, this thread is shit and this reply is irrelevant but everytime i see kanji and "gay" together i get triggered
Is Kanji the only ugly playable character in the entire Persona series?
It's funny because Yosuke was initially supposed to be the gay one, and him being so anti gay was a closet thing but they decided not to go with that.
what about chie ? wait she doesn't have a character "meat and kung fuuu whataaaa", should we regard her as a character?
I'm offended that he's advertised as being gay when he's not, he's a joke character that is displayed as ultra masculine but has a few effeminate hobbies so that makes him 'gay' since that's jap humor
>Become gay
>Get assblasted
I think you missed the point of his dungeon.
Not him but it absolutely does. Just because you're a bislut who got """converted""" into liking traps doesn't mean you're an expert on homosexuality.
they just fucked up his character, and people focused too much on the gay thing. they should have gone ahead and made kanji gay or bi, or avoided the subtext altogether. instead he THOUGHT he might be gay, but basically got over it
Are you fucking stupid? There are scientists that study this shit and they still don't know very much about it. But suddenly being gay means you can just crack the fucking case? Fuck off
Atlus America rebranded him as gay when contextually it's about his masculinity and he's actually straight. It plays off of the trope that japan equates being gay = wanting to be a woman. Re-contextualizing this misses the point of Kanjis character arc, as well appropriating gay stereo type. summary, Kanji isn't gay canonically, his acceptance was realizing that having stereotypically effemanent hobbies doesn't make you less of a man. It was a deconstruction of "toxic masculinity".
Yosuke was actually gay and his homophobia was in place of his own denial. Yosuke originally had a planned dating route. Atlus removed this somewhere near the end of development though, due to the belief that in 200...9...8? That America hated gays, and would be a tough sale for marketing. removal of Yosukes acceptance makes him a horribly flawed misogynistic character with little depth, when in actuality he was designed to have massive over compensation.
This is horribly toxic and closed minded. I hope you're only saying that for rad (you)'s.
Why was Yosuke such a cunt to him?
It is also kind of funny how Yosuke actually wants Chad Ziodynecock's dick too.
Because Yosugay was a horribly written character
Lol, Yosuke didn't lack depth, you sperg. The focus on his character just wasn't why he acted like a doofy dickhead teen
He was worried he was coming across as effeminate, made up for it with machismo act
The cartoonish exaggerated example of that in the tv world took that to the cartoonish extreme. Do you really think Chie wants to be a dominatrix? All Yukiko wants is to just be a princess?
>jap humor
>when it's the whole point of his character and insecurities
>Boohoo bullying
You angry that parts of the world still see homosexuality as the degenerate thing that it is? :(
Kanji is one of the few gay characters I like because it wasn't LGBT garbage.
>horribly flawed
Relax, faggot.
He was literally projecting on Kanji, not in an evil way though
But everyone's S. Links but Chie's did just rehash their acceptance of their shadows.
Yukiko still has drama over wanting to have someone save her and take her away from her pre-established "destiny" before deciding she actually likes it herself. Kanji's still freaking out about being effeminate and judged for it. Naoto still wants to be treated like an adult man detective.
They just kinda swept Chie's entirely under the rug. I think they just forgot that she's self-conscious about being a tomboy which makes her inherently a bit jealous and guilty for feeling that way.
You're retarded.
>But everyone's S. Links but Chie's did just rehash their acceptance of their shadows
Untrue or just reductive.
I think that's up to viewers interpretation as it's emotional based actions. I read it as Yosuke trying to get a read on Kanji to see if he was interested in him (Yosuke). I know that may again be a pretty degenerate way of thinking about it, but I've witnessed a few situations and read a few social studies about say 'in the closet interactions'. Simply put, rather then embark upon his own interests, he's rather play passive and go along with it if he were to get a positive response. Done through making evocative remarks to see if Kanji has an open interest in males or more specifically him. Again, this is a little tropey as it can be read as slut baiting, where Yosuke is only interested in getting with a guy rather then his generally emotional or sexual attraction to a specific person. but hey, he's a teenager and going through sexual denial, so again I read it thusly.
Lol, you're such a fag.
>gay because he wanted to stick his penis in this
Horribly flawed in that he has no character arc, and with out it makes his character have no satisfying conclusion. It's disengaging to see him continue with his actions without a shift in response from the world around him, or again a change in character. Not so much a problem say if this was just a movie or even a several episode anime, but a 80 hour RPG with him as a predominant presence as a supporting cast member, it can become rather dull.
Wait I thought the babe hunt was also in Vanilla?
To be fair, Kanji was flirting it up with a hooker who would have had sex with him while Yosuke's moped got smashed by Hanako's lard ass
He is literally one of the few good characters in persona post P2.
How does someone get offended over a character?
You can only get offended about Kanji, if you project yourself on him.
Which is fucking insane, you are not him, you are you. Stop projecting yourself upon characters that share certain characteristics with you.
Fucking idiots.
Bi guy here who's known I'm bi ever since I was a kid - what do you have against bi people, to lump us in with Kanji-haters?
Did you seriously played only golden
To be honest vanilla already had a lot of moments like this, on one of them Kanji threatened to beat up Yousuke so he would stop this shit
>Sup Forums- Identity politics
Do you have nothing else to build your personality around, but your fucking prefered genital to suck on?
Why do people care this much about this shit? Do you really think someone will be prejudiced against you because Kanji's character is "homophobic"?
Masculinity, feminity, why do you retards give a shit?
>How does someone get offended over a character?
You don't come here often, do you. Post a character from a modern game that is a female or a minority and see the beautiful butt blasting.
>Did you only play Golden
Yes. I played FES back in 2010 then bought Golden along with a Vita when it came out
Kanji's not gay.
Also Kanji is /ourboi/ best guy in the persona series, tbqh
(though my nigga yusuke is bretty cool too)
>I-It's ok if the "other side" does it
Fuck off.
Also, people get mad about the "minorities" in modern games, because there's always a fucking agenda with the modern game devs.
Every fucking time.
With Kanji, there isn't some agenda against gay people. He's just a character with flaws.
chies s-link is just to show the player that she is used goods.
Playing devil's advocate here buddy.
Why do you assume every modern game with minorities has a agenda? How do you know they don't just want to change things up form your typical 30 year old marine you see in every game?
30-something marines havn't been the standard video game protag for fuckin' years now
Nips don't give a shit about correctness on these standpoints. Homosexuals are just a joke/fetish for them.
Because (almost) every time there's a woman or a minority main character in a game, the devs and the gaming media emphasizes only that. They don't talk about the gameplay, the story, mechanics, etc. but the fact that the protag is a strong independent black woman who needs no man, and how evil racist white male trolls are trying to harass the devs.
When in fact nobody actually cares, and it's only a few 13 year old retards thinking they are edgy.
Then you can read the devs Twitter, blog, etc. and discover some agenda against the older games and the way games have been made.
I mean Jesus fucking Christ, cuphead is treated as racist by some game journalists because the artstyle reminds them of 30's "racist cartoons".
The whole industry is full of identity politics, only few people ignore it or speak against it.
>now that I turned gay
Lol, that applies to literally everyone in 4.
You gay?
WTF, I hate Sup Forums now.
I would be for Kanji. If you wouldn't you are a fag.
Also, I'd like to add that A Hat In Time is being lambasted by the gameing industry, because they had JonTron as a voice actor.
It isn't praised because it has a female protagonist, because the devs don't think of it as something important.
They just want to make a decent game.
Just fucking open your eyes, the industry is still full of rotten bullshit.
What's wrong with Golden? It's just vanilla with extra content. (And you can mostly avoid Marie.)
kek get fucked faggots
Main cast has a second "Awakening" within their social links. Yosuke's got cut. This is tied over to end game where generally everyone starts to finish their social links.
Lol, homo.
Okay, seriously though, there is no guys where if you were told you could be with them you would go gay for them? For example, if he was still alive I would fuck the shit out of David Bowie.
But in his Link, Yosuke does have that??????
>Yosuke was actually gay and his homophobia was in place of his own denial.
this much delusion from faggots
wew you spergs are patethic
Dude, you're gay.
Why do you think that every single person is some closeted fag?
When people go paranoid about the "gay agenda", you are the guy that is enforcing that belief. Stop making your fag ass the center of attention.
Nigga, that was unironically in the game at one point.
>has no character arc
>has a character arc
pick or stop shitposting.
I like vagina, I just am not such a beta that I have to pretend to impress other people on the internet. You can be attracted to females but still acknowledge that men can be attractive. If you're that insecure, especially online and anonymous, then I feel sorry for you.
More like you turned gay after years of sexual repression and frustration after starting with traos xD
People mainly don't like because it was on the Vita and they changed Chie's shitty voice to a more fitting one where she doesn't sound 20 years older.
>Implying Yosuke wasn't a closet case
No one in the main story changes based on your choices. Everyone has an arc in their Link.
Admitting someone is attractive doesn't mean I want to buttfuck them.
It's not about being a beta, most straight guys just don't really care or find another guys good looks something to constantly talk about.
>being this out of the loop
there is a difference between "acknowledging that man are attractive" and saying there are dudes you would fuck. The latter is gay.
Lol, you're gay.
>except for (you)suke
I jerk off to this but I'm not gay, haha.
>vice news
Come on dude, at least put some effort into your shitpost.
unless you're men who fuck men
I disagree. Yosuke was cool anyway.
I played the game and it wasn't there
>Unused English-dubbed audio
Post the japanese one I didn't play the dub.
Also unused therefore it's not canon since it's not in the game.
>the straight men who fuck each other
How does one get this delusional?
Well, I don't know what to say, man. The claim isn't completely unsubstantiated because it was a part of the game's development
That's the point! We're stating that it was intended to be their, then taken out, but they forgot to rwerite shit, because they were that much of a bunch of cucktards. I don't care what he's fucking, it's just bad writing.
They wouldn't be allowed to record that for the game unless they got Atlus's approval. What was recorded for the dub must have been at least very similar to how it went in Japanese
>Japan cut gay shit because they thought the US would be up in arms about homos.
>Japan of all places.
Kind of funny desu.
>bad writing
Lol, you just wanted to fuck Yosuke.
sexual identity is a social construct. You're delusional. wake up. can't wake up. save me.
>>>>>>>>>>> Implying persona 4 is well written.
>Dude I'm totally a vegetarian. I just eat meat to make sure noone else does