Literally where the fuck is the My Hero Academia game? And don'e say "durr it should be a fightan!" because a fighting game would be trash and make too many characters either OP or unusable.
Literally where the fuck is the My Hero Academia game...
take your gay chinese cartoons, shove them up your ass and tell your mom you enjoy sucking dick first
then we'll talk about your stupid idea
isn't there already one for the 3ds?
It got a small mediocre game already like every other shounen flavor of the month.
don't watch the show but i really like this girl's design. post her being cute
Also wheres the little witch academia and one punch man games where's the basic bitch entry level anime games for shallow retards like me waaaah
What would you prefer instead? A musou where all of them play the same? A fighting game would be fine in the hands of a competent developer like ArcSys or atleast CC2 to make something cinematic and flashy.
Does anyone else think that frog girl is cute? haha
You are cancer.
PSO style co op mmorpg when
Super Smash Bros can do It though
Fuck off nerd. Where's my HxH fighting game?
she make herself sick :(
why would a fighting game make characters OP? I thought balance is one of the most important thing in that genre
LWA is getting a game though. Looks pretty cheap, but certainly better than
I bet you anything OP had some RPG idea where you make your own hero with powers and live in the world with the other characters, without realising how difficult it would be to implement
All of the girls in this series are top notch. I came for Froppy, stayed for everyone else plus Froppy.
Pic related deserves a (good) one first.
I'm still shocked at the lack of attention this series is getting. I mean when naruto was at a similar point in it's life and popularity it was already shitting out games.
This series should have it's own ultimate ninja game by now.
would sell like hotcakes
Not really. A straight forward JRPG would be a better way to make the whole cast playable and relatively balanced.
Good man.
Fuck that, where's my HxH RPG where you get to make your own character and choose what nen category you belong to
naruto was 100 times better than this garbage though
Wasnt the GC game pretty good
I'll never understand people that are like
Honestly people like that probably suck at playing fighting games
Nah, fuck you. A fighting game by ASW or French Bread would be the best desu.
This guy is saying that they have to have their actual power scaling. Even though THAT would be retarded
Because everyone is fucking unbalanced and anime fighters are a dime a dozen
We dont need that shit
I need an episode with Pinky and Froppy barefoot. I NEED IT
Naruto came out at the right time. And the only way to make a good BNHA game would be to rip off Asura's Wrath.
In this case trying to translate some of the character's abilities in a fighter would be a nightmare.
Yeah, let's make another dead anime fighter. Great idea!
pinky a best
It's not that huge and certainly nowhere near Naruto or One Piece or hell even Bleach level popularity. You underestimate how many shounen come out, have their short time in the limelight, and then go back to just being a thing that's running.
Black Clover just got its anime adaption. Expect it to follow the same pattern.
I don't give a shit about the genre as long as it has an unhealthy amount of pic related. Best.
I want to IMPREGNATE that slug
I don't think that's how fighting games work
How can one man make so many best girls?
Too late for that now.
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
>everyone seems to like her
>shitty short dark purple hair
>earlobe connectors ruin her design even further
>posts worst girl
I would want that too, but HxH is pretty much perfect for a fightgame. I need one.
Honestly, I’d go for something like in DC universe. Fully customizable quirks. Too bad it’s impossible.
Nice trips.
And yeah, oversaturation of shounen is probably why new ones aren't getting the same treatment. I like them but I can see why people get bored of them.
How does one make a Ghetto Girl design so Cute
Where the fuck is One Piece Pirate Warriors 4??
There are so many different ways to make each characters quirk work it wouldn't be hard at all.
>it's a another "my mediocre shounen deserves a big budget game by a well known developer thread"
It got a cheap 3DS game already and that's probably all it's ever going to get. It's rare that games based on shounen get big budget games because it's easier to just crank out cheap beat em' ups or fighters because they know fans will buy them anyway. Like how a lot of anime games are just cheap VNs.
Hell, Gintama is just now getting full 3D game covering the serious story arcs and even that's musou shit.
How would you make Deku balanced before him reaching 5%?
BNHA is a shit anime. Deku and Bakugo manage to ruin it by themselves.
Gintama is the most boring thing ever.
Never. KT said they want to focus on other IPs.
Is this the new Naruto
you are gay
>want to protect but also want to see her get captured by bad guys and raped in front of Deku for some reason
Is there something wrong with me.
Nah. None are really that bad. Invisible girl is my least favourite and it’s not because of her not having things to look at(that’s actually kinda hot) Just not a fan of idiots and she seems pretty thick in the head.
It's not that it's hard, it's just too much effort for a shounen fighter.
it's like the first couple arcs of Naruto but not as interesting
Tintin should've been the protag, and the big three should've been the main cast. Deku is a crybaby and Bakugo is a flaming faggot in denial
Yea it's new hype shonen with shit story and shit characters (especially MC and his "childhood friend" are fucking terrible).
People love it though because it has aesthetic waifus.
Deku is MADMAN tho. Baku is a little bitch by comparisons.
Leave Bakugou alone.
They were typical shitty casual tie ins.
>lack of attention
u fucking wot, MHA is easily the biggest anime series right now in terms of western presence
>make a great anime game
>sell a ton of copys
>profit for days
>say fuck it and stop making them
I will never understand this decision. Pirate warriors and pic related are the only good one piece games. Now all we have are complete shit.
It's more or less the good parts of early Naruto
Irrelevant. Its been running longer and is an incredibly popular franchise and it still took them this long to make a video game based on it with an actual budget behind it. It's easier and cheaper to crank out shovelware to get quick sales before its replaced by the next shounen flavor of the month.
>it still took them this long to make a video game based on it with an actual budget behind it
That's because its shit and boring.
It’s hardly shit but keep telling yourself that. I’m sure you’re a man of refined taste if you’re willing to state it as being shit.
They might come back to it eventually. I'd rather they wait until there are more story arcs to adapt too so we don't get another Dressrosa situation where the entire thing was half-assed in-game.
Them focusing on other IPs isn't an entirely bad thing anyway. The KT Attack on Titan game was fun even if it got a little repetitive, and hopefully the sequel will be better.
>giving Froppy regular legs
Absolutely disgusting
You're stupid. Stop replying to me.
Bakugo is a one-dimensional faggot that is ruining the show.
His character makes literally zero sense and is just there because author can't write for shit and needed a polar opposite on the faggotry spectrum for Deku. So one is a whiny faggot bitch and the other is angery "I'm gonna kill you, you bastard" faggot bitch.
Too fucking bad because rest of the cast could easily carry the show without those two.
Froppy's weird legs are just part of the suit, user
Where to begin?
Truth hurts don't it?
baku is being set up as endeavor 2.0 but won't be as salty as him because of deku.
>western presence
This means nothing. Look at SnK, it was huge in the west and it still took five years to make a second season. One Punch Man S2 was dropped my Madhouse and has been picked up by JC Staff. The west has no pull on anime.
>animation is good
>music is good
>waifus are nice
>rest of the cast is enjoyable enough
Show is shit just because of bland cliche shonen story and Deku and Bakugo.
ywn destroy froppy's froggy cunny while she gives you a tongue job
That's normal.
Uraraka is for being raped and abused by thugs.
I said stop replying to me. Your continued presence in this thread only brings down the general level of intelligence of any discussion going on and I'd prefer none of my posts be linked to yours.
>this mad and in denial
How can she give you a tongue job while you're fucking her?
>ywn have Froppy stick her tongue deep in your ass
what is the point of living?
But is rescued by Deku before anything bad happens and then they go on to make little Dekus and urarakas all night, right?
>Seven Deadly Sins is getting a current gen game before MHA
Really activates my almonds.
>Not wanting to hear her yelp and quiver in pleasure as you tease her earplugs between your teeth
Same here
The SDS game is hot ass though. Looks worse than Burning Blood.
She's pretty thick in the chest too, apparently. I forget where in the manga but they allude to her being pretty well endowed.
Her tongue is very dexterous
fuck off
you dont go to locals
If they do anything at all with it then it'll probably be a dumbed down fighter like the Naruto ones because they know the toddlers in their target audience wouldn't be able to play 2d fighters. Show basically is the Naruto of this generation anyway.