How did they do it? or how are managing to fuck it up today?

how did they do it? or how are managing to fuck it up today?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's impossible for this semen demon to look bad

Someone need to make Heather in HoneySelect

>FMVs vs real time
I hate the retards that pollute this website nowadays
>inb4 but u le replied so i le win xDD

To be fair, when Heather opens her mouth she looks like an abomination like that dude on the right too.

That's not FMV.

>it's a cherry picking episode

That's how niggers look though

I don't see a dick.

>giving her a shitty garbage generic anime face
lol no

still amazes me how they made models look so good with ps2 graphics
>tfw teams like team silent no longer exist

>implying it has anything to do with the consoles themselves and not the shitty devs who worked on Mafia 3

>Western devs

Talent vs Money grabbing

diversity highers, more interest in pushing political propaganda then actually making a quality product and focus on "realism" then stylist realism

You're cherrypicking

Most gaming companies these days are more focused on diversity hires, then actual talent. The recent fiasco that was Mass Effect and the current state of Ubisoft should be apparent of that.

Open world game vs. Narrow corridor without light

Mafia 3 is shit though.

I just wanted to post a cute girl so people would pay attention to me


this got released THIS YEAR


almost one and a half decade after SH3

Mafia 3 has some good facial animations though.That's cherry picking.

god dammit, no one can be this stupid

>le cherry picking maymay

Technology is not a straight line, dummy. Just because an engine was produced after another engine doesn't mean that the former is inherently better than the latter in every way possible, or that the dev teams working with the former are more experienced than the dev teams working with the latter.

why would someone arse to make such an awful post

Not even Sup Forums-ing, the Mafia 3 protagonist was one of the ugliest playable characters ever created.

She looks bad but not nearly as bad. Its also pretty hard for someone to look good with their mouth hanging open mid laugh or sentence.

>facial animations
Did you not recognize which game it is being compared to?

i love how cherrypicking faggots never posts how garbage Nier or any other japanese game looks and also runs like shit at the same time lmao

>m-mmuh based japan

lol nice cherry picking huuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

That's not an FMV so I guess you're part of the problem you mentioned.

>Nier runs like shit

One was made by an autistic jap who had been working with 3D modelling since it was invented and who would kill himself in shame if he didn't work at least 5 hours of overtime every day for a year while working on the model and the other was made by a chad who got hired out of college and uses the term "bro" unironically

>corridor game pre-rendered cinematic vs Open world game with real-time cutscene

Makes you think.

On release it did, but it's ok now.

>gook devs makes a western girl in 2003
>its 2017 and still no one can compete

>b-but japan
No one mentioned west vs east retard

>getting this assblasted because your meme $6000000000000000000000 western AAA game looks and plays like shit
not even a japanophile, mafia 3 was a fucking flop

like the whole steam forum and overall you can just google it

The Division with amazing visuals runs stable 100+ FPS while Nier with PS3 graphics drops below 60fps on a 1080


Do you honestly think being open-world gives games a pass on achieving basic levels of quality and polish?

>mafia 3 was a fucking flop
its literally the best selling mafia game and the fastest selling 2k game ever released you retard lmao @ your butthurt weeb ass

>that's in-game graphics in a game from 2004
Fuck off retard, not even you believe that shit.


Why do racists think their desperate far-reaches actually fool people?


>mafia 3 was a fucking flop
the only memester here is you
how is that denial going for you user? you still cant cope with the fact that Mafia 3 sold well? or that Ubisoft games sell shitton of millions?

must feel shit when your shitposting and memeing doesnt actually change real life

I'm not a weeb fag and I hate most Jap shit, but Automata was a fucking masterpiece. Easily GOTY.

>the division

The gaming industry is in decline, a toxic combination of SJWs and corporate greed have led to an industry that values profit and virtue signalling over quality.
>inb4 le Sup Forums boogeyman

spot the underage


>muh corporate brand loyalty

You implied it, weeb trash. Already I can hear you bang your head as you bow to the east in prayer.

>literally have no comeback but a meme buzzword

Show me a screenshot of the game, you're talking shit out of your ass, no game in 2004 looked like that, not even Max Payne 2 looked like that.


Its not that he even looks bad in artwork, the artbook of Mafia 3 actually looks quite nice, but the motion capture reminds me of RE7 where it hits the uncanny valley.

>sales matter
The first Mafia was better user.

Nobody mentioned Japanese games, user.


Anzu is a a girl. KYS you faggot.



i did, learn to read retard

are you implying that Division doesn't look better than Nier?

This isn't your fucking safe space anymore, weeb trash.

i'm saying it's a shitty, dead game that's not even worth mentioning. what's next, bringing up the order 1886?

Except the thread was about how characters back in 2004 is better than today, user. I don't see OP implying about Japanese games.

Someone get some ice for this butthurt westacuck.

A lot of those banners are out of the rotation now.

>dead game
10k current players, uplay-only players not counted
sorry you are this mad because flip floppy ass makes a flip floppy game lmao

>muh safe space for weebs
hahahaha weebs even are getting bullied out of their safe haven, they really are beyond pathetic
we rule this website now retard, there's nothing you can do other than keep crying and posting your stupid images nobody cares about.

Who the fuck even played that

Not stopping me from posting weeb stuff.


Division has more players than Nier right now, though. How is Division dead but Nier isn't?

>10k current players

Am I a bad person for giggling every time someone uses one of these AMA confirmation pictures as a reaction image?

>game from 2001 emulated at a higher resolution than 480p
>not even SH3
Nice try cuck, but you failed.

What do you get out of larping, you absolutely pathetic faggot?


nobody buying and playing Nier is whats embarrassing

the game just looks good. I think Silent Hill 4 looked even better IMO.

At least I'm not a fucking weeb
hahahahahaha such loser, getting bullied out of their last safe space, poor little weeb shouldn't have had shit taste.

He isn't though, botched circumcision

Nier has 1.6k right now.


>Things to say when you losing and argument.

Division itself is an okay game. It felt like wasted potential. But I don't know what I'm expecting since I'm playing an Ubisoft game.

The division is a multiplayer only game while nier isn't. They should hire a smarter grade of shills. But they probably need to money so they don't get buttfucked by vivendi.

>he still can't post a screenshot of SH3 on the original resolution because he knows it doesn't look half as good as he's trying to pretend it does

This is really nice. Source?

In which year do you live? 2020?

>multiplayer only

It literally isn't.

>still of a character standing in fmv
>still of a character talking in real time
If you pause a video while someone is talking of fucking course there gonna look stupid

Well, all the others do hold a politically correct opinion or you get shadowbanned.


>He thinks he discusses with only one user at a time.