Post the cutest girl from the last game you played

Post the cutest girl from the last game you played.


Wrong, OP

wrong game



>That shit ass pose
I would respect your opinion if you thought Herbalist number 4 was the cutest girl



I just want to have sex with a cute girl at least once :(







Runemaster for me. I just completed IV

there are no cute girls in CS:S to have a Toobie

I can't into charge, but I swear I'm gonna try and learn her.
Someone stop me.

This wasn't the last game I played but she's still the cutest!


I got comfy and played gravity rush 2 all last night while cuddling with my dog on the first cold night of the year



Sorry, looks like Sup Forums messed up your upload. Don't worry I've got the pic you meant to post.


You see user, this thread is titled "Post the cutest girl.."
As such, I am posting the cutest girl.

First vidya crush too

Forgot the fucking pic