How much money have you spent on free to play games?
How much money have you spent on free to play games?
$1500 in Tera
Nothing, I said nothing!
4.5 Euro for Wakfu 30 day boost
Like 300€ total in the span of 4 years on 4 different titles.
$60 on hearthstone
I spent 1000+ on Planetside 2 during its early years. Matt Higby was such a charismatic guy and I genuinely believed that he'd be able to make the game into something incredible in the near future.
Once he resigned from the team it finally hit me that the game was a dying scam.
about £60 in Tera over 5 years. Paid for 30 day sub once, bought a founders edition key and got a couple account-bound mounts during 50% off sale.
About $200 on getting the monster girl waifus in battlecats
None, ever.
I've played a few free to play games, and even enjoyed them a fair bit, but for some reason I have this mental barrier that tells me "You don't have to pay for this? Why should you?" and then if it stops being fun without paying, I just stop playing.
The same also applies to any paid gacha stuff, I simply have never thought it would be worth it to pay for them because random chance isn't worth real money to me.
At first I thought it was because I was NEET and didn't have the spare money, but even now I have a proper income I still don't see myself spending money on f2p games, even if I absolutely LOVED one. How whales exist baffles me.
The most I’ve spent was probably $5 worth of Google Play credits on Pokémon GO I received for filling out surveys.
Around 400€ on LoL, 300€ on Hearthstone and 700€ on Elsword.
Run is way too sexy.
no money in mobile gacha shit
but i've spent maybe around 300€ over several years between warframe (when it was good fuck you) and path of exile
Not sure exactly but around u$s200-300
What i most like from f2p are cosmetics.
It doesnt break the game and you support the game you like.
Not going to fall in the jew tactic of pay first and get a shit game.
800 bucks on FGO.
I hate myself
As much money as Tohsaka gets by pleasing old men.
Spent a couple dollars on the nintendo badge arcade if that counts
Never bought anything that's an in game purchase because I'm a poorfag neet.
I bought a talisman in Warthunder once.
I want to procreate with Rin in the missionary position as we hold hands and kiss.
That's pretty reasonable considering what a massive money pit it is.
At least $300 over 7years.
At least you're not my pal who spent 1240 dollars on it and fails to get his waifu, original seiba.
I started with Heracles and I rolled both Jeanne and Gilgamesh in F/GO using mana prism summon tickets. I don't play that much or spend much time grinding dailies so I consider myself pretty fucking lucky. I would have been satisfied just with the free 4stars.
Zero, I don't play f2p games since there are always much better games to play instead.
I just fap to the fanart sometimes.
A post of such high quality that it couldn't be limited to one time.
No amount of money spent on hearthstone is reasonable.
Post Ishtar feet
I bought a few costumes for my main girl Asuka on that F2P Tekken. Also bought some Death Metal for Let It Die to support the devs. Can't think of any others.
that's ishtar retard
Any good wu zetian doujins yet? Or any at all really
About $300 in PAD between stones for me and my gf, some $200 at the most in Dokkan Battle, and some minor spending in a plethora of other games.
$700ish in Fire Emblem Heroes
>all these people saying zero
Quit lying.
Around 30$ on a fucking text game.
Zero on everything else, especially gatcha shit. All my blood vessels would pop if I spent a cent on Fate GO.
I spent something, 1 dollar maybe, for an extra rare gacha in a Nutaku game. Just once. I wasn't addicted any more and got bored shortly after.
It's not so unbelievable. I've played a lot of free shit over the years without paying a cent until at 23 I found something actually worth spending a little money on.
LiD was the first and only f2p I've dropped cash on. Wish the general was still around.
Maybe 20 quid on Dota and TF2 in total
I maybe would've bought something for those DMM mobile h-games, but I'm too poor to afford it.
$60 in SWTOR to subscribe for a few months.
However not all at once, first month about a year after it went f2p and then one month again last year to see the new content.
$25 in FE Heroes because i was stuck in a hotel for 3 days with nothing to do
I don't know and i don't think i want to know
Also, I might have done the same thing in Shadowverse. I was way into it for a few months and it's likely that I would have bought at least 1 pack.
regret every dollar, $60 for enough dust to craft maybe 2 legendarily you want is not worth it
>hear about fate series for year but have no idea what its about
>download fate go and find out its about slapping down famous historical names onto sameface anime characters
This is your magnum opus? I even got Gilgamesh, that red nero girl and some pirate girl and other 5-4 stars while f2p game still isnt good
I spent like $10 or something on Shadowverse a long time ago.
Generally I only spend money if F2P is wholly viable, because I don't even think of playing if it isn't.
I was even really hyped for Rise Of Incarnates and dropped it due to having no ability to unlock more than 2 characters for free.
I even told the devs it would kill the game and they didn't listen.
Only a runescape subscription a long time ago, which I hardly count since you run out of F2P content pretty quickly. The vast majority of the game is P2P
we all believed his lies
>This is your magnum opus?
No, this is.
I want this little girl to be my Servant
She does it for free so.
This fucking guy draws the best feet.
That's Rin.
You can tell they know their shit
It's just anime girls sell
Who wouldn't
no one unironically enjoys this show, fyi
It is pretty disgusting how Arthur and Nero are basically the same.
I spent 20$ on a ship in STO and 5$ for some sets for the mobile version of the Ascension. I don't understand why people pay for temporary boosts or items when they can just buy a full game or an expansion.
$700+ on gacha shit. Fucking end me
Probably weak men who don't have the stamina to give her mana everyday 5 times a day minimum
$40 I think. 30 for plat in Warframe, and maybe 9-10 in Fantastica. That 30 was better spent because with it, I got weapons, frames, weapon and frame slots, and mats. The best I got out of the 10 was a 7*, in a game were 7*s are worthless, and 10*,11*, and now 12* are the only important cards to have. Have spent a dime on f2p since, and I'm sure as hell not dropping even half a cent on fate/go. Fuck .1~.3% to get a 5*, and getting fucked out of a 4* because CEs are in the same pool.
>be good at poker
>game has poker
>mass up in-game currency
>get burger dollars for easy money because people are fucking desperate i guess
>manage to buy clothes, ask girls out and buy things on other games (like skins in LoL)
I love RWT
10€ on tankes
about 20€ combined on various ded mmos
100€ on league
I'm fine
If I play it long enough, $40 to swag out.
Because if I'm gonna be walking in something for that long, I'd better at least look good, for my own eyes as much as anyone else.
i think the most ive ever spent on a f2p game was ~$40 on Warframe
I spent like $200 on FGO and now I don't even login. The updates were too slow and it will still be 12+ months until the characters I care about are released.
Warframe.... $200 Max.... I hope
The only good things in the series are the original VN and Fate/Zero which is better in light novel form which almost no one actually read
Everything after that has just been fanservice pandering, adding more anime titties and ruining established characters by reducing them to exaggerated one-note versions of their original selves or just more fanservice
It is a good franchise but only the very start, most of it is shit and has a completely different style/tone and there is no sign of that changing
$0... They're free, dummy.
This clearly made with the purpose of making people fap to it. It's NOT a fun video games. I am so mad I fell for it every time.
Like $20 on Kancolle, which I don't play anymore.
>any answer but zero.
It just got a 5th season.
Its unironiccly Fates strongest and most beloved franchise at this point
It is surprising that for such a high profile mobile game the gameplay is so basic, slow paced and terrible.
>lolicons eat shit
news at 11
~$500 in Vindictus, played it for few years, worth it, but I'm not going to seriously play another game published by Nexon.
~$100 in Warframe, have 1000 hours in it, but shouldn't have bought the last batch of platinum when I came back from a long break, got bored of the game again quickly.
I spent twice that much on it, fucking weapon loot boxes.
Around $150 on Granblue.
>Local Homosexual gets upset Japan likes cute girls.
If lolis aren't your thing then just watch Bazett roflstomp the main cast during S2.
I've probably spent about 20 bucks on League.
Another 20 bucks on Warframe.
I once bought a single booster pack in Hearthstone until I realized what a scam that was and never did so again.
I must have spent about 100 bucks on Rift though. Stupid Trion, hiding all the good-looking stuff in the cash-shop.
F/GO is a game that sells purely on brand name/characters alone. The other week someone spent $4000 trying to get the best character int he game and he failed.
The only people who dislike Prisma are casuals who never played FSN. Considering Prisma is literally just a FSN retelling
That fight looks like shit. Give this series to ufotable already.
70$ in lol skins but they were mostly gifts for friends to I'm double retarded
Every time instant fucking boner
How do the nips know?
Not a single dime. I jump from F2P game to F2P game as soon as the current one reaches that wall of tedious-grind-or-pay.
Same goes for DLC, I will wait years for a game to release some "complete edition" with everything included on sale before getting it.
Like $30 or 40 on Mechwarrior Online. Worth it because I was able to get 3 hero mechs which let you get the regular in-game currency at a faster rate.
The most I've spent is probably like $50 on TF2 back when I was into trading keys, even then I've made more money out of TF2 than I have spent on it.
>Able to animate fights
Their choreography is fucking awful
actually no, now that i think about it i dont know the exact number but i think i spent close to $100 on Dokkan Battle
around 600$ on granblue fantasy. Played it for 2 years every single day atleast 3~5 hours a day. would do it again but the game is kinda dead now so I lost interest.
>too poor to buy DLC as a kid
>too poor as an adult
>dropping games like flies
I think in total I spent $100 or so on an MMO when I a younger lad. Don't really regret it but I'd never do that ever again now that I know what I'd rather use money on.
100$ or so on smite
I don't regret my purchases
spent over $1000 on this :)
i want to die