Why are you so mean with Randy, Sup Forums ? can you show him some love ?

Why are you so mean with Randy, Sup Forums ? can you show him some love ?

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You've gotta be cruel to be kind, in the right measure.

not in 2017

>Assholes deserve no respect that force themselves into any conversation they can because nobody wants to talk to them
>Literally any rule or law against being an asshole would be stupid it's literally everyones right to be an asshole have thicker skin
Woah look at that the thread doesn't even need to happen anymore

>AIDS penn

>1min ago
randy get out of Sup Forums

Come on, it's the only place he can see people more msierable than him
>mfw not Anthony Burch
>mfw not Cliffy60dollarbullshit

>build a career on being cruel to people for laughs
>tell others not to do it

>1 min ago


>Randy among us

Holy shit that dude's such a badass!

Post the Sup Forums musical one

Randy saw toddposting and wanted in on it

After what that faggot did to Sega, I hope his company rots and his pigfat wife has a coronary.


Isn't Penn's entire shtick yelling and being a complete asshole to people?

Is following Randy on twitter worth the laugh ?

t. Abusive dad

Magic is so fucking lame.

this is why i hate gamers

fuck you, magic is awesome

t. lameo


>t. raised by abusive dad


aliens colonial marines

>1 min ago
Fuck off randy

Sorry Randy, I'm a filthy bigot and jerk so I'll tell you to finally off yourself.



>Why are you so mean with Randy, Sup Forums ?
Because he tried to fuck over SEGA.
>can you show him some love ?


>Why are you so mean with Randy, Sup Forums ?

>tied up sega with colonial marines because they'd rather use sega's money for developing borderlands 2
>fucked future douk customers out of getting the megaton edition
>tried to directly compete with overwatch despite battleborn being ugly dogshit
>nobody likes a bigot