Why the praise for Cupheads artstyle?

Why the praise for Cupheads artstyle?

No one likes these old 30s cartoons thats why they stopped drawing them that way

Why wasn't anyone asking for games with this aesthetic before Cuphead? Because no one wanted it.

computers have never been powerful enough to render it

>No one likes these old 30s cartoons
no one likes you

Your logic is so flawed that i'm just gonna go to bed

>Why all the praise
>No one likes

You see the problem user?

old 30s cartoons was rayciss and we shouldnt be celebrating rayciss animations

People have been memed into liking it

Because its different.


Why the praise for OPs faggy shitposting?

No one likes these old faggy shitposts thats why they stopped posting them that way

Why wasn't anyone asking for shitposts with this faggot-ness before OPs shitpost? Because no one wanted it.

I don't really like that style much but they do and that's what they were going for. They fucking nailed it too, and that deserves praise.

>Why wasn't anyone asking for games with this aesthetic before Cuphead? Because no one wanted it.

No, because no one could really do it. It's really hard to make a game with a fluid, cartoonish style, which is why so few games attempt it. Odin Sphere is a good example of amazing graphics that are really, really hard to pull off.

>no one actually likes the art style of a game being praised mostly for its art style!

look at bendy and the ink machine faggot

>No one wanted it
>Everyone wants it
Wow OP, its almost like what people want changes over time or something.

inb4 barneyfag

>No one likes these old 30s cartoons thats why they stopped drawing them that way

they stopped drawing it because it was expensive and mouthbreathers like you would watch anything anyways

4/10 bait, made me reply

Actually read what you type before you post you fucking shit head.

>check filename
>thread is still up
Time to burn it down.

>doesn't know about Felix Colgrave

Cursed image?

Literally kill them all and gas them to death

Remember when indie games attempted to re-capture the pixel art style that wasn't being used anymore due to technological advancements?

Look forward to seeing this artstyle whored out for the next decade.


>being a barneyfag to prove your point
ironic or not you need to rope yourself

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Cuphead. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the Run n' Gun genre most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Cuphead nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from 1930's animation, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Cuphead truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Cuphead's existencial catchphrase "A brawl is surely brewing!," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and SonsI'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Cuphead tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>technological advancement
yeah modern animation looks soooo much better lmbo

fucking hang these degenerates

I agree with this guy

This is the laziest edit ive ever seen

Have you seen the movie yet Lee?

I just wish they'd die in pain

how does it feel to be a pathedic uncultured piece of shit incapable of critical thought?

I thought that would be expected of Barneyfags tbqh