Hey Sup Forums, recommend me some games where I can rape people

Hey Sup Forums, recommend me some games where I can rape people.

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It wasn't rape.
The forces of nature can't rape.

Rance series

>best voice acting of the decade

American voice actors need to fucking learn. A person in pain isn't always screaming at the top of their lungs.

Skyrim with mods.

rape me

The same could be said of some Japanese VAs. People in general need to learn that. That said, fucking agreed. That was an excellent 13-episode anime adaptation of the manga.

>Amazon and Netflix are actively funding the best anime and are slowly dragging us to 1990s era anime quality

Hate them all you want, Sup Forums. They are saving an unsustainable industry.

When's new Album Kurt? It's been like 20 something years, what are you even doing these days?


you have a point there user

Battle Raper

Speaking of that manga, anyone got the Mega with all the chapters so i don't gotta go hunting?
A video game adaptation would probably be a failure in terms of game and staying true to the source material.

Any games with black """people""" in them

just being dead thanks

Why's she covered in chocolate?

Show me the dawn, Papa.

>blonde asians




When has he ever lied?

Bondrewd posters need to fucking die


just for you user

You're a sweetheart, thank you and have a wonderful day. Now to catch up from where I left off.

Well stop with that shit and get some job done, k thanks.

She has dyslexia.

*Rumbling intensifies*

memes aside
goddamn, bondrewd looks cool

God bless you user.

regs VA deserves even more credit, it was fantastic


So is there anything to this anime seriously other than loli and gore bait with good backgrounds?
Because that is all I ever see discussed both here and in Sup Forums.

How long before this thread gets deleted?

It's a good drama.


adventure, fluffy bunnies, and an awesome OST

Yes, it's actually a pretty great show


The gore is pretty sparse, it's more about adventure in a dangerous as fuck world and having to deal with people who did absolutely nothing wrong like Bonedaddy