Why are Archers typically the best option in every game they're in?
More reliable distant combat than magic, and a lot safer than swords.
Why are Archers typically the best option in every game they're in?
More reliable distant combat than magic, and a lot safer than swords.
Other urls found in this thread:
because they were the best choice irl
Because magic is rarely given a small, fast, low-resource attack that's actually worth a fuck, and nuking your enemy is often just excessive
Because being a pussy usually means you live
1. usually hitboxes are stupidly massive or there's some kind of aim assist, so you hit pretty often
2. usually you have enough arrows to last a long while, with magic you'll run out and have to run around until it recharges
3. it's true to reality (until you get guns in the mix)
If archers were realistic, the arrows wouldnt do much damage against curved plates, they wouldnt have gorillion arrows in stock and usually the accuarcy is not hindered by anything but modest sway.
>inb4 everyone everywhere was english longbow that could kill an elephant from 800 yards just like in LOTR ;- )
Depends on the game...
Tactically speaking with a range class you allways hit first from a safe distance, and reduce chances of being hit back.
That means that you can allways spend your time improving in your dps be upgrading your primary weapon (bow) or skills for it and not split it in defense and damage since range is your defense.
Hit first, hit hard.
>pillars of eternity
Crossbows > Long/Shortbows
the balance with archer in real life is that
A: Arrows were fucking expensive as hell and
B: Archers require something to hide behind
I wish the bow wasn't the default ranged weapon for fantays settings, where are my magical muskets?
I wish fantasy would feature all three. Sometimes I like putting lead into something and sometimes bolts and arrows.
You've never played archer in morrowind
>shoot enemy in head
>repeat until out of arrows
>they run up and kill you
I go for the gun no matter what class its tied to if its an option. Shame its almost never a fucking option.
Once you level you character properly, however, you kill everything with ease. Cliff racers are no longer an issue.
>roll dwarf ranger
>all the best weapon drops are bows
>very rarely get a more fitting gun or crossbow
shit pisses me off
fantasy guns are gay, they just don't fit in when there are bows
I've always wanted a fantasy setting with the usual swords and magic stuff, but also revolvers and lever action rifles.
Mount & Blade is pretty much the only game that gets it right.
However, archery is still pretty much the best strat there is.
>If it wasn't on LoTR it isn't fantasy reeeeeeee!
>they just don't fit in when there are bows
Not fantasy obviously, but it works great in Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword.
Bows and guns existed side by side for centuries.
>3. it's true to reality (until you get guns in the mix)
nah, accuracy was bs in the medieval times
shitty guns, not "literally modern guns with a medieval aesthetic" guns like in warhammer
>"literally modern guns with a medieval aesthetic" guns like in warhammer
That sounds a little stupid and boring, I agree.
If we travel further east bows have been used side by side with guns into the 19th century.
warhammer guns are just muskets and flintlock rifles
Warhammer fantasy guns aren't like that though.
don't put words in my mouth
Alright, I'll just say what everyone is thinking. That is one badass outfit. He actually pulls it off pretty well instead of looking like a pasty nerd.
I wasn't thinking that, because I'm not 15.
What you don't see gang banging niggas walking down the streets with arquebuses tucked in the hem of their pants where you live?
that's what I like about Pillars of Eternity. it's set more in colonial times than medieval so you get a slew of gun options.
Gun wielding knights are my fetish.
Well fuck, this game suddenly looks interesting.
A lot of things look interesting if you don't immediately dismiss them.
Guns are also the slowest option in a game with already glacial combat
Those are the weakest fucking bows
I don't mind, these games are supposed to be slow.
Never dismissed this game, just slight interest without knowing much about it.
I remember going full musketeers in FF12.
fights last a minute or two, not sure how that's glacial.