Stop watching other people play videogames.
Stop watching other people play videogames
>Stop watching tv shows not about people sitting watching tv shows
please kys and spare the board your autism
>Stop watching tv shows not about people sitting watching tv shows
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>ywn work out with Terry Crews
Learn how to spell "video games".
Thank you based black man.
Fuck off twitchcucks.
>Let's Play backlog keeps growing
>Favourite twitch streamers are always online
>Twitch archive backlog keeps growing
>can't comprehend my actual games backlog anymore
Stop using his image to make him seem obnoxious. Terry's pure
>You will never meet Terry Crews
>He will never help you become the best man you can be
Why even live?
Imagine being this much of a fucking loser.
Wtf else am I going to do then cunt? Fucking play them?
stop posting this thread
You haven't played 90% of all the good videogames made from the 80s to now. Go play those.
Stop watching other people play videogames. Experience them for yourself, blind. You've missed out on some gems, Sup Forums.
It has come to my attention that in certain circles, simian-minded individuals are refering to videogames as 'video games', ignorantly placing a space between 'video' and 'game'. Perhaps their brains have dulled by years of Madden and Quake, rather than the mentally invigorating games such as Arc the Lad and Growlanser, becuase even a child could tell that placing a space between the 'video' and 'game' in videogame is perhaps more profoundly philistine than a certain American administration that need not be named. Placing a space in videogame completely belittles the meaning of the word and displays the user's blatantly minuscule intellect and is understanding of the basic precepts of grammar. Videogame is a perfect marriage of the words console and video game, creating a short and effective portmanteau that quickly and accurately labels mentions objects and anybody who does not immediately recognize 'video game' as absolutely outrageous clearly lacks the mental faculties to correctly operate a videogame other than perhaps FIFA Sports. I make this point becuase I have recently been belligerently barrage by imbecilic 'video game' references that unnerve me to no end and have taken it upon myself to correct the damage that your poor Western education ( though this is a subject to be discussed on a later date) has wrought upon you. You should personally thank me that i did not see it fit to correct your preponderous mistake in Japanese, becuase I am thoroughly positive your neanderthal mind would be incapable of deciphering the Hiragana from the Katakana.
Other people?
Terry Crews started watching other people play video games in order to connect with his son better
The guy is all about telling people to do whatever they want, specifically not letting other people tell you not to enjoy something
>games from the 90s and fucking 80s
The delusion.
Of course based Terry!
>ywn work out
Stop telling me what to do with my free time. Who the fuck do you think you are?
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Metal Gear Solid
>Super Mario World
>Half Life
>System Shock 2
>countless other titles that I'm forgetting right now
Stop reading this thread, stop thinking about going to watch a stream.
Go play some video games user!
I wouldn't play any of these unless I got paid. They might have been good for their time but that doesn't make them good today.
Should I play Fortnite or try to finish Cuphead?
>Terry Crews will never be your dad
,How's watching (more like listening really) LPs while I'm playing vidya myself, Terry? It's more like background noise plus I tend to watch LPs of games I myself don't want or can't play.
Played some Warframe, Brigador and DQIX (on smartphone ds emulator, I have a gamepad so it's not a terrible experience) today. What did you play today, user?
Play all of them except Chrono Trigger because
Also, only Doom, Super Metroid, HL and SS2 are good out of those.
>tfw computer too bad to play games made after 2013
>implying I'm enough of a faggot to do that in the first place
Instead I'm post on an anonymous image board and bitch about them
Some things are more fun to watch than play. Don't need to grind, can enjoy the story (if it's that sort of game)