Can someone get this dumb bitch out of Game Reviews already?

>Reviews Pokemon Alpha Sapphire in late 2014
>Gets booted from IGN for the creative genius behind "7.8/10 too much water"
>IGN never gets to live this down, is mocked for years on afterwards
>Gets a job at Gamespot, I assume her blowjobs must be pretty great
>7.0/10 too much voice acting
>Gets shit on in the comments section again albeit to a much, much lesser extent.

Please end her. I never want her to victimize a game ever again. How many innocent games must die at her clutches before we finally admit that there's a problem?

"too much water" and "too much voice acting" are both entirely legitimate complaints in the right contexts

she's probably shit but you're a retard and you can take your personal army vendetta right the fuck back to anywhere else


>"too much water" and "too much voice acting" are both entirely legitimate complaints in the right contexts
Please elaborate on said contexts.

ok but where are her titty pics?

"too much water and too much voice acting are both entirely legitimate complaints"


Both of those are legit complaints though, and honestly, 7.8 is far too high for ORAS, personally, I'd give both a 4/10.

user, did she fuck you?
do you work at IGN?

lol calm down nerd

Monster Hunter Tri has too much water.

The other one is indefensible regardless.

They were both in the wrong context, moron.

it's just a game you histrionic faggot

The complaint about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire was that they had too much water, which is absolutely true. A huge amount of the map is water with the same scarce few random encounters on it, even the underwater diving sections. This was a returning problem from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, which begs the question of "Why didn't they fucking fix it?". It's a huge stain on an otherwise acceptable game that so much of it is tedious nonsense that really has no reason to exist except to make the player spam Repels.

Voice acting, as well, can be detrimental. Look at Dark Souls as a good example. If the Chosen Undead spoke, wouldn't it take away from the game? Isn't this true of all Souls games? Another good example is Fallout 4, where giving the main character voiced lines actually took away from the quality of the game in a very substantial way. Fallout 4 has more problems than just that, but this is an actual issue.

Porn when? I can imagine a pun with too much water heh

The original RS had a lot of water too you stupid underaged nigger. And for good reason too, the whole theme of the game was land vs water.

Too much water was a valid complaint , ORAS had way too much water zones with 99% of the same pokemon in each one. It was bullshit


Almost everyone thought RSE had too many water areas. This was the case until ORAS was released and the babbies whose first pokemon was RSE started screaming.

its not in "a hat in time" since there is no world that features water. Literally only the first stage has water to hop over and thats at the base of the fucking island where most of the stage takes place.

theres one zone later where you climb up a well, but thats it.

its like saying there's too many cannons in super mario 64 because the first stage has two.

Have we contacted gamersgate crew? They can end her

>The power of makeup + blurry picture + a good bra

If it is considered rape for a guy to lie about his profession to a woman he fucks, surely this should be?

Sounds to me like she's saying the voiceacting is shit, not that there's too much of it.

another shill thread

Holy fuck, are you a retard? Did you even read the image at the start of the thread? "Too much water" WAS NOT a complaint she gave against Hat in Time. Fucking wake up the fuck up you dense piece of shit.

This is the average pokefan. Will literally ruin lives if someone doesn't suck up to their obsession.

Kill yourself op. An inability to get girls to fuck you isn't justification to try and attack or victimize a woman for being shit at her job. Also, reviews are subjective and don't fucking matter in the realm of reality in which you live. I bet you reeeeeeee'd when Jim Sterling's fatass gave BotW a 7.

Read a book.
Get a job.
Or push for a promotion.
Join a church.
Or a gym.
Just get outta your fucking house and try and do something with your life rather than this you tremendous fucking loser.

but she's totally spot on on those pro/con highlights

the voice over is BY FAR the worst thing in the game

irredemably mind-numbingly annoying

>anime avatar
>obviously one of those xD im such a weeb gurl looool
>listening to women ever

You only have yourself to blame.

>If it is considered rape for a guy to lie about his profession to a woman he fucks

Life is not an episode of Law&Order SVU, user. That ain't rape.

Link so I can take part in the mockery plz

Holy shit am I on neogaf?

only the normiest of normies even pay attention to IGN reviews anyways

I'm more concerned by the growing prevalence of women like this in gaming journalism. They have agendas without even knowing it to casualize everything for other Stacies. They've never actually had to work for anything so why would they want to play challenging games?

>bitches about normies
>uses a fucking normie meme
yeah nah
off yourself

Wtf?? What happened to you Sup Forums? Back in the days you would have jumped on the chance to be a personal army for the greater good. Now you're a spineless nucuck.

holy fucking YUCK

>Implying it was entirely Pokemon fans

Her review of ORAS got SO MUCH SHIT, it transcended beyond just Pokemon fans, the entire video game community just spouted thousands and thousands of memes at her expense. Also, it's amazing how 98% of Steam Users out of about 500 reviews gave the game high praise but this bitch gives it a 7/10. She has no idea what she's doing and no matter how much you defend and white knight for her, she won't sleep with you.

You sound like a huge whiny little bitch OP. Literally Kys faggot

Do you get BTFO on Neogaf? Then if so, yes, yes you are on Neogaf.

>Also, it's amazing how 98% of Steam Users out of about 500 reviews gave the game high praise but this bitch gives it a 7/10
whoa fuck how dare someone have opinions and be vocal about them when those opinions go against the majority

do you have down syndrome?

The fact that they didn't alleviate the egregious water segments of RSE in ORAS and actually made them WORSE with more extensive diving is a completely legitimate reason to shit on ORAS. She genuinely shouldn't have lost a job over what was a spot on critique of the shittiest Pokemon remakes.

HGSS tackled the major complaints of GSC, no safari zone and nerfed kanto. HGSS added those and more like gym leader rematches and a second version of the elite four. Whereas ORAS made the issues of RSE worse.

This is some industry where you can lose your job because some Trumpet Toddlers didn't want to face the impending reality that ORAS wasn't going to be very good.

7/10, tits are too big

the review is shit but she's got nice tits
the face looks FAS as fuck though

People pay attention to her for her reviews?
People pay attention to reviews?

>all these people defending some disgusting roastie whore

Sup Forums is literally white knight city.

Should have paid her off, jewboy. Like you do to the drones at steam

kids tehse days too scared to try somethign themselves and form their own opinions. gotta be told whats good and what isnt.
what a bunch of homos.

Personal army, etc. Listen man, people won't like the same things you will. Also, who goes to sites for reviews anymore? GJ is being replaced with youtubers and places like this one. Rub one out, and relax man; this person really shouldn't occupy your mind.

>too much water
Do you even realise what planet you're living on?

How to be a contrarian faggot in just one post 101

No you're just being an insufferable faggot.

>nintolder faggot OP gets mad because a reviewer doesn't like his pokemon game made for 12 year old


>man children complaining about a child's game

You're White and live a comfy life don't you?

>never slept with a woman (or man, I guess) with big titties.
Highly recommended. Give it a try.

I just hate ORAS and thought her review was the only thing close to giving that shitty game an accurate score.

>Year of our lord 2017
>still caring about video game "journalism"



Play the game against us and we will destroy you. We're powerful and influential. You're just a useless reviewer

You're a racist one, aren't you...

>it's a "retards only look at the summary and assume that's representative of everything said" episode
Seriously, only utter retards complain about "7.8/10 too much water". That clearly wasn't the entire reason for everything point less than 10 it got. Most of it was merely it being a mediocre, okay game, so it got a mediocre, okay score. Too much water was a noticable problem though, so it good put up as a con in the summary.

Only retards only look at the summary.

She actually took time to 100% the game before giving a review, so kudos for that.

This is also my first time in a reviews thread. Clicked because of girl

Why do you guys still care about reviews, gamefaqs was like 12 years ago

>15 hours for 100% completion
Isn't the average 100% completion time like 8-10 hours?

fuck your shit op

Probably because the game's short, ends quite suddenly and there's only another couple hours after finishing to get 100%.

She's an attractive woman, she will be around as long as she is and thirsty faggots get goaded into reading her gravel. Welcome to women, you only need tits nothing more for people to throw everything you want at you.

There's this girl at my work who has these fake tits and works out at the gym everyday and I want to fuck her in the most base and primal way possible. We went on a few dates but quickly discovered we have nothing in common. When she figured I was only after a single thing she dropped me like a bad habit. But I still lust for those huge fake tits. Have you ever been with a pai of bolt-ons, user?

That's a nice pair of bazoopers


Some of the voice acting in Hat in Time is pretty shitty, like Penquin Mobs or Moustache Girl. But those are exceptions rather than the rule, most of voicing is alright, with some really great performances sprinkled in. I definitely wouldn't reduct a point for it.

I liked it better when men weren't so up in arms about this though. They're just using their titty privilege to get ahead. Just like any other American trying to get ahead in this fucked up capitalist society we live in.

why do we allow women to be like this

Compared to the rest of the journos who couldnt even be assed to finish a game before shitting out a review, that's high praise.

Nope - one of my exes had big tits. Great to play with while fucking etc. Pretty comfy to have near when sleeping (in hands, pressed up against you etc).
I got nothing against fake tits either - just never been with anyone with em, so can't comment on that.

large ma'ams

Get her fired? for what? its fucking Gamespot reviews, its by dummies for dummies.
If you were smart you woudnt be reading that shit.

This is the difference between Movie critics and Video game Journalism.

Movie Critics stray from opinion being basis, they reference pacing, character development, the complexity of the plot, continuity of the story, the camera work and the scenes.

Gaming journalism is an opinion piece written by a highschooler.

The problem is that the bad voice acting is mostly early on, where the great stuff comes later. I've known a few friends who just turned it off early on and never turned it back on.

So let me get this straight:

Nintendumbasses can't handle a bad review (everyone else is mature enough to shrug bad reviews off) so they brigade IGN and get her fired, and now another Reddit game gets a bad review and these same people are having another chimpout? Tell me more.

Now that Mecha the Slag is done with his shitty Indie Game, can he get back to working on TF2 Minigame servers?

I would honestly have preferred her to play it for an hour and just shove something out with a decent score rather than give it a 7 for having voice acting.


Woah dude MHTri had way too little water areas. Only brainlets couldn't get into the underwater combat.

Those titties are made for groping and fondling.

I'd bang either way... tis a lonely existence that of the 29 year old who's only fucked 3 women in his entire life.

>Movie Critics stray from opinion being basis, they reference pacing, character development, the complexity of the plot, continuity of the story, the camera work and the scenes.
That's still all subjective content. For example, someone who hates wide angle shots is going to shit on a movie that's full of them while someone who loves those shots will praise it.
I don't think there's a single source of objective reviews in existence.
That's why I avoid all reviews like the plague, since I have yet to find a person that I agree with 100% of the time.

There's the real reason op hates her

Girls w/ fake tits tend to be pretty shallow(unsurprisingly) from my experience, so it's kinda hard to be able to really invest in talking and engaging with them everyday because of how boring they can be. Maybe they're just not for us.

>turning this into console wars

Nice try faggot

>You have to be an essjaydubya to be exhausted with the current state of America

>Wants to live a lie.
That's so fucking pathetic. KYS

It's not a console war unless one particular platform is elevated as superior while another is declared inferior. Indeed, all I'm doing is just saying some people are immature. Such as yourself.

Hat in Time is objectively a 7/10. The cons should list how awfully casual the game is. How bland 90% of the music is. And also how wonky platforming can be. I remember in the windmill I had to wall climb a moving platform. For no logical reason hatgirl failed four times. Upon death she made it up instantly.

Fucking retard.

She didn't give it a 7 because of the voice acting. That is just one of the bad things about the game in her opinion.

She gave the game a 7/10 overall, not just for the voice acting.

Try reading the whole review dumbass and not just a few bullet pointed good and bad things about it.

"nintendumbasses" inherently does that

now shut the fuck up

you have to be one to pretend like you understand what happens in DC enough to criticize it like this

Sorry, I meant console shitposting. Which is exactly what you’re doing, you fucking faggot.

It's always entertaining to see Hoennbabbies trying to defend the vast amounts of shitty water.

>neo-Sup Forums defending reviews

Could this board possibly get any worse?

Oh sorry.
A 7/10 for having voice acting and a slow start.
A slow start that clearly didn't deter her at all since she got 100%

>wakes up in the morning
>nothing changes