A Hat in Time thread

A Hat in Time thread

What are your thoughts?
I love it and Hat Kid is so adorable I get a diabetes attack every time she talks

cock slut

I love it also, I've been begging for a 3D platformer like this for so long & it was just so much fun. My favorite level is either Vanessa's Manor or Murder on the Owl Express, they're both so great & interesting.


>she will NEVER play with your dick

Yo! Noid 2 was still superior but I'm having still having loadsafun with Hat in Time

No one else will ever play with your dick either

more news at 7

that's really cool
one of the best ids yet

Pizza time!

This is what you deserve, bad boi

gog mega when

d-don't be sad birdie..

I wish more 3D platformers were being made. While I think HiT is a pretty good game for a team of 7 it's still really rough and unpolished. Hopefully they take away and improve from this.



>it's still really rough and unpolished
What's makes you say that? I think it's pretty much 10/10

2 damn cute 4 me

>While I think HiT is a pretty good game for a team of 7 it's still really rough and unpolished
How so? I didn't run into any bugs playing the game besides getting stuck once during part of the windmill but I managed to get out without restarting.

This game... it's scary. To think that someone could actually hide things in the game and have it go unnoticed in steam and gog. It may seem like a cute kids game but it's got a lot of creepy and pedophilic features inside it that shouldn't be in any kids game.

Not him but I managed to get up here & found out the lava doesn't actually hurt you. That's probably the most unpolished thing I found in the game though, it was fine otherwise.

I'll bite.

No (You) for you.


Not him but for me
>There's a lot of automated platforming, stuff like the ice platform, and balloons/sandbags/etc that you bounce off of pretty much control themselves or literally control themselves
If you jump on a balloon on a path of them from the wrong angle it repositions you with a straight 90 degree turn so that you'll hit the next balloon
>Big worlds like Mafia Town suffer from the same problem of Yooka Laylee of being way too fucking big and hard to navigate
There's a reason the safe's in mafia town tell you the location of the tickets, you'd never have found them otherwise.
>Walljump is incredibly restrictive with what angles you can jump out at or how far or short you can run up
>Stuff like the grappling hook, pulling in collectibles (at least a little bit), and nobonk that should've been in the base moveset are badges so you can't really experiment with the badges because you several feel necessary
>If you don't like the voicework you're down another badge
>The collectible orbs have insane amounts of bounce and reliably bounce straight off the ledge when you kill an enemy or break a box

Oh I forgot to add for walljumping, I have random issues where hat girl wont run up the wall or even grab onto the wall in anyway. Walljumping is a mechanical weakpoint of the game in general.

Also the game needed a better way to reliably switch hats on the fly, either going into a slowdown radial menu or taking your hand off the movement stick to use the dpad is not ideal.

>>If you don't like the voicework you're down another badge
You can turn it down all the way in the settings.

I suppose but then you're left with an awkward silence in place of the mumbling they replace the voices with, the fact that mumbling is a badge and not a setting is pretty inexcusable

I don't really disagree with you but people find mumbling pretty annoying itself so I think they'd prefer the silence. Either way they have shit tastes, the voice acting in this game I find to be pretty fun.

it's their first game and it was on a tight budget, I've seen far worse

Yeah it's surprisingly endearing after you get over the initial reaction of Mustache Girl being the first major VA you hear.

>>If you don't like the voicework you're down another badge

you can turn off voices completely in the options screen, I'm tired of saying it

You sure it was a tight budget? They nearly 10x their original goal.

literally everyone praised the voice acting except for Sup Forums and a random e-celeb that had to pick his least liked thing because he loves the rest of the game too much

That's not a good substitute at all because that will also turn off anything hatgirl says while you're platforming and replace the VA work with an awkward silence instead of the mumbling.

It's like Mario with the bing bing but no wahoo.

There's quite literally no reason for the mumbling to not be in the options.

I can wholeheartedly agree. The only VA I've not really grown to liking is Mustache Girl. She just feels a tad out of place.

300k is fucking nothing to make a videogame
>but they asked 30k

yeah and planned the game to look more simplistic than minecraft, have no voice work and be only about collecting time pieces in a single PC version

instead we got a multiplatform release with full voice acting, 2 composed pieces of Grant, multiple collections, more polished graphics, bigger levels, free 2 world DLC and arguably, a much better game than what it was during planning, it was really mediocre and they asked a lot less than yooka laylee yet it is 200 times better

>2 composed pieces of Grant
The main ship lobby music, right? I figured they just replicated his style I had no idea he was involved in this game.

Is there a way to get into the Mafia black market, or the middle of Mafia Town without whizzing past it through the cannons?

No, the black market is closed off complete & clipping into it with cheats shows it has nothing in it.

And for the center I'm not sure, I don't think you can go into it through normal means but here's a clear shot of what it looks like when you're not whizzing past it.

Where are camera pictures that you take stored?

That's really disappointing, I was hoping to find a way in or that there'd be cool stuff in there

in the game folder if you bought it on steam
on gog and pirated version it isn't stored

Zone a shit

>on gog and pirated version it isn't stored
So the camera function for me is basically a waste?

it was great and cute and i want more
But I'm going to have to wait for whenever the 2 extra worlds drop, which could be months away

I wish they add back the stuff they cut in Queen Vanessa's Manor


Does she actually do that or is it just a perfectly timed screen shot? Also post some stuff with Snatcher

Timed it, but for now let's look at The Tale of Queen Vanessa




Fucking autopost



>bought this game thinking it'll run with my laptop igpu despite having a pretty decent processor
>runs like shit
i just want to be in messed up situations


Can you even run any games on your igpu? They're typically not officially supported by games.


Yeah the game unoptimized as all hell. More reviews should be blasting them for it because there's absolutely no reason that shit game should run as poorly as it does.

Also maximum settings is genuinely fucking migraine inducing with the incredibly overactive bloom and shitloads of particle effects. The bloom in this game goes beyond egregious honestly. Even the minimum setting is significantly more than I'd ever want.

>cucked by misunderstandings


>i just want to be in messed up situations
oh so is it like a hentai doujin

And that was the story of the woman who cucked herself


You can completely turn off bloom. I have it on and don't even really notice it so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The game might not run as well as a AAA game for how it looks but it seems to have had less problems with that than other games that typically get shit on in Steam reviews because of it. And really, maxed out the draw distance and lod is pretty far.

>game is unoptimized because it doesnt run on an igpu

yea ok

Yeah csgo for example runs fine at 1080p60, it's an HD4600 with a 4900MQ, not the best but not that bad either.

I tried running it at "Performance" settings but the stuttering was pretty heavy, no clocks/temperature throttling either.

I'm replying to the guy who had that part, why would you assume that was my part too retard?

I have a fucking 1070 and this shit gets choppy in parts still. A Hat in Time is a fun game but it has no right or reason to run as goddamn poorly as it does.


It's just something that comes with indie games. They're small teams with small budgets. It should just make you appreciate shit like GTAV or other AAA games that may still not run as well as you'd like but have shittons of things going on that would cripple any system if not optimized as much as they are.

Maybe try turning off vsync. I know vsync has caused a lot of issues for me in the past with stuttering. If the screen tearing bothers you getting a high refresh rate monitor helps make is less noticeable.

I have a shitty old nvidia card that hardly runs csgo on 720p60
Are you sure you disabled all the effects on advanced settings

>being mad that people complain about unreasonable performance of a game that looks like it came out for the N64
Using Unity3D or UDK brings these kind of issues. Inexperienced developers that don't know how anything works, who couldn't code anything in C if they wanted to and generic engines like Unity that require 8x times more CPU and GPU power just to somehow make the game work. As a reminder, Doom 3 ran on a fucking Geforce MX200 that came out in 2000 and games like Guild Wars 1 had a RAM requirement of 128 mb. Today, I need 8 gb RAM dedicated to firefox alone and a 1080 GTX to play a game that uses 2D sprites. Are you insane my man?

You don't know what an N64 game looked like.

I have a 970 and I haven't had any performance issues at all.

Source: My ass

>thinking Hat in Time looks like an N64 game

opinion disregarded

I have a 970 too and the only time the performance really drops is if I'm far enough out that I can look at the entire mafia city with the draw distance and lod cranked up. Haven't noticed any other performance issues. But like I said above, I have vsync turned off because it causes issues in most games I've played.

I wish his fight lasted longer, the music was radical

Where is the porn? I was promised porn.

>He doesn't understand or see where A Hat in Time was visually inspired by the 5th gen
Brainlets off my board.

Off the top of my head a few things blantantly inspired by the 5th generation of games
>Pile of pillows/Piles of fish being a texture instead of modeled being a clear callback to shit like DK 64's banana piles and other games that used tricks like that
>The Rug in the main lobby of the spaceship uses a trick of moving textures to give the appearance of being fuzzy
>That dark as fuck backstage level in the battle of the bands world
Like seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be to not see that A Hat in Time is clearly inspired by both the 5th and 6th gens. 6th generations more obvious, sure, but the 5th gen influence is as plain as fucking day.

This and the last fight last too little.
meanwhile the chap2 fight takes forever.

what does that even mean?

i have a 970. i 100%'d the game with no real issues. the only issues i've had with the game are occasional physics-related bugs. needless to say i have shit like bloom and vsync turned off.

anyone else having difficulty getting controllers to work? i plug in a ds4 but it won't recognise it

>a fucking misunderstanding

main ship lobby and main theme of the game

I agree with that, that fight with the Conductor wasn't as cool and lasted soo much longer

Is this game worth the money? I've already lost once with Yuka, don't want a repeat

lol I have a 2008 PC and it can run it a 60fps in most areas, full of shit faggot is full of shit

try print screen i guess

I see we've flipped from the "everything about this game is shit" side of the coin to "this game is infallible" side in typical Sup Forums fashion.

This game is miles better than Yooka-Laylee. Not a letdown at all. There are a few minor disappointments but overall it's my GOTY.

>lie about performance
>get btfo

lol stay mad

Wondering this too. Hesitant to spend $30 on a platformer.

It's better than Y-L but I don't know if it's worth $30. I pledged $20 5 years ago and feel like I'm getting my money's worth. There's been plenty of links to pirated versions if you want to try it though.

>posting personal experiences that are related to the discussion is saying the game is infallible
I also feel like complaining about the game not running well on integrated GPUs should be considered shitposting though.

Do NOT lewd my precious child

I said, NO LEWD

Hey look, It's a wooden R.O.B.
Also the music here reminds me of Wind Waker so much