Other urls found in this thread:
dark souls makes you lose your fingerprints if you play it for too long?
tried growing pine apples once...
>americans peel their oranges with a knife
who the fuck has to peel an orange with a knife
Loling out loud
Why do you need a knife, just use your teeth my man
>Needing a knife to peel an orange
Americans cant do anything right.
Wew, you guys are fucking faggots.
the artist is Brazilian
im going to assume you've never handled an ORANGE in your life
I like melons
Punch your thumb through the top or bottom of the peel and use your fat fucking fingers. You'll get the added benefit of smelling nice for a few seconds before the funk sets back in.
This is porn %100.
i better be. i want a source
Artificial difficulty the fruit, just put enough brute force to peel it and the rest doesn't matter.
Pic related is the thinking man's fruit. It doesn't need to be stupidly hard to pose a challenge, it just requires finesse and understanding of its mechanics to be properly opened, and a mistake is punished with a mess of juice.
bannana is my go to fruit. I have 1-2 almost every day.
What video game blog do you write for?
>too lazy to reverse image search
Slice in half and eat with a spoon, the speedrun method
>Pineapple is hard to peel
>throw it hard against floor until flesh is exposed, suddenly peeling is trivial
>Dark souls is hard to play
>Abuse rolling iframes until you are invincible, suddenly playing is trivial
Checks out.
eat my ass user it didnt bring up anything
>posting gore
>need a knife to peel it
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
is this loss? it nearly fits
What the fuck am I reading? Is that satire?
Missed those years desu
stamina cap makes "abusing i frames" impossible
It will be, but drake is too fucking slow to get anywhere in his comics.
>looks like a heart
Now I'M fucking triggered. How can anyone be this stupid?
Pic related is the Dark Souls of fruit
what game would that be?
How many times are you fags going to make this thread?
Nah senpai
Sorry for being a newfag, but I don't get this
... it good?
Anyone who can eat one of pic related without bursting in tears is okay in my book.
The texture of this seems like it would be the worst part.
it has a great starchy texture.
was gonna post this as the Dante must die mode
hearty kek
They are quite creamy, which isn't exactly what I want as a sole topping on a pizza. To me it sounds like putting banana on a pizza.
this was around the time tumblr had the otherkin fad before moving over to their lexicon of genders
if you have something crunchy like bean sprouts post-oven I don't see a problem with a creamy texture
It just tumblrites being snowflakes and get triggered by everything.
Uh, no. We don't. Also the OBSESSED poster is 100% right. How fucking obsessed do you have to be to see food analogy and think nationalities?
This is the true Dark Souls of fruit. It's fun
I think it's time you leave, Kha
thanks senpais
fuck you nothing happened.
It's like eating BBs
duge thank god you posted this thread again
wtf america, you are so obese you are even forgetting how to peel fruits.
>peeling pineapple is hard
fucking america...
>Post tunas
>Already peeled
Close, but not quite the Dark Souls of fruit
god fucking damnit
>dumb faggot tries to post lol thread
>turns into discussion of fruits
I wanna fuck that sphinx
>replenishes all your hearts and give you 5 soul hearts
Durian is the best fruit in botw
That's nothing
>go to Sup Forums to fap
>see a ylyl thread
>click it out of sheer curiosity
>thread was derailed with arguments of electrical wiring and coding shit