What do you think of this fan made pokemon project?
What do you think of this fan made pokemon project?
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Cease and desist
>Let's remake the worst gen
>First shot is of a professors from gen 6 and 7
If you wont even get the nostalgiabait right what is the fucking point?
I'm sort of curious about how well I'll already know my way around a 3d version of a 2d world I know sorta well but I'm older than 12 so that's basically where the interest dies, unless they somehow rework pokemon from the ground up to be strategic in literally any way
amatuer kids in their basement do what nintendont
nintendo is pathetic
>french game
>>Let's remake the worst gen
Are you blind? It's not a Gen V remake at all.
It looks terrible and it won't be developed much further. Same goes for 99% of "fan made" games.
You misspelt Gen VI.
>People working on Nintendo fan projects are still dumb enough to post youtube videos and openly promote them
I give it three days
Looks more interesting than the official games.
>announcing you're developing any kind of Nintendo remake before it's 100% done
Idiots never learn
6 and 7 are the actual worst gens but 1 is the weakest gen out of all the playable Pokemon games.
That's not French, mate.
Anyway, this looks like complete shit, like any attempt at making a fangame, be it 2D or 3D. Give GF shit all you want, at least they understand their own formula.
They're not even making their own assets, it's gonna die on its own with passion that weak.
>a bunch of HUEs make a unity game with pokemon assets
who gives a fuck
Why is everything that HUEs make so unbelievably shit? Have they ever made anything of value?
Brazilian babes
So, crossdressers?
>generic engine with standard assets used
>battles are real time
>models are ripped straight from the games
>world goes for muh realism instead of making it look somewhat like Pokemon
This is worse than that guy who remakes OoT in unreal, which I didn't think was possible.
South American women are trash in general, even black Africans are more attractive.
There's something about unreal engine that just disgusts me. It's this weird amateurish feel and ugly look to it that is even noticeable in AAA games
>its another "X GAME IN UNREAL ENGINE" episode
But seriously, why do people still make fan games of Nintendo ips? When will they learn? The only one that had relative success was PM and even that got the C&D eventually.
Beat me to it
But really just let Pokemon die already
I know what you mean.
The only people who seem to be able to work with it properly are Epic.
Fucking retards desperate for attention don't understand shit.
Unity shills out in full force, I see.
Looks like shit tbqh
Another shitty unreal 4 tech demo that will never get finished.
Looks fucking atrocious. Straight up ugly, battles have been changed for no apparent reason other than trying to make them look more flashy yet they don't have the talent to make appealing looking animations.
I don't recall it ever being C&D'd, just the team behind it got paranoid and bailed to work for EA. Not to mention that the competitive scene hit a wall because Nintendo would not sanction any Sm4sh or Melee tournaments that had PM as an event
Why should I think anything of it? It looks like shit and it will fall through soon enough because of either the difficulty of the project, the loss of interest, or the ol' C&D just like almost every other pokemon fangame.
oh boy, another nintendo remake using unreal engine with pre-made assets so the game ends up looking jarring as fuck because you have cartoony looking characters on realistic backgrounds
cant wait to see those youtube comments where people say dumb shit like "nintendo should hire this guy!
This. That Ocarina Of Time remake in Unreal was disgusting.
>made in unreal engine
>still announcing nintendo fangames before you're finished with them
I think maybe another month at best before it gets shut down.
Came to post this.
Maybe they live in a country where Nintendo can't enforce their rights?
Do all of these idiot groups think they'll somehow be the exception and not get a cease and desist?
People for some reason can't move past the standard assets even after introducing their own and it fucks with the art direction a ton.
At least in Unity it's expected. Here it just feels especially cheap.
Gen V is the second best though.
>realistic graphics
Why though
Reported to Nintendo for copyright violation :^)
[litigious screeching in the distance]
People actually like this??
Because there aren't any free Poke`Mon styled Unity assets.
Nobody gives a shit what woolie says
>YouTube comments [do or say literally fucking anything]?!?
First time on the internet I see
this looks fucking awful, get the fuck out of here OP. the "combat" is laughable, the game looks barren as fuck, the art style is offensive, just stop.
>it's a portfolio troll gets a fanbase's hopes up just to smash them against the rocks along the coast of Ceendee episode
It's OP on alt accounts.
we're coming for you Felipe, you better hide fuckboi
Doesn’t look like Gen III to me at all
Why is it running at 10 fps for him, either his PC is a toaster with a fancy paint job or it's poorly made.
Whoa now, not so fast...
I think it looks like shit and it still can't even be called a prototype.
How many of these have existed throughout the years? How many of them actually got fully completed?
>fanmade assets and models
>hacked out gameplay that could be put together in 30 minutes by looking at basic UE4 tutorials
>the classic turn-based pokemon combat is completely replaced by shitty real-time action combat in the overworld, MMO-style
Why even bother. This shit isn't even worth of being called Pokemon at all. The only thing Pokemon in it are the models. Not only that, the entire thing could be put together by any autist out there within a day or two.
Regardless, Nintendo will C&D his ass at the speed of light. This shit's already been all over the internet, in multiple game news websites, blogs, even rebbit. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's already on 9fag and Facebook and shit.
This """"project"""" is dead as fuck and it hasn't even begun.
he has a good point though.
2 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 6
Haven't played any games since X/Y and refuse to until gamefreak's entire dev team gets replaced by people who actually give a shit.
>can see wild pokemon in the overworld
into the trash
Why didn't they name it Leaf Green remake instead? Because Charizard isn't it?
Or not name it after a real title and make up one, like Water Blue.
I just went on a rabbit hole of watching game "devs" remake rubbish with the UT4 engine. Thanks. Im pissed the fuck off.
I like Ocean Blue instead but yeah I guess Water Blue makes the most sense.
Found a nigger
>tfw Pokemon Switch comes out and looks exactly the same and Sup Forums loves it
It looks good, the gameplay and it being a steaming pile of generic 3D shit is the problem. It's just a random demo with Pokémon skins on it. If Pokémon Switch looks like that then they'll be golden
4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 7 > 1 > 6
>models are ripped straight from the games
They don't look that low poly to me.
>it's another "I downloaded UE4 tutorials and pasted these extracted assets in" episode
Ugh, can you not?
>tfw no retarded charizard ai stuck on trees or a wall
SM models aren't low poly since GF is planning to reuse them for years to come, the 3ds is just crap
Emailed Nintendo
Boy, that...*smacks lips*...That sure is a nice fangame you got there.
It'd be a...*crooked smile forms*...shame if something...*begins rubbing hands together*...were to happen to it.
This is hot enough for Nintendon't to shut it down and close the doors on it eventually
Don't make fan projects. Take that talent and do something original. Nintendo hates their fans, and the lawyers will make sure you know it.
Its like these people enjoy having nitendo take there shit down lol
>spic facebook Pokemon project
yeah this can only end in success.
SM models are low poly though. Their arms and legs are boxes. I've ripped them and taken a look before.
How much of a cock-munching millennial do you have to be to say the first gen isn't the best?
Nobody in their right fucking mind talks about gameplay it's always been the magic of the universe and the culture that surrounded it upon release that people love.
You literally can't fathom it because you were born too late and for that I pity you.
That is literally what people ultimately want though.
Only things I liked were the wild pokemon roaming and the magical ability to say "no".
>hurr my childhood is what's the most important fuck gameplay in a video game
And no before you call me underage I've been playing these games since RBY days.
I lived during the Pokemon boom, the first gen is not the best nostalgifag. And you are also a milenial probably.
Looks like baby's first unity project and not fun in the slightest.
V > IV > VII > III > VI > I > II
t. Gen Z fetuses
>Real time battles
Why do they always fuck with the parts of Pokemon that made the fucking genre?
No one wants to spam click or just let the ai go at it. That is fucking retarded and the same shit that made pokemon go such utter shit.