If Runesape was IRL, where would you live?

If Runesape was IRL, where would you live?

Gotta be Catherby for me

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my one issue with runescape was although all the subcultures were godtier, i could never really become immersed in each individual area. i wanted to be a fremmnik and just chill in their areas so fuckin bad but there wasnt much to do

Tutorial Island

Play Sup Forumsscape


Red Dragon Isle

Sinclair Mansion
>nice place
>quiet area with trees and fishing spots
>short walk from catherby and fremennik
>also my name is sinclair so I have a right to it


>If Runesape was IRL
what does this imply?
do the monsters exist? do they respawn? am i one of the npc's and players go around killing us for fun? can i just crown myself the king of lumbridge castle with all the servants?

Yes, yes, no, no.

Does that quench your autism?

For me, it's the Tutorial Island. The best area in Runescape.


Comfy Ol' Canfis

No, your thread is shit because the premise is too open-ended. Thank you and bye.

The Seers Village-Catherby area. Or maybe be an edgelord wizard who lives in the wild.

Seer's village was comfy as fuck.
Morytania was the best area in the game. Great area and quests with the vampires.

Baxtorian falls, all day baby

>comfy soundtrack
>calming waterfall close by
>good fishing spots
>lovely view
What is there not to love?

>comfy soundtrack

there aren't soundtracks IRL

Wizards are the closest i'll get to the internet.

Desert Mining Camp

Mah nigga.

>autism intensifies
Also not my thread, nerd.

If it's not the Pirates' Hideout, you're far too much of a pussoir to live in Runescape.

>implying me or someone else wouldn't be able to play it irl


Falador. I'd be a white knight :)

Karamja docks near the banana trees was mighty comfy

In the Fairyland and farm implings with my fairy wife.



How do I make gold as an ironmeme?

Would Falador be Thailand of Runescape because the Sex Change Clinic aka Make Over Mage is right next to it?

Alching rune drops

Fletching, Slayer and battlestaves

Do you think Malignus Mortifier and his friends ever took a field trip to the Makeover Mage? You know, for experimentation purposes?

Just alching the battlestaves and whatever you make with fletching?

>9/10 of the world is behind a paywall
shit game

RS3 Priffdinas

You aren't a noob, are you user?

Does anyone else remember just scrolling around the map, reading the names of places and fantasizing about what they would look like? Getting to Piscatoris fishing colony gave me shivers for some reason.

F2P was a better experience because you had so many people in a smaller area. Once you got members you'd hardly ever run into anyone and a lot of the map was wasted space since you'd go there to do one quest or one hunting assignment and never return. But a lot of that was because members areas had those super cities with a bank right next to a resource/farming location and killing/mining 10,000 things there was more exp efficient than doing 1000 things somewhere the bank is more than 15 steps away.

That's actually a pretty good question. Maybe Lumbridge?

>Paying for membership

Yanille would be top tier and a cozy option if it wasn't right next door to the ogre place

I agree. But I still would have liked to see more of the membership stuff.

>paying 39 gorillion gp for memebership

>Make membership for a month in one hour

What did Runescape do right that made it so loved by players?

Maybe in RS3.

It's a mmo instead of queue simulator

That was stupidly phrased, what I meant is that more of the membership stuff could have been F2P. I had membership for a short time (as a gift) and enjoyed exploring all the new stuff.

TzHaar City, no doubt.

Yup, this. I could fill crates with bananas and wine all day if I could chill with a monkey and drink rum everyday.

It concentrated on the whole adventure and didn't just glorify end-game to be the only worth-while thing. Its world feels designed and not just plopped down randomly on a world that's way too large. And most of all, its quests are actually quests.

I enjoyed it because it was f2p. Then I later enjoyed it because skills are just as viable as combat for money making.

Obviously not so much anymore since they've added tons of bosses, and the GE and mjnigames like Wintertodt have fucked over profit from most skills.

>wanting to live in a volcano
but why

Stop reminding me RS for existed, you're opening old wounds. I will never forgive them for destroying the game, then killing it, then shitting on it's corpse.

I just want the old RS and old Jagex team back.

I got back into it for a while when Darkscape was a thing and it was nice to play around with all the members stuff under constant threat of pvp.

You'd be cooked alive user.

Varrock because it was basically my home during childhood.



Wilderness, I'm an edgy psychopath.

How well do you guys think Runescape Classic will play when the mobile app comes out?

Varrock was my city.

Andrew selling Jagex was the biggest mistake. What I'd do to go back...

Thanks for hurting my soul.

>Started in 2004 because friends recommend it
>Had a blast playing together
>We all got rich, leveled up, did all the quests
>2007 comes and is the beginning of the end
>We all basically quit because of it, only occasionally logging in to see how things are going
>Jagex continues to ruin the game with that fucking goblin wheel, the genie shop thing, the treasure chests that replaced the goblin, etc
>The final deathblow is made when they kill the graphics/music and make the gameplay some awful WoW knockoff
>They try to save face with an 07 server, yet they don't let you transfer your character
>07 server gets continually worse with bad OC

I could have tolerated it had they not changed the combat. There's no way I'm starting over with 10 years of progress either.

>whole childhood was just playing this game
>the game is twisted to something beyond what I played as a kid
>can't relive the memories

All those moments....

I sometimes wonder what happened to my Runescape friends.

Quests themselves were probably the biggest selling point. They were engaging since each quest was unique and had its purpose, it had storybuilding (some, at least) which sometimes chained into future quests you could do, and you often had things to do in it like explore the realms for hidden locations, gather certain items in dangerous areas and do puzzles which could both be great fun or annoying depending what type you had to do.
Quests were a lot more than just daily "kill 10 bears and loot their ass hides" and the rewards were much more varied, you could have gotten gold, xp, valuable items or even exclusive items that could only be obtained by that quest.

The community was god tier, it felt so alive and real.

>getting told about quests from my cousin when i walk into the fortune tellers place in varrock for demon slayer and think im special for getting the quest
>That fierce competition where we both couldn't stop playing for fear of one getting too far ahead
>doing all the quests together
>talking about who's coming to who's house on a friday after school while we fish monks

I'd take an eternity just reliving all that.

Hang on lemme give you the Grand Exchange to speed up selling and absolutely murder the economy/community.

>And most of all, its quests are actually quests.
Fucking T H I S.
Runescape's quests put every other MMO to fucking shame. I will never forget While Guthix Sleeps or Ritual of the Mahjarrat.

>love the GE because i could now buy and less obscure shit no problem
>hate the GE because it trivializes the experience of getting new gear
>and also brings in the kike class who just sit around and flip all day

no in osrs too. Takes me 7-8 zulrah runs to get enough for 2 bonds on average. Or if I'm feeling particularly lazy I go to MLM and barely pay attention, and over the course of a week I have like 4 bonds.

>you will never leave tutorial island for the first time again

>that feeling of being dropped off in lumby for the first time and not knowing the exact path to every place immediately.

I miss being lost in games.


>Buying red bead

I didn't mind the GE

>that guy who got 99 fletching from doing 400k willows

>tfw walking from city to city
>unlocking teleport spells felt like a legitimate accomplishment
I don't care what people say about "muh convenience", the lodestones in RS3 were a mistake.

How MMOs are portrayed in anime pales to what peak Runescape was like.

>barely knew any english
>got stuck on the mining part for 2 weeks


>the lodestones in RS3 were a mistake.
They really were, it brings in one of the worse things modern mmo's made standard with no one wanting to explore. And then people wonder why all MMO's are the same, and don't realize the're probably the loud faggots screaming for streamlining.

They ruined exploration and magic in general. Last I checked RS3 magic was heavily neutered. Ice barrage was no longer the pants shitting fear it used to be, and you didn't need any expensive runes to use magic.


I honestly learned how to negotiate deals and bargain with someone with Runescape. It kills me that the grand exchange is a thing.

When I was brand new I followed someone who ended up taking me to Falador and my mind was blown at the time when he said there weren't many low levels around

I'd probably stay at either Yanille or the RS3 wizard tower.

fuck you, right is best

Personally I like the Grand Exchange, but merchant clans and price manipulators should be banned.


You know, the worst part about RS3 is how it's no longer a browser game made in Java. You have to install it now like any other game, thus ruining the cool aspect of playing on the library computer or on a relative's computer during some boring family meetup.

>Last I checked RS3 magic was heavily neutered
Well depends what you think "neutered" means.
elemental spells no longer require modifier runes (mind,chaos,death,blood). Which makes early leveling less painful.
Ancients still require them, and we have a new book with more combat spells and skilling spells. As well as magic getting a complete graphics change.


>not levelling your magic by using high alch on battlestaffs

Plebian detected.

To be fair, the client download is tiny since you stream the whole game from servers. But yeah the places where you couldn't dl in the first place.

Yes user, but you're forgetting the first 166,636 exp you need before ez mode starts.

I think that's a fair judgement of it, always thought something was missing when I got new armor/weapons. I'd still prefer GE to sifting through mountains of buy/sell offers in banks/forums while dealing with those sharking cunt merchers who laugh at you if you offer the average market price. Or those fags that would back out on deals (or act like it to squeeze more out of you). I'd much rather deal with jews indirectly.

That's because Java is an antiquated piece of
fucking shit. I hope it goes the way of flash and just gets guillotined.

Piece of shit.

Seer's, by far the comfiest area in the game