Post your favorites made by the developer.
>Alien Soldier
>Sin and Punishment 1 and 2
>Yu Yu Hakusho Makyo Toitsusen
>Gunstar Heroes
>Dynamite Headdy
>Mischief Makers
>Astro Boy: Omega Factor
I haven't played any of their Sega Saturn games.
Treasure Thread
>Implying McDonalds Treasureland Adventure isn't Treasure's magnum opus
>Last JP onry game was 3 years ago
>Last international release was 6 years ago
I want Treasure to come back.
Meme company, their Nintendo games were mediocre as fuck.
I don't know why Sup Forums keeps spamming this guys
go back to /vr/
I want a remake of Alien Soldier. One that has all the content Treasure wanted to put in the game but couldn't due to time constraints.
They also made the best Bleach games on DS and top tier handheld fighters in their own regard. And even if it was inferior I still greatly enjoyed Gunstar Superheroes.
>Sin & Punishment
>Radiant Silvergun
>Guardian Heroes
>Gunstar Heroes
Those are some of the greatest games ever made imho, they can legitimately stay in an hypothetical top 100
Radiant Silvergun and Guardian Heroes desperately need a steam release.
>implying the majority of Sup Forums aren't underage and even know what Treasure is, let alone played any of their games
Might have well have just made this thread on /vr/. It'll be archived in about 20 minutes
Because Mischief Makers continues to be the best game ever made.
>Might have well have just made this thread on /vr/.
you mean the board that thinks treasure murdered their families?
Why do they hate Treasure so much?
>muh meme company
Meme contrarianism i guess
What the fuck does that even mean? Is fucking Treasure of companies too popular for /vr/?
It's a shame they weren't given a lot of time to work on the game. Wario World isn't bad but it could've been so much better.
they don't like their run and guns because they have life bars and unlimited continues. they hate ikaruga for it's "gimmicky" color change mechanic.
is it actually bad or is it just a meme?
It's a shovelware ps2 game, so...
so what? finish your sentence you fucking autist.
so it's a pretty disgusting video game
it's ok, nothing special
emulates well, worth checking out because it has a weird premise and mechanics
which developers are better? go ahead i'll wait.
Youre mah nigguh.
Always wanted to play Bangai O Spirits
and that was because I loved the Bleach games so much.
Saturn or PSX version?
I tried Bangai O Spirits but it didn't click with me. Maybe the console versions are better. Either way I should give the game a second chance at some point.
To be honest, it's one of Treasure's weaker titles regardless of platform. I think the Saturn version's better.
I heard about lag issues, but that's all I heard about it.
It's a far weaker game than the console versions. You have slowdown issues, less screen to see what you're doing, fewer shots, and no story/plot at all(if you care about it). It really wasn't much more than a portable stripped-down level editor for the real game. It did add some new EX weapons you could choose from and a dash, but if you want to play Bangai-O then the DC version is by far the way to go.