Dead game

Dead game.
Also reminder to vote for Sophia, since she actually has a shot of IS giving her a dragon stone if people show support for her.

The fact that there are still only six dragonstone units in the game after like 8 months is pretty retarded. Especially when we started with 5. And then to make a Gauntlet for it. And worst of all, to not even use Julia as one of the seat fillers.

You don't try hard the ally support system do you? Need a Raven and Eldigan. Is there any other sibling pair in the game?

>only thing to look forward to this month is a fucking voting gauntlet



Why do you think it's a dead game?

We unironically need more Dragonstone units. However you know what they will do, right? They'll just bust out of nowhere that Robin is suddenly able to use Dragonstones due to being Grima and it'll be a holiday banner full of Fates and Awakening units.

It's not - it's just been dead the last few days since there isn't anything new.

I only bothered with supports on two of my permanent arena team members.

I don't think anyone would have minded them cutting male Kamui for Julia.


also halloween

Won't happen until almost-November.
They don't overlap seasonal banners, and the dancer banner is a seasonal banner.

How long does it take to draw 4 portraits anyway? Where is my Yabuki Kentarou? Where is my Saeki Shun? I need these artists to draw FE stuff.

>go into Learn Skills
>looking at every single unit I ever use
>even ones that only get dragged out for Arena Assault
>don't need to SP grind a single one of them anymore

Has anyone else gotten to this point? The Warriors maps were amazing for SP, but now I have literally nothing left to do.

Yeah, yeah, HM grinding. Not even worth it, I have so many surplus feathers I've been wasting them in huge chunks lately just for shit and grins.

I wanna see Yoshida do art for Heroes.
I would go +10 on each and every character he drew for even if they were trash garbage.

>Not Jugdral

All that's left for me is to clean out my barracks. I have so much fodder lying around but I can't SI them because I have no units that need them right now. I'm almost a 300.

I've got plenty of level 1 5-stars, but I also have units that can solo 690-700 range arena assault teams with 3 level ones with assist skills.
These last few days between the end of the last TT and the gauntlet that starts tonight have just been empty.

Tell me about it. Basically every unit I use has at least 2 complete builds worth of skills on them. I have like 3 complete builds on fucking Alfonse.

>Implying ISIS isn't delaying the Jugdral banner and Arvis GHB because of the leaker

That much investment and still sub-50 Atk, sub-30 Def/Res, only above average HP, and still Reinhardt-tier Spd. What an absolute mess of a stat spread.

>caring about Horse Emblem

lmao get with the times grandpa, no one cares about that old and busted game.

This is the first month where IS have been quiet. Cue the over dramatics.

Also remember when IS first released the game and they said they had a year's worth of content.
I guess there's only 4 months left with your online only waifu.

Do you not understand that build's niche?
You kill all colorless units and green units on a bait while usually taking 0 damage in return.
Most greens and colorless she one-shots even on player phase.

why bother with quick repitoite then?

It secures bait kills on a number of green and colorless ranged units that would otherwise require a player phase action to finish. And it's a 240 base sp ability, meaning highest arena score from a b-skill.
Swordbreaker is probably her "best" b-skill, but on a dedicated arena team swords aren't relevant because your blue unit ohko's them anyway.

Why would I not support slutty lolis?

Because other people are gonna ensure she wins without you, and so that IS sees people like Sophia enough that they should maybe give her a New Year's dragonstone banner.

>caring about Horse Emblem
What game do you think you're playing motherfucker

When's Veronica gonna be a unit?

You'd think the character in the game's icon would be relevant even after beating her story missions

>what game do you think you're playing
Flier Emblem Heroes

>implying I play mobage


>need a spring camilla
>don't like camilla
What do I do

If they give me a unit I'm already using as a bonus unit, I'm gonna take advantage of that to make my run as free as possible.

You're not likely to get a green flying mage any time soon.
We're gonna get a red flying mage either on the Halloween banner or during Christmas.

Sorry but I'm going to keep riding the FCorrin train.


Do that after Sophia loses - you'll end up with more feathers from all the bonuses.

Who would you guys say is the best to join for esports and will get the most bonus phases in round one?


That 16 spd is normal as -Spd is Sophia's best bane. It makes her the slowest character in the game tied with Zephiel though. The sub 50 attack is okay though because she's an Enemy Phase unit she doesn't need a bunch of attack power when the nemy can barely hurt her anyway. If you ask me, she wants +Def or +Res.

She really benefits from the bonus that Summoner Support gives, along with other Enemy Phase units. It really sucks for Sophia though as she basically needs a lot of support to keep herself from not being a piece of shit.

I'm even using a buffbot just to make sure my wall can't be taken down.
t. S-Ranked Sophia player

MKamui is going to get annihilated.

Probs tiki or nowi

I would, because I wanna pull more 5 stars of him to merge, because he's fun
Tho unlikely because I don't buy orbs with money

thanks reddit

He's just bad.

Probably update on the 10th, since that's where the schedule cuts off outside of FEW events.
Speaking of which, those are probably supposed to be the current events to do, I don't think the devs realized that SP farming maps can only do so much.

wait, there's a gauntlet soon?


12 hours

I'm forced to vote for my waifu, even if I haven't beat conquest yet

I've spent £30 trying to get YTiki but no luck so far



I respect F!Kamui supporters.
You should really not spend orbs on banners with whiff-focuses though - just wait until Y!Tiki is on a banner as the sole red unit.

>tfw no Hone Dragons

The fuck, ISIS? Just give us Ninian's faggot brother with it already.

And make him green.

Supporting my daughteru Fae!!!

Winning the gauntlet for Fae!!!


>horrible art
>Wendee Lee
>ugliest dragon
>not even a good unit
Exactly why should I vote her over Nini or Nono?

Her art is cute though.
The ugliest dragons are mCorrin and Fae.

What's wrong with Wendee Lee.

>cutest dragon in the game

u wot m8

the fuck

Dumb mark. Dumb hair color. Short hair.
Not even possible to be cute. With all three of those.

All the dragons are cute, but I only want to fuck these two.

You are the embodiment of shit taste.

Sophiafags confirmed for garbage taste.

brb calling interpol

I think you're not a good poster.

>six dragonstones
>eight armors
>most fliers are whale/high luck only
>no infantry meme buffs
This is like 50% of the reason why everyone uses horses. They're incredibly easy to get a hold of


Her art is bad. Zaza does not know how to attach a head to a neck.
Wendee Lee is a 50 years old woman trying to voice children. She's fine for someone like Lyn, but when you have a hag voice coming out of a smol girl it doesn't work at all.


you mean Myrrh.


See this is fine.
Eliminate short hair and everything becomes better.

His faces are cute. Not-Severa in particular has very endearing art even if it's not the most technical or anatomically correct.



Fuck these missions.

Let's hope that Sophia gets to be on the Halloween banner with good art as an armor dragonstone.

What's wrong with those? It's not hard. Irritating is ones like "kill 5 level 35 enemies with Henry"

voting for best dragon waifu Nowi

get good kid

Eh, I don't mind. Gives me an excuse to train more characters than just my main team and a few GHB beaters.

Are you having the difficulties my good man?

they ain't mandatory bruh

Is this what a +atk Tana looks like?

they become better over time. I clearned the armor one with Hector and 3x 2* Draug. That was hell. Now I've got Effie, BK, Zephiel, and Hector x3 and it's easy as shit

That's what a tenth stratum Tana looks like.

I want a new bride banner.

Because I've got shit for fliers and the only good cav I have is BLyn who can't consistently survive on her own. I've spent all day levelling Fred, Mathilda, and Cecilia to hopefully make it less painful.
>free orbs ain't mandatory

my wallet would die

>still no Myrrh


Just refresh the stage until it's a 3 enemy tower, then clear that. I only have Brave Lyn and I can clear it easy with that.
Same with Cordelia.

>forgot Myrrh existed

A day of stamina and 15 battles for one orb is not worth it.
An orb is worth about 50 cents. I can work for a single minute and make more than that.

>tfw I have a full infantry, armor, horse and flier team
Feels good man. I just need a Y-Tiki for my dragon team, too.

Nowi is slut.

Sophiafag shills go home, Mamui by default of being the only male and being the wall-of-text vitriol of many anti-fates autists (and hypocrites who hate him but love Femui) will get you the most feathers.

And if he happens to win some rounds through a few upset multipliers then that's fine by me too.

Deciding between Nowi and Ninian is almost as hard as my penis.


>facts are wrong
You always join the least popular character to maximize feather output.