Does Bethesda know something we don't or is Nintendo simply paying the ports out of their own pocket?
Does Bethesda know something we don't or is Nintendo simply paying the ports out of their own pocket?
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Bethesda just likes to piss Sup Forums off.
Probably the latter
>piss off nintendogaf by helping nintendo system
>Nintendo Switch selling extremely well
>not wanting to get a piece of the action by porting tentpole properties to a popular platform
this, there is no big mystery here. lots of devs even slept on the wii for a while so i'm sure they figure being early is worth it
The primary reason third parties refuse to support Nintendo consoles is because Sony and Microsoft typically pay a significant sum for support. Final Fantasy VII, for example, was PlayStation exclusive because Sony paid $100 million for it.
Bethesda, however, is a bit more independent and as such have no reason to cave to their demands.
Todd is going to be the man who will save the Switch.
Skyrim potentially could have been paid for considering Nintendo is the one publishing that one, however the other two games are probably just Bethesda trying to jump in early on a console that's selling well so they can build a fanbase on the platform.
>or is Nintendo simply paying the ports out of their own pocket?
What the fuck do you think
Why do I have the feeling there are a number of devs that felt like they made a mistake ignoring the Wii?
>portable lies
The Switch has already sold half of what the WiiU did.
Also "gamers" are more open to Nintendo now, they see Ninty as "retro" and "cool" instead of kiddy shit like they did with the WiiU and Wii. Normies realized its possible to like both CallOfDuty and Mario at the same time.
Bethesda just wants idiots to buy their shitty games.
>Also "gamers" are more open to Nintendo now
Nintendo is actually pushing an image on being a console receptive to people who grew up instead of being the child console. So I would hope so.
Literally every dev every. Why hold that against them?
Gee I wonder why this Publisher is porting games over to this popular system.
I wonder
The search for profit is in the definition of a company, are you retarded or merely pretending?
Elder Scrolls: Crystal Chronicles for the Nintendo Switch
Is there a dev that doesn't want their games to be bought?
>literally the only AAA company making games on the Switch
They are going to enjoy a lot of money.
Nintendo has probably shared detailed sales and demographics data with them and they know that the Switch is going to be a huge success that surpasses the PS4 within 2 years.
Like how Fifa only sold 1% of its stock on the switch and was outsold by 360 version? Like how 2k sold poorly on the switch?
Nintendo doesn't advertise these games coming to their system so no one knows this shit is coming on the switch and then sells like shit
Pipboy switch edition when?
>sports games
Nintenbros don't care about sports.
>that surpasses the PS4 within 2 years.
PS4 is gonna outsell it this holiday, screencap
It doesn't matter because most of them would have made a bunch of shovelware that would've sold poorly and then would've blamed the audience for not buying their garbage.
>have a bunch of franchises you know will sell regardless of how many times they're re-released
>only takes a couple months to port anyway
I'm more shocked that Fallout 4 isn't also coming to the Switch. Maybe it's just too performance intensive.1
Nobody cares about europoors. Most of them pirate games anyway.
A golf game was #1 on the eShop charts for about a week. NBA 2K18 was up there too for a while.
I'm still mad there's no RE7 port yet they ported the Revelations games
Fifa had a shitty port and 2k took too much space.
>Nobody cares about europoors.
But America buys all the sports games. Now how will you try refute me i wonder.
The reason why these games are getting Switch ports is because Skyrim is still technically a last-gen game and Wolfenstein and DOOM both run on the scalable IdTech6 engine and target 60fps on consoles, meaning they can get a 30fps port running on Switch.
Since most console games target 30 fps it means that getting them to run on Switch at a playable framerate is very difficult. Something like Resident Evil 7 I imagine the Switch could handle, since that game was made for PSVR and targets 60fps on consoles.
>2k took too much space.
Just like Doom will to play online the same way as 2k? Just like wolfenstein will.
Doom and Wolfenstein won't have have commentary that takes up 90% of the space.
not that user but the Switch Version is based off a 2 year old engine with current players. If you own any current Gen console or PC it's the better choice. Of course inferior versions dont stop people from buying Skyrim and first person shooters on console.
nobody cares about doom multiplayer, most are happy they have the option to not download it
This and the fact that the Switch is powerful enough to run these games in a somewhat playable state, so Bethesda sees dollar signs in porting.
>not that user but the Switch Version is based off a 2 year old engine with current players
So is the 360 version which STILL manage to outsell it.
>but muh install base argument
Zelda on switch outsold wii u version.
Having a save file that's almost as big as Mario Odyssey is fucking ridiculous.
how is that an argument?
nobody owns a fucking wii u.
skyrim is a popular open world that can run on the hardware
doom and wolf use IDtech6 and they already support vulkan, the port is relatively easy
for the same reason, they wont port games like dishonored
I own BotW on both consoles.
I just want portable RE4.
14 million people do
please no, I don't want to buy it again
FUCK off. That game is on like every system. Stop supporting these "port this game on every gen" bullshit
But this port would actually have a reason to exist.
Portable Skyrim makes normies buckets. That shit'll make any money they spent on porting back and then some in less than a week. Curious about how Doom and Wolfenstein will do though.
>Curious about how Doom and Wolfenstein will do though.
As long as they don't take TOO much space, they'll turn a profit.
I'd call golf story more of an RPG
does it even have multiplayer?
you sound like a smart guy.
I've seen a lot of hype for the Doom port. I think it'll do well.
I wonder if they're waiting to see how Doom does before confirming a port of Wolfenstein The New Order & The Old Blood. It seems kinda weird to just jump straight to 2. I guess it's because 2 runs on id tech 6, which they already have optimized for the Switch because of Doom, but we know without a doubt that id tech 5 could work just fine on the Switch because TNO was on 360 & PS3.
>Portable Skyrim makes normies buckets.
does it now? the game is 6 years old and won't have any mod support.
>mod support
you understand the concept of a normie yes?
>needing mods to enjoy a game in current year
normies in my class played skyrim with mods
Nintendo advertised Skyrim on Switch before Bethesda knew anything about it. When Bethesda saw a positive reception to the idea they started working on more ports.
You'd have to hate videogames in general to dislike Bethesda titles, so it makes sense to put them on as many platforms as possible.
alright mate we all know someone who went to special school no need to shout it from the rooftops
>talking in memes like a retard
mods surely don't hurt the experience
here's your
>You'd have to hate videogames in general to dislike Bethesda titles
Oh come on, how can any drone pretend Skyrim and Fallout 4 are good games? Dishonored would be cooler on the switch.
skyrim is clearly a good game
Or New Vegas.
>make games for as many platforms possible/profitable
>get money
What is so hard to understand about this?
Capcom is the biggest whore there is and no one gives a shit because it's well-known. Now that Nintendo gets actual thirdparty support back, retards are like
It just means bringing the games over is profitable, that's it.
>Nintendo advertised Skyrim on Switch before Bethesda knew anything about it
>>Nintendo advertised Skyrim on Switch before Bethesda knew anything about it
just the usual retard babble
>skyrim is clearly a good game
Thr combat is so bad fans attempted mods to fix it and its still clunky as shit
Are you actually underage and don't remember the ps2 version of fifa selling like fucking crazy just about 4 years ago? Fifa does incredibly well on old consoles because europoors.
>2k sold poorly on switch
Gee I wonder fucking why. Couldn't have anything to do with how fucking bug-riddled it was.
lots of good games have bad combat
or bad whatever else thing that sucks but doesn't fundamentally ruin the game
its still a good game
also the combat isn't that bad
>lots of good games have bad combat
Ignore that ignorant retard
well lots of rpgs have bad combat
People will absolutely buy it on Switch, a port is easy money.
>Doom and Wolfinstien
ID can probably port those 2 pretty cheaply given their wizardness right now.
To have big games on a console with some serious momentum behind it makes plenty of sense
a 6 year old game
Doom and Wolfenstein are running on id tech 6, the most optimized modern engine and yet Doom still needed to be heavily downgraded
Dynamic 720p
Lower textures than pc
30 fps
less enemies
None of this is impressive in the slightest
portable though
Bethesda doesnt realize that the only games that sell on nintendo consoles is nintendo games.
>the ps2 version of fifa selling like fucking crazy just about 4 years ago?
As opposed to what? You're letting a release confuse you with high sales. Zelda sold more copies on the switch despite Wii U having a larger install base.
Fifa 18 on ps3/360/switch only accounted for 3% of the total fifa sales. High sales my ass. Keep making excuses
Vulkan support literally paid by Nvidia for the shield. Its why evil within 2 will never come to the Switch.
Bethesda is just in the position Ubisoft were with the wiiu
"It's not confirmed yet" doesn't mean "We didn't knew anything about Skyrim on Switch lol"
Zelda was only advertised for the Switch.
It's about making it playable on a portable.
shitty excuse to play an awful version of the game.
Source on Sony paying for ff7?
Also why people don't like to play FIFA on PC. For some reason it's different and feels kinda off.
The GC didn't have this problem
who knows if it will be awful
it will probably be worse, but then it will also be playable on the flight to doha on the way to bangkok
True but given there is not much of a power difference with docked and undocked I wouldnt expect much of a change
Maybe docked has 720P native with locked 30fps, i wouldnt hope for much more
I'd triple dip for Dishonored 1. Unreal 3 should be EZPZ to port. Hell, if CryEngine is running, portable Prey would be amazing.
Plot twist
Bethesdia is developing Metroid Prime 4. That's why these other games are getting switch ports.
Every time you say it, it just sounds more rediculous.
retards gonna retard
Nintendo doesn't moneyhat.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
Funny how the Switch sold because of Zelda. Makes me wonder if the WiiU would've sold more if BotW would've released earlier.
Iwata mismanaged Nintendo completely.
>NEW HANDHELD! neat but completely useless gimmick but we made sure to scrap a second analogstick/pad (which was the biggest flaw of the PSP) and two shoulder buttons
>the price is based on HYPE!
>The HYPE! died quickly because there no games, huge price cut just a few months later, have to sacrifice GBA VC and give a prototype to early buyers so they don't feel like they've gotten ripped off
>New console! The gimmick is so important that you can't even change settings without it! No traditional controllers but the Wiimote will work and who needs more than a DPad and two buttons!
>No games again!
>We released a traditional controller!
>WindWaker HD only exists because the devteam had to learn to HD development and tried it with WW/TP/SS (something that has been a thing at least since '06), they had to shit out the port in 6 months because we need to develop games to sell systems!
Why the fuck are people still using monkey paws?
Would this be a bad thing? I mean when Retro was announced making Prime they were just a nobody dev team from Texas. At least Bethesda has id.
I see you've never played Metroid Prime.
I've played it a ton of times and it's my favorite game ever. After Doom 2016 id would be the team I'd trust the most to reboot the series.