This is a PS4 game that released in 2017
This is a PS4 game that released in 2017
Looks like some budget anime tie in garbage
You mean 2016 user
>This is a PS4 game that released in 2016
Are PCbros and Nintenbros still mad about not getting to play Persona 5?
Also the GOTY for 2017
literally i am an edgy teenager: the game?
No nier is
And it's fucking great OP.
And your point is?
Lets play a game of spot the main character
>Also the GOTY for 2017
OP didn't post the superior tokyo simulator though
it's stylish
It's really a PS3 game
>no details on NPC's
>b-but its to add the immersion that only the people close to the MC is relevant
>cutscenes happens
>npcs have details anyways
it looks like SHIT
Actually this is a PS3 game that released in 2016.
Now fuck off.
It's really just a Port of a PS3 game.
It's an upscaled PS3 game running at 30FPS because they only changed the resolution on the PS4 port
its a ps3 game released in 2016
>not getting to play Persona 5
The only people salty are poorfags.
And it looks great, very stylish, fuck you you western AAA bootlicker.
What game? Looks nice, reminds me of Jet Set Radio.
It's almost as if the graphics are stylized or something huh?!
not an argument
Ever heard about irony, fantard?
No, it's a PS3 game released in 2016.
>its not an arguement because i said so
It has great artstyle but you're baiting so whatever
So does your skin, nigger.
>its an argument because I said so
No, because I get the main series.
>i have nothing to reply the post
Christ, you consolewarriors are pathetic.
okay, have fun never getting to play P5
>inb4 b-but I didn't want to anyways
It looks great with the style of the game
Not everything has to be TW3
Delete this
good graficos.
>this is a ps3 game ported to ps4
>literally a FE themed persona game
nothing wrong with that
nintenbro spotted.
I don't restrict myself to 1 platform, because I am an adult with income