This is fucking gambling
This should be fucking illegal
Why isn't shit like this regulated?
This is fucking gambling
This should be fucking illegal
Why isn't shit like this regulated?
regulate it by closing your wallet
Blame the idiots who buy it, if people dont buy the game because of it then developers will naturally stop Including it
There are cucks browsing Sup Forums right now that preordered it. let that sink in.
Literally who?
The CPY version will have the true ending unlocked by default.
How do we stop niggers from being part of every game?
Exploiting wales is way too lucrative for companies to stop now. The only way to stop it is to get it made illegal since it is gambling for items that have monetary value
we have to do something about it
Don't buy it. Besides the lootboxes it's also 100 fucking gigabytes.
Same way. Stop buying games featuring niggers.
The problem is that stupid people keep buying them
Keep working on that word of mouth and bad user reviews.
>telling individuals to vote with their wallet in a 60 billion dollar industry
even if we somehow finally did something together in unison, Sup Forums has literally zero purchasing power in the monster that is modern video game scene
>100 fucking gigabytes.
Wew lad, also Forza 7 is 100 GB
Seems like they are doing this so people don't pirate em, cheeky bastards
repacks will be 20GB and only people who get hurt will be the ones who bought them
publishers are fucking retards
god damn it guys. Love lotr, but hate this bullshit. what do?
Pirate the game
Tell other people to not buy it
It's like that time ME3 locked its best ending behind MP completion. Even Bioware was smart enoug hto patch it after fan backlash, I wonder what this is gonna be like
If you love LotR, why would you care about this franchise?
we could try to bring it to the attention of the media/politicians, who could spin it as a "think of the children" type of deal and get some publicity for themselves as a bonus.
if you truly love lotr this game wont even be on your radar you lying piece of shit
You're underestimating the power of word of mouth. Surely soccer moms won't like to hear they're buying gambling sims to their kids.
Pre-ordered just to spite you faggots :)
Just pirate it, you get a smaller and faster game to download and you don't have to deal with a incomplete game because of lootboxes and microtransaction bullshit making you grind for no reason.
unironically this
pirate + cheat engine, im not buying any games from publishers who put loot boxes in their games.
we deal with lack of content and anti consumer practices first.
the set and setting is great, why should I hate it?
Haha what do you think this is, 2003? Those soccer moms are spending a fortune on their "free to play" smartphone games and giving their kids free reign over their credit cards to buy sick weapon skins
But Black Númenórean live pretty close to Gondor. What's the problem?
Is nobody else fucking dying at how this dumbass pronounced 'carousel'?
I'd say don't buy it but I highly doubt it'll work. Lootboxes are here to stay until normies get upset or it becomes so mainstream that NOT doing it and having normal unlocks and/or just having it available from the start becomes new and exciting again.
Talion becomes a ringwraith and elf dude becomes the Eye of Sauron
Do you always use your LotR lore knowledge for weak bait? At least talk about the swarthy easterners
there's a thread on steam where they're bragging on who spent more on which edition.
You'll always get those retards, microtransactions are 0 effort and all profit
> How do we stop shitty Microtransactions/Lootboxes?
you can't
I remember reading that TOR was the MMO making the most profit when it came out because of mictrotransactions
Even the TORtanic isn't enough Sup Forums, you will never win
>trusting video game journalists when it comes to gameplay
I want neogaf to leave already.
Where the game is good, the microtransactions are as good as invisible.
i will pirate it day one and add all that bullshit with cheat engine
pretty much
it's the only solution to this
Question to millenials. Did you try reaching true ending in Parasite Eve 1, made for PS 1? Would it be bad if they allowed to buy shortcuts in final tower if it was possible? Should they remove it because it was horribly grindy and release game without postgame content?
Only way I can think of is
1. Petition the gubmint to do something (lol)
2. Somehow convince all the big name e-celebs to start voicing out against it
3. Carbomb K Street and try 1 again
Kill yourself
Get people to join the cause using sjw tactics. Social media against it, shame and mock those who are for it, and maybe make a petition.
>shitty game that can't decide between regular-ass turn-based bullshit or terrible survival horror
>b-bt it's from muh Square, grorious Nippon can do no wrong
Fuck off faggot
>wanting more governmental regulations
spotted the commie shill
Don't be a dumb cunt. I hate e-celebs too, but you need to recognize that they hold sway over so many of the people who would but this shit up.
>This is fucking gambling
>This should be fucking illegal
Exactly that, microtransactions are the shining example of why """"free market""" is bullshit and that you need the government to stop peoples from being complete degenerates, (but the same applies for drugs desu)
The problem is that even if most consumers "vote with their wallet", there's still that small minority of "whales" with zero self-control that will still buy that shit in droves. That's the audience they're focusing on, it's deliberate psychological manipulation. So basically just like real gambling. If trends continue the only solution will pretty much be regulation, or we'll just have to disregard AAA gaming entirely.
It shouldn't be allowed to be targeted towards children, that's all the regulation it needs
I just want to say, anybody who purchases anything in a game that can be completely negated by selecting "Delete Saved Game" is an absolute moron. I'm hoping SoW has some kind of saved game corruption issue down the line just so WB can deal with the backlash.
>Let's fight Cancer with Cancer
seriously, people that are accustomed to have their life style controlled by a higher authority should all be invited to a bioreactor. Or gas chamber.
If you can't choose to opt out from a shitty practice or have 5 minutes to block your kid's wallet and have a talk about how to be a sensible person, then you are a fucking resource.
>government regulations that protect the people and keep things fair so corporations don't do greedy shit like this
>government regulations that infringe on people's rights, divert wealth near-exclusively to the rich, dictate who can get married and fuck and whether or not a woman is in control of her own body
Right-tards are a fucking disease.
>Seems like they are doing this so people don't pirate em
Because Steam users don't have to download the game?
Can't wait to get this game and get some lootboxes!
This I bought SoM, but pirated SoW. Fuck WBronies.
No, the pg18 does Jack shit and everyone knows it, unless you force companies to ask for social security number like in South Korea, you won't be able to stop kids from buying shit they shouldn't buy, see Tmartin's fanbase .
Stop hating and get money nigga
Rev up those Cheat Engines, boys. And make sure everyone knows that, with Cheat Engine, you won't have to spend a fucking dime.
>>government regulations that infringe on people's rights, divert wealth near-exclusively to the rich, dictate who can get married and fuck and whether or not a woman is in control of her own body
sounds like some projection on your part
I enjoyed the first game and felt kinda bad I never bought it but now I'm grateful I'll end up pirating both.
Projection? Really, m8?
So somehow the laws he is talking about are his own issues that he projects onto someone else?
Pretty sure you meant strawman, dumbfuck
>the faggots complaining about optional lootboxes also have shit computers and live in third world shitholes with data caps
Now it's all making sense
At this point I don't even care that companies do this. Business is business. People are fucking stupid. Why not capitalise on that?
Sure I view gambling and such as heathen bullshit but I can't be bothered trying to get it banned or whatever because it fundamentally appeals to a facet of the modern human nature and I'd be wasting my time/energy trying to stop people from wanting their shiny shiny quick fix.
Stop giving views to this chink, he does not like games.
Pretty sure I meant projection as he's the one asking for more regulation.
Literally the only journalist that reported that you need extensive grind or to buy lootboxes for the true end is Polygon.
What does this tell you?
>How do we stop niggers from being part of every game?
Make them hot, half-naked women. Sup Forums will then no longer complain since they think with their dicks.
>Pirates think they can just cheat engine in some crated
Congratz, you have no fucking clue how crates work.
I preordered it and cant wait to kill jew orcs.
Most of the maistream shitters did. But they don't like games and aren't good at gaming so listening to them is pretty dumb.
It's okay if blizzard does it!
>using cheat engine
>cant use online
>getting epic stuff and ruining the difficulty
You can't, the game publishers are mad at how much money phone games are making from them so we are getting them ontop of the $60 pricetag.
Spot the shills.
Women can't be fun, and hot, and cute anymore user, it's 2017.
It isn't gambling you idiot. Gambling means you have a chance at not getting something pack. This is more or less buying a Mystery Bag of stuff. Fucking Lotto Tickets are way more illegal than this.
I guarantee you I won't regret it.
You still have to spend lots of money to get something that you want
it should still be considered gambling if the something is worth nothing to the gambler 99% of the time
Its the same fucking thing, has the same effects on the brain, its just a legal loophole this scumbag companies use to get around it
The difficulty is already ruined because its balanced around lootboxes
>first game was baby easy
>in the second game the new things you do look downright OP
>select journalists known for being shit are telling me that the game is so difficult that you need to buy lootboxes or grind
>The difficulty is already ruined because its balanced around lootboxes
What parts of the game can't be beat and why. Be specific.Preferably the exact enemies you cannot kill for X reason.
these are the same journalist that want a skip boss button and to stop using the toxic word gameplay.
>you cannot kill for X
I am too lazy to kill said enemy and unless forced to in order to progress. I'll just pay money and get upset about it.
Fucking home journalists
Oh so if a slot machine printed out a tiny sliver of paper that said "consolation prize" on it every time you lost, that wouldn't be gambling? Or maybe a 5 cent coupon on detergent.
>A game has an optional feature that lets shitty players buy their way to finish the game.
I don't give a shit about this. The only time I'm pissed at buy to win practices is when they are included in MMO's. The fact that people are so bent out of shape about this when there are so many more worse examples is unknown to me. Then there is the fact that you think we need to ban this and regulate this because a company is supplying a demand for casuals? This doesn't hurt anyone other than the people that are yelling angrily about it. Even the retards buying it probably enjoy the purchase enough to be satisfied.
Also Yong has pretty much been relying on clickbait and outrage news ever since MGS5 came out.
I dont see why everyone is getting mad about this. You dont HAVE TO buy anything to get the true ending. You just have to grind more. I dont see why this a problem.
Because you have to grind for like 50 fucking hours, you fool.
your point? any jrpg is that long.
>Because you have to grind for like 50 fucking hours, you fool.
What part of the game is so difficult you can't beat it unless you grind for countless hours?
I have yet to hear what this barrier that prevents progress actually is.
Are you being dense on purpose? You reach the end, in whatever time you get there, and then is when you're required to grind for 50 hours just to get to the true ending. The game is designed so you get a shit ending, and then it proceeds to waste your fucking time or pay more if you want the actual one.
yeah thats the fucking point you retard. this same thing happens in many jrpgs where you have multiple endings by doing certain things or grinding to get to it. just stop crying about it and either you buy the game or you dont.