How is it possible that Japanese games have no problems including cute and endearing characters while Americans fail at it completely?
How is it possible that Japanese games have no problems including cute and endearing characters while Americans fail at...
>Americans fail at it completely
give some examples
is this translated already, i fucking want it so bad
we need more loli
Its because you and the gooks are disgusting pedophiles who never ever touched a real women in their lives.
A Hat in Time
Japanese people like cute stuff
American people think cute stuff is gay/for children
It's not that complicated.
wow, you're an edgy anonymous pedo
good job
>americans could never make a cute char-
I like how Japan cateres my pedophilic urges. Thanks Japan.
Go back to neogaf
what's wrong with a hat in time?
Enjoy your ban.
is she that bad?
>that fucking fang
I fucking hate anime fangs. Why do they even put those things? Are all anime girls vampires?
go back to having a life
oh wait
not cute and endearing.
This is the only game my money is worth paying for
They are officially translating the train one by the same developers or artist or both.
if she's not cute and endearing then give me an example of someone who you find cute an endearing for reference
what did he mean by this?
mad neogaffer spotted
look no further.
>Sup Forums
>banning anyone for posting loli
they look about the same to me
what makes this anime girl cute an endearing?
the smile
>literally only allowed on Sup Forums
perfect mouth size for my dick
>>literally only allowed on Sup Forums
only hardcore loli pornornography
>stealth pedo thread
that's loli PORN which no one has has posted.
Its so hilarious when you redditors get unironically triggered over lolis.
can you be more specific?
Normal loli thread get deleted on Sup Forums out of all places.
Don't believe me? Go try it.
t. furry
She's truly daddy's girl.
I never knew it was so easy to trigger nu/v/ with little girls.
how more expecific can i be
ITs a smile
still up
well all you've been posting is anime girl smiles but I'm still waiting for you to explain why this smile is more cute and endearing than say, that girl from a hat in time, or some other western game
Because of a few factors:
>Westerners hate "cute girls doing cute things" and have a serious masculinity issue (if you like cute girls, you're not manly, etc)
>Western games have voices for basically everything, and they don't have anyone who sounds like a kid
>Westerners refuse to show kids being harmed (compare Skyrim to any loli suffering anime)
HiT its not Pure, it feels forced
>have to hide the thread
>only 4 post in a hour
These are pure innocent girls, please do not think of such lewd things.
How much does the merchant charge to taste her navel?
keep reporting user. im sure they will ban the thread and not you from report spam
>pure innocent girls
even better
ok I kind of understand where you're coming from; post some western uncute girls where their smiles looked forced so that we have a point of reference please
Is this from a game?
what is ban-evading?
Are you happy about being a complete faggot?
Are you happy about being a complete pedo faggot?
Why do you hate lolis? Are you fujoshit or something?
See I told you Sup Forums loli threads are getting deleted.
Its funny to bully the pedos, and yes.
>You were issued a warning! ;_;
Fine, fine, bye
I dunno what that game is or what it's about, but I like it when lolis hug each other.
kill yourself ugly tranny
kek faggot
>>You were issued a warning
Because western companies pander to SJWs. You can compare even mobage and you'll notice Jap games are always better than western ones.
So many loli threads today. Guess the fibbies gotta log some IPs.
it's about hugging lolis
sexually, if you know what I mean.
that thread was dead, just have to look in the right place,
>complaining about the moderation
It's like 5am and no one was replying
And also, loli threads are pretty common in Sup Forums
so are you some gross tranny or an actual jealous roastie?
>Illya thread not a loli general thread
>Gochi thread not a loli general thread
Ok what are you trying to prove here? Normalfags get away easy with their milf and tomboy thread no problem but if you start a loli thread boom deleted.
Just admit that Sup Forums have become a normalfags shithole.
Mangapark and Kissmanga are both superior to that or Sup Forums's beloved Batoto thanks to its "load all images" feature.
Only eastern times matter.
>Drawn child porn isn't child porn
The funny part is the Supreme Court of the United States said that is the case. They said drawings are NEVER the real thing and thus cannot have the punishments of the real thing. The sole exception is if the image is based off a real event and is so "lifelike that it cannot be discerned from a photograph".
you cant have any form of generals on Sup Forums anymore
didnt you saw the giant post that was pined there for 2 weeks?
This image is trying to push some serious revisionist history.
generals are usually deleted fast
and I agree, Sup Forums is a shithole.
lolis are like kriptonite to reddit fags though
some one bring that rabirabi screenshot
Are you just playing retarded or something? The board is still full of general not to mention constant Milf and Tomboy threads.
Sup Forums is slowly trying to get rid of loli threads and here you are just in denial.
well this will happen again then
The loli threads are still up. What are you talking about?
Since you guys are so stupid.
Aw that ruins it a bit.
Sup Forums is completely different from what its used to be a few years ago.
Which one? I don't see any loli threads over there.
how are those generals?
They are up 24/7? Do you even browse the board? Or am I talking to a complete ignorant here?
the ones that the user posted here
Sunday is loliday, did you know
Those aren't loli threads. Those are threads about a specific show.
When I say loli thread I mean a thread that people discuss all loli from any anime/manga. These are the threads that get deleted.
then they are off topic, it's the same with other threads, no biggie
a lot of off topic, especially bait threads get deleted
but there is no "general #24" on the title
except you're wrong and theyre usually the most popular threads
Ok I agree they are off topic but why do milf,tomboy, big breast, etc... threads aren't getting deleted? You should know the answer to that.
Its because the mods are biased and against loli like the normalfags that they are.
by the way this thread is still up
time to post some 3d lolis to see if the mods are still aweke
Maybe try browsing the board instead of believing whatever dumb shit Sup Forums want you to believe. Go on Sup Forums and go make a loli thread right now I dare you.
You will receive a ban along with your thread getting deleted.
just as you said, they could be threads for specific shows
it doesn't matter what it is
you're just thinking about it way too much