Why the fuck does every single competitive or even mindless shooting game have to have a fucking sniper rifle to make...

Why the fuck does every single competitive or even mindless shooting game have to have a fucking sniper rifle to make it unfun as possible? Seriously.
>Encourages faggots to stay at base and shoot instead of capture objectives
>Most games also give them a fucking 'cloak' mechanic so they can shoot safely and disappear if found
>Reload times are a non issue
>Instead 'I WIN' gun if they shoot you because it's always a one hit kill that doesn't even let the person who died know where they were shot from

Why does this exist? Why the fuck can't we have ONE game where Snipers aren't included?

>Why does this exist?
Because people want sniper rifles in the game. If you don't have them a lot of people will be upset.

How many times are you getting killed by sneakfags that you'd want them excluded from shooters?

All your whining shows is that you're a retard who runs in a straight line down the same path of the map over and over again to the point that a guy with a sniper can just idle his reticle and you'll be there.

you are a fucking retard

>posting Halo's sniper for this
I would agree with you for the most part, but Halo's sniper is actually well executed. It takes 2 shots unless you hit the head and has decent noscope capabilities so it doesn't really encourage people to play like a bitch.

I just googled a random sniper rifle image, I'm not talking about Halos sniper in particular

what game are you playing where a sniper has a cloak mechanic and sniper rifles are one hit kills with no kill cams?

Name a better looking or more iconic sniper rifle

Nice argument.


git gud casual piece of shit
bet u get mad over camping too, scrub


I like you.


You cheeky fuck

If no sniper rifle is ever announced, people won't ask for one


Sniper rifles and other similar weapons only work in instagib modes or in games where you can't spawn with them.



No seriously what game does this, name a single one

CS AWP is THE sniper rifle, it's not even a contest.

The awp is one of the worst offenders of this shit.

Not OP but I recall Planetside 2 being a bad offender of this


It's a necessary tool to the game, though.

i like sniping in Battlefield. i dunno why i Brought this up but i like it

Smokes, nades, and incendiaries are EZ sniper counters.

Agreed. It's not unbalanced but holy fuck if it isn't an unfun weapon in the game. The risk-reward balance it has lacks depth and hard compared to the rest of the game.
For game flow it doesn't do anything autosniper doesn't already do.

i liked the sniper weapons in bad company 2 and tf2, but usually they're fucking cancer that slow down the game and encourage camping.

>bad company 2

youre one of them fags that used the VSS right?


Squad won't have a sniper class, it only has a designated marksman class.

>tfw sniper rifle was added to quake
>instantly made the game worse