The Witcher 3

Why are the kids so annoying in this game?

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Because kids are annoying in reality.

He wouldn't know.

Kids are little shits. Adults are big shits.

so you dont feel the urge to fuck them


Gretka was a good girl you sperg

Children are annoying in general but I wheel admit the kids in the swamp have one of my favorite lines in the game.

>Ain't no lassies round here
>I'm a lass!
>No you aren't. Lassies have tits.

This game has probably the least annoying kids in video games.

>Heavy Rain
>Assassin's Creed
>Wonderful 101
>pretty much any JRPG
Fuck all of the above

>pretty much any JRPG
Lolis are cute. CUTE!!!!

I don't want to sound like an annoying old fart with "back in my time" bullshit because I'm not but it feels like kids born in less than 10 or some years ago acts like hyperactive retards on heavy drugs with zero respect to both their elders and their friends alike.
It's like all the world revolves around them and everyone must obey their demands instantly while they do their nonsense in a wild manner.
I, or any of my friends, wouldn't do half of the shit they do not because I actually had common sense or sympathy but I would get my ass beaten or grounded or something.

This a thousand times.
Also I think any person who gets their child a phone before 15 is a fucking failure as a parent.

People have been saying this since Socrates at least. So either civilization has been on a big decline for thousands of years, or things aren't as bad as they may seem.

Likely, kids were just always annoying. I know I was pretty terrible in my teens.

Terrible parents and terrible children have existed since mankind learned to fuck.

Because quality child-characters in games peaked with Clementine in Walking Dead season 1 to the point where even Telltale can't replicate it.

>Why are the kids so annoying in this game?

Because kids really are annoying just like that. And by kids I mean anyone under 20 years of age. The more they try to act like adults and pretend, the more annoying they become. Adult isn't an age, but a set of mind. You either have it or you don't and when you do, you notice when others are kids.

I can literally find a writing from 2000 years ago that is the SAME as this post.

Do it and post it

whats your problem?
Gretka is good girl
would adopt her if I could


How the fuck do I get in, comrades? Been stuck here for a good 20 minutes.
I tried to kill the guards but just as I was trying to use Yrden to finish the last one off he completely destroyed me and those asshats took like 600 of my shekels.

If you're actually fucking serious, you are supposed to break in through the garden in the back.
And I pity your parents.

Can't you just pose as fencing teacher for the twins?

Thanks mate. Also I pity them too.

Do not post that retarded dyke here.

only if you talk about Rosa Var Attre with Zoltan when you read the ledger, otherwise you must break in

I just walked up to the fucking guard used the magic dialogue shit on him and walked in the front door

>I, or any of my friends

How about the class hooligan, the one with an alcoholic single mom who looks 10 year older than everyone else at the parent-teacher conferences. The one that would hang out with older kids from his neighborhood, who always amazed you with his sheer insolence as he backtalked to the teachers when the thought of doing that wouldn't even enter your mind. He'd smoke and drink and shoplift while you were still at the climbing trees and hide&seek phase of your life. He probably got suspended several times and repeated a couple of grades, remember that guy? He was always there, you (or your parents) just had the sense to steer away from him.

You cant beat children anymore without going to jail.

When I was young I burned my garden down playing with gasoline and my father beat the shit out of me in front of the firefighters, nobody said shit and never played with fire again and Learned my lesson.

Today my father would have been arrested and me sent to some strange foster family.

>When I was young I burned my garden down playing with gasoline
>Today my father would have been arrested and me sent to some strange foster family
I don't think those laws apply when you have a kid THAT retarded.
One thing is to burn ants with a magnifying glass but gasoline? Damn son.

>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.


Kids are always annoying in video games, except the ones in fallout 1/2

>first time playing fallout 2
>get caught stealing from house
>2 NPC's start shooting me
>crit both of them with my combat shotgun
>random npc starts throwing rocks at me
>instinctively target the fucker and enable burst fire
>"critical hit on child"
>lol wut
>mfw I turned a random child into paste

Because adults have no god damned clue how to write children, and just default to "THEY'RE FUCKING ANNOYING BUT WELL MEANING JUST LIKE OUR KIDS AM I RITE FOLKS ;)".

It's one thing with teenagers, but kids are way more sharp and cooperative than most writers think, because most writers don't even have kids, and the ones who do tend to write kids better.

Teenagers in vidya/music are far worse. Look at and also pic related.
Yes I'm still mad about it. Lex and Tim weren't as retarded as these two. Well maybe Lex was, but you get the point.

The Witcher 3's kids really aren't annoying though, nor do you encounter that many.

>cross their legs
Wait what?

Don't know why I wrote that. I meant Vidya/Movies.

He's saying that traps are gay.

But they are. Socrates was truly ahead of his time.

>I can literally find a writing from 2000 years ago that is the SAME as this post.
Try again faggot.

He did

Civilization decline is cyclical. After the collapse comes the rebirth and the golden age, then begins the decline. Socrates' civilization was conquered by the Romans, who in turn crumbled a few centuries later, just like the west is crumbling today.

Post cutie pies.

No gracias

>The society in which Socrates lived in is somehow the same as the one we currently live in and the decline in the youth which Socrates described didn't partly result in the collapse of ancient greece
t. historically illiterate brainlet

professor layton and the case of the mysteriously moving goalposts


Real looking lolis are disgusting. I'll post this instead.

people have been saying this for thousands of years. but nowadays there's a bit of a new precedent with the pharmaceutical industry handing out pills like candy to kids and fucking them up in unknown ways. oh and hormone treatments.

jimmeny crickets those are some nice bobies

Name 3 games where the kids are NOT annoying.