>it's TOO good!
how did we ever come to the point where this became an actual argument?
Gameplay is now a bad thing!
>things I am not personally interested in should not have high quality talent and artistry as part of their creation
Imagine being this much of a selfish and self-assuring cunt that you think literally only things you like should be well made.
>wtf I actually need skill to play this game?
Is Cuphead the ULTIMATE pleb filter?
>vocal minority afraid of struggle and losing
>can't even handle dying in a single player vidya
>so assblasted they cry about it online
>hugbox each other to solidify their wanting of VN modes for all games
The only worry is if devs actually listen to these retards and put resources into VN/movie-mode instead of actual gameplay
I've always wondered how you get "well worn out jeans" from being a fatass all day
You wear the same paid of jeans every day for years.
>wahh I want an easy game where I can press x to win.
These are the kinds of faggots that would love vn's if they weren't so stigmatized.
Reminder, Dobson went to school for 10 years to get an animation degree, he's extremely jealous of the talent involved in Cuphead.
What kind of fucking pleb refuses to play challenging games because they're "frustrating"? The frustration is part of the learning/growth process. It makes it more fun if anything. If the game was easy it would be way less satisfying, and would also be short as fuck.
>10 years
Was he taking a single class per semester?
Will Dobson ever have opinions that aren't objectively wrong?
IIRC he refused to take any criticism while there, and complained later about the quality of the teachers and courses.
One of his classmates went on to work at Disney.
>Likes Eating
His 2D traditional animation showed a lot of promise.
So much squandered potential.
I think he's been right a few times, you know what they say about broken clocks.
Why are Twitter screencaps STILL not an automatic permaban?
I remember some comics where he talked about how school taught him to forget things he already knew. Like no shit, that's why you go to school, so that you'll improve and stop being shit.
Is there a worse punishment than being a balding fat manlet?
>>vocal minority afraid of struggle and losing
>>can't even handle dying in a single player vidya
This. This all day long.
Being Anthony Burch
>dislikes negativity
Wow, what a visionary!
I can understand not playing a game because if it can get tedious and frustrating, but sperging out because of it? Kek.
>carrying a man purse everywhere
Son of Dob is such a fucking faggot I swear
WTF I hate Dobson now
Oh, wait...
God I want to strangle Dobson
>genetically inferior beta male
>uses "hates sports" to define himself
every time
>power chords
>99% of games that come out nowadays are piss easy.
>A game that's actually challenging comes out for once.
>Nu-males and ''journalists'' have collective mental breakdowns.
>excessive talent
Is that a passive aggressive way of saying "people who can draw better than me"?
>implying journalists even play VNs
VNs are too niche
Journalists also have the attention span of a goldfish.
Most VNs are fucking long as shit. 40 hours plus
This list sure shows that he's never actually played or done most of these things just heard about them and he automatically came to the conclusion that he doesn't like it
Of course. Dobson has multiple webcomics dedicated to complaining about how he isn't as successful as other artists.
don't like it then don't buy it, no need to make a song and dance about it
>it's TOO good!
no one said that you fucking retard
do you not know what excessive means, you child?
Am I the only one who remembers that classic style side scrollers are supposed to be HARD!
>Mega Man
>Ghosts 'n Goblins
that nigger is just plain wrong, i'm playing cuphead on a thinkpad x201, that is a 2010 laptop with i5 520m and integrated intel hd graphics and it runs just fine but i probably couldn't even launch skyrim on this.
>One of his classmates went on to work at Disney.
>Dobson went on to make inflation art
>Literally Who
He called shit on the creator of One Punch Man and the guy who used to draw the original We Bare Bears webcomic for being worst artists than him and yet and yet having "more opportunities" than him
Of course he don't know that One put all of his efford in the script that was so good he became the biggest cult name in japan for years and Chong is a award winning producer who worked on CN, Disney and Pixar for deacades until he had a chance of making a cartoon of his work
I'm at the point where I feel so bad that Dobson is still so clueless as to why people hate him.
How does one even develop taste this bad?
They were only hard because they would be over in 20 minutes if they weren't.
Filthy casuals should get shot and killed.
Dobson complaining about others having opportunities is what pisses me off the most. He is a man that actively burned out every opportunity and relationship he ever had by being an insufferable, lazy asshole. He legitimately had more opportunities than most people.
I guess you could say Dobson's jealous over the way his friend blew up.
Judging by the way how he doesn't respect anything he doesn't personally enjoy, he probably has autism.
>He drew the Buster Sword wrong
>It's also FF7 Buster Sword while Cloud himself has his Advent Children design
>And aparently he needs a thesaurus for the LOCALIZATION of a game
That makes me angrier than anything else in the image. The only thing that comes close is the second panel. The fuck does a football player need to know about the periodic table? And fuck you, it's entirely possible to be /fitlit/, you just put athletes down because making them dumb is the only way you can accept that they're more successful and happier than you, Dobby.
I'm also pretty sure there's no such thing as a +9 "Class". He'd know that if he knew literally entry level jargon that people make jokes about, but he doesn't even know that, so it's pretty clear he doesn't like tabletop games solely because of the "basement dwellers play DnD!" meme.
>Excessive talent and artistry
What the fuck did he mean by this.
How can talent become excessive?
Do we know who this friend is? I'd like to see the quality of his work.
That shit is intentionally kept under 140 characters so that even retards like you get a chance to participate in discussions, how do you manage to still fail to understand it?
I'm kinda in the same boat. Literally everything he does is severely lacking in either knowledge, self-awareness or skill that his track record is like universally negative. He's had to bear shitstorm after shitstorm for almost 10 years now, and in a way it's kind of admirable that he's still around making asinine posts today.
Not sure if that's somehow symbolic for the perserverance of a dreaming individual or for a sad state of our society today.
>Dobson gets a deal to live for free in a nice house with his girlfriend
>all he has to do is clean shit for an hour a few days
>he doesn't do it
>has his gf do it for him despite the fact she was the one working in the house while he sat all day complaining on DA
>landlord gives him multiple chances
>gets rightfully kicked out
>cries about it on the internet
Then there's the Christmas fiasco with his girlfriend. I really hope she found a good boyfriend after breaking up with him, she and her family seem very kind.
>"basement dwellers play DnD!" meme.
Someone needs to post the comic he made of him bumbling into a closed games store and asking for video games
>Hates sports
>Fat manlet
>Doesn't drink booze
He's like the beta male poster child
Its like complaining about a 10/10 steak cause you have to chew it
These people are beyond stupid
remember when he showed his penis to an autistic female child
He also didn't understand the plot of Twilight (The vampire guy didn't wanted to have sex because it could kill the mortal girl)
And also basic math and the fact that a +9 nine attrack faill is equal to... No attack
>sees a game store
>sees it is closed
>enters anyway
>while opening the door, immediately asks for the game anyway
>walks out as soon as he sees people in there
>we are supposed to feel bad for him
man does this retard draw anything other than inflation porn, himself having shit opinions or stupid shit like lesbian pirates (but it's not a fetish OK it's strong womyn being strong ok)
he's not entirely incompetent at cartooning but he only draws the most unappealing garbage
I'd laugh but I'm 6'4, full head of hair, ugly. a far worse fate, considering the two great positives are instantly cancelled out by the glaring negative.
excessive sleeping or sleeping to little can be a sign of depression right? Just so I'm understanding this image correctly.
>food analogy
What happened at Christmas?
Post more Dobson you fucking jackasses
>post yfw you get reported for hacks because you're too good in a MP game
Just a reminder that the woman who wrote Twilight was Mormon, don't remember if she was still a member or not though.
Being a gay balding fat manlet
took me about as long. immediate family/friends dying on me kind fucked my head for a bit.
It's takes talent to be moderately talented, you know!
When you can't list 4 things you like without including sleeping and eating maybe it's time to rethink your life
The author had weird religious hangups about sex, that one's actually not totally wrong.
you read a dobson tweet
>The absolute state of this ''man''
I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad
His girfriend is jewish and invited him to visit her parents. Later he bitched on the net on how hanukkah is depressing and how he feels sorry for jewish kids for never knowing how a real christmas feels like
He threw a bitchfit on the internet about missing out on Christmas because he had to spend it with his girlfriend's Jewish family. Turns out that they had arranged a normal Christmas anyway to make him feel welcome, but then that went to shit when his girlfriend found out what he wrote.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was Dobson who told Zelda Williams to "calm her tits" when her father committed suicide? Or am I getting that mixed up
>boy I wish these sprite maps were used for a REAL game about gender politics and racism
>we're supposed to agree that tabletop gamers are bad because of it
hahahaaha fuck
>The fuck does a football player need to know about the periodic table?
What I like about this is how Dobson also doesn't know or give a shit about anything math or science related. I'm almost 100% positive he just takes tropes from 80's/90's cartoons and uses them to define himself.
Yup that was him. A true feminist ally.
He did, and didn't apologise.
In what world do you study ten years for an animation degree?
does he not know that christmas hasn't been a religious holiday in a long time
You might not have noticed but Dobson doesn't know much about anything.
>His girlfriend
alpha as fuck
Pretty sure it's Andrew Chesworth.
>and didn't apologise.
double down, eh? what a loser.
It's a lot easier then you're making it out to be.
I know and i went to both highschool and college with him and the guy who went to disney is a shady guy who doesnt have a facebook or twitter because he is scared of the botnet
>Sup Forums complains about others crying about difficulty
>meanwhile Sup Forums cries about one of the easiest bosses in the game
And there are TWO threads about this shit.
Faggots, every single one of you.
Contra wasnt that hard
then why is it so fucking hard for me