I'm losing it

I swear to god I have never been angrier in my entire life. I have already punched a hole in my wall and I'm going insane. This game is consuming my entire soul. I AM STILL ON THE FIRST GOD DAMN LITTLE GARDEN MISSION, THIS IS BULLSHIT.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will be posting the hole in my wall,

> destroys own property
> cannot adapt
you be dead if you lived at any other period in time


You're probably right.


>punching walls

what are you fucking 16?

gg nigger


So you're a child then?

Put away the toys and take a nap then if you can't handle yourself.

Honestly this sounds lame and cliche but the thing you need to work on is your attitude first and foremost, in order to beat that game. At it's core it's a test of patience. Take it one encounter at a time, one boss wave after another, honestly try and figure out how to beat each single pattern. Dying is inevitable, even the most hardcore og progamer dies countless of times. When you get riled up and angry, that does not do you any good whatsoever.

Just keep trying till you get it

The potato?

Yesterday I was on the mermaid boss for an hour or so and couldn't beat her. I kinda got bored and did something else. I fucking suck at video games, but why get angry over that. Play as much as you feel like playing, come back later. This is suppose to be fun.

>this is the cuphead fanbase

> shadman
i can't believe this untalented asshole is getting loved by Sup Forums progressively

Focus on not dying over doing damage. You're probably trying to down the boss as quickly as possible. Instead really focus your efforts on not getting hit and attack when it's convenient.

>make good game
>community ruins it
Shame really.

That's fucking pathetic OP. Let me guess, raised by a single mom? Sort your mental state out instead of playing games.

Anyone else really tired of these marketing threads

Been at this over three hours now, this is the furthest I got. I started the final phase with 4 HP... FOUR. I only got hit ONCE during 5 miniboss fights, but these cards fuck me up every single time. It seems like it's simple, but it's fucking not, and one missed parry and you lose 1-2 HP. Most of the time I get hit just jumping up getting out of the cards way. FUCK.

how do you cope with real life?

Anyone else really tired of mistaking people enjoying things for marketing.

You can go behind his hands and avoid the cards completely

>tfw just marathoned the tutorial

Do I like it?

Does he seem like the kind of guy that engages with real life to you?

Why are there anime girls in his eyes



I was clearing boss after boss on this game while blackout drunk. You need to change your mentality. Don't try and rush to kill the boss / finish the level, focus on keeping Cuphead alive while making baby steps toward victory. If you try and rush to win you will slip up and die.

>getting mad at video games




>doesn’t see the posting pattern of “this game is hard!” Followed by scripted tip posts

Take a marketing class


Use your specials. Game got way easier once I started using them consistently.

Are you saying that a good game suddenly becomes bad because of some people playing it?

You need the dash charm for that though, right? Not going to equip that, I need the 4 HP one.

So typical discussion of anything remotely challenging that gets exposed to casuals? You sure are bright user

user.... It's time to reassess your life

>haha you get mad at video games? what a simpleton, i for one am calm cool & collected at all times
>it's called meditation, you should try it sometime brainlets

spread a couple of layers of wood filler, then sand it and paint over and it'll look fine

I can't even imagine not using the invincible dash, you're the real hardcore badass 2bh

it might SEEM like pussymode having 4hp but oooh boy the invincible dash is so useful. Selected it at the very start and never used anything but that, often times when you're about to get hit by thing x you just have a get out of jail free card at hand

Also, one thing I wish I had known going into the dice king fight - you can parry the same card as many times as you want. You don't need to jump from card to card one by one, perfectly timing the sequence from start to finish, you can chill out parrying the same card multiple times


>getting bootyblasted that some people have patience instead of being children with anger management problems

Imagine being so neckbeard you get mad when others don't get mad at video games

Maybe you should take a nap or something

Moar lewd goatboi

This is my literal first try on the Devil... meanwhile King Dice took me over 4 hours to beat.

forgot pic I took 4 damage in phase 1 and survived this far with only 1 hp in 2 somehow.

Yeah I never understood this. I have wanted to flip a table but that was due to game glitching repeatedly

>took 4 damage
>1 hp left
nigga what

this but unironically

Can someone post the shota cupboys that was posted in a thread earlier?

Uh yes, there's a charm that gives you two additional HP.

>Start up the game.

Jesus Christ was Jontron a guest writer!!??

>be 35

this game isn't very hard.you don't even have to get to the bosses and then you can just retry them again.

>I have already punched a hole in my wall
Why do Burger build houses out of cardboard?

Fucking again. Honestly, the Devil isn't that bad of a boss, just have to avoid getting hit in the first phase and the second phase is relatively simple.

>finally S ranked Kahl's Robot

Fucking finally
By far the worst boss in the game, last phase is a pure mistake

this game is so fun. im so bad at it but i cant stop playing. finally beat that fucking dragon, i hope world 3 isn't too much harder.

>Literally cannot engage with game on an emotional level

Nearing autism. "Lol why do people get sad at movies? Imagine getting sad that other people don't get sad at movies."

Enjoy the lung cancer you'll get from inhaling the asbestos spores you've released into your house. Nice work.

Fucking finally. Took less than 30min to beat the Devil, over FOUR FUCKING HOURS to beat King Dice. I'm done with this game now, I'm not going to get A rankings on everything, fuck beating the game on Expert no less or the Pacifist bullshit runs. It's not worth it.

This, OP.
And learn to control your autism.

This was really creepy

>the last phase
Pick one
It's basically baby's first danmaku game

DSP beat it. Rich Evans beat it. AIDS Moby beat it. Hell, even Anthony Burch probably beat it. How does it feel to be so pathetic, OP?


Why is america so third world?

How are you this bad at video games
Also I never really got the streamers getting mad at Cuphead maymay, the fights are like 2 minutes so it's not really that frusturating

>DSP beat it.

that guy who got to highest-level tournaments of the highest mechanical skill video game genre? OMG he beat it? that guy SUCKS at video games

if you believed the DSP lie you are honestly a kardashian-watching tier idiot. It's an act, retard. Arino got good as fuck at NES games at like 45 by playing them 100 times less than DSP plays games. Do you really think he's bad at games you fucking buffoon?

>person dashes to get a coin, and gets hit only once.
>pauses game
>*sudden smashing and screaming sounds*

Jesus that was terrifying.

the damage reduction is probably screwing you on that, especially considering you get free health ups during the boss rush.

invincible invisible dash is so nice. just get used to where you end up while dashing and it's smooth sailing from there.

>implying it's hard because of the patterns

the foreground constantly hides the chokepoints constantly to fuck you over and making where to pass a gamble, especially since the areas themselves are so tiny to begin with
the hitbox of the panels is also a lot bigger than they let on
it's a very cheap way of making the third phase more difficult than it should be instead of making more interesting patterns
the first two phases are fine but the last one is really annoying

>finally beat King Dice and the Devil today
>decide to give expert a try
>the vegetables and slime are no issue but the frogs are a bunch of bastards

after trying the frogs for an hour I decided that just getting A-rank on everything is enough for me.

and man Hilda berg is a bitch on Expert.

Even as a kid, like an actual kid (10~ yrs old) I thought people who smashed controllers and punched walls were retarded

I can only play this game when I'm sober. If I'm even intoxicated on caffeine, the adrenaline makes my fingers and hands shake like crazy, especially when I get super close to Knockouts.

Any advice for steady hands? Also I drink myself to sleep every night so that probably doesn't help

The only boss where that's a real problem is the skeleton horse in the casino
And in that picture even there's a clear path avoiding the foreground
Try getting good

Any suggestions on what weapons to use on the devil? Been kinda stuck at him, hes the only boss that is giving me this much trouble

Charge shot for first phase
Spread shot for the final phases and also during some attacks of the first phase to deal with the little shits easier

>When I was young I was dumb

Stands to reason.


>The only boss where that's a real problem is the skeleton horse in the casino

not even, casino horse doesn't restrict your movement and there's a clear tell of which enemies are jump at you and which don't

>And in that picture even there's a clear path avoiding the foreground

which is one where you hit the panel because the hitboxes are much bigger than necessary
not to mention the foreground itself moves

>Try getting good

i literally only have two bosses left to S rank the entire game
don't be daft

I understand how to beat it but I'M SO BAD
It doesnt help that im on keyboard either

use a controller, not keyboard

if you still can't beat it, then you just suck at video games

I used Spread and Roundabout. Good combo for it, Spread makes quick work of the final phases. Either that or peashooter and spread.

I've already more or less adapted to keyboard though
would it really make a difference?

yes. controller is twice as easy, at least for me. the game is obviously designed for controller

Nigger that's 10 years too old to do shit like that

stick to keyboard, there is no difference besides what your comfortable with. It's not like playing a fighting game on a pad vs arcade stick shit. Both work. I use keyboard fine. Beaten expert.

Blame Sup Forums, the guy mentions the muslim double standard once on some obscure stream and suddenly he's /ourguy/

Remember you can shrink with triangle, that's what got me through that asshole.

Link plz, if true then wtf I like Shädman now

If they made an expansion I hope they expand on the casino mini-bosses and made them proper bosses not connected to King Dice. I liked the concept of the chip stack, domino, and the horse skeleton but they have just 1 attack.

Congratulations. You are a retard who damages his mothers house because pent up anger at being a miserable failure makes you lash out and cry over a fucking videogame something normal people play for enjoyment. Kys

I don't remember when he says it so you better grab some popcorn

>communities can ruin a game

Imagine literally being cucked out of a game by its fan base.

I haven't played this game yet but it doesn't even look that hard. You get 3 hits and super moves that are easy to get charge for. Compare that to something like Super Meat Boy where you die in one hit and can't even attack.

I mean Y not triangle. Triangle is for faggots.