> Obsidian will never make another fallout game because they humiliated bethesda by making NV far superior to 3 and arguably still superior to 4
Fuck this gay earth
Obsidian will never make another fallout game because they humiliated bethesda by making NV far superior to 3 and...
Good. I'm loving this brave new world where Obsidian is making new IPs instead of working on established IPs. Fallout was irredeemably ruined with 3 and any time spent trying to keep it on life support is a waste.
Fuck you too, pepe poster.
Fallout at it's core does not revolve around a cast of characters. Fallout is literally just an established world that can be populated with anything you can think of provided it fits the theme of the game so I fail to see how the IP can ever be dead. Yes 3/4 were both pathetic attempts at creating a good fallout game but that doesn't ruin the world that was created
but user, obsidian went right to the dogs after Avellone left
>Fallout is literally just an established world
That I'm sick of. It's been done. Hoping Cain and Boyarsky are working on something new. They came up with Fallout's world, they can come up with something else.
Apu posting is cute shut up
It's pretty much the only post-apocalyptic world I enjoy, if they can create another post-apocalyptic/sci-fi world that isn't pure cancer I will gladly throw money at whatever game is set in that world but for now Fallout fills a niche for me that no other world can
>Cain and Boyarsky's game
God, we can only hope
rpg codex cucks out in full force today it seems
like 19 threads you fags making to try to pretend obsidian are competent developers, theyve had all the crowd funding in the world and continue to make flops
Pillars of Eternity sold well and Pillars of Eternity 2 did tremendously well in the crowdfunding and is already confirmed to be a profit no matter what.
Do you have any idea what the word "Flops" means?
Are they making alpha protocol 2?
>sold well
is that your measure of competency
fucking COD must be the best franchise of all time then
moving goal posts must be easy for you, when you debate the competency of a failure
n-no fuck you that's different!
> Todd Howard posts on Sup Forums
>Doom's great
>Wolfenstein's great
>NV is the best out of new FO
>Entire TES series is dogshit
>FO3/4 also dogshit
I sense a pattern here. Bethesda seems to be better as a publisher than a developer.
Is there a reason Obsidian hasn't made a first person RPG since New Vegas? Doesn't even have to be Fallout, I just want something else in first person from them.
>is that your measure of competency
No, that's my measure of "flop", the word YOU used, you fucking retard.
Why the fuck are you implying FO4 is better than 3 in any way?
Don't forget the Dishonored games and The Evil Within. Bethesda are a godlike publisher and a shit tier developer.
Open world FPS was a bad concept from the start. Fallout gets so repetitive it feels like I'm playing some half-baked MMO
Because they cost significantly more than the CRPGs they've been doing. And that's all they're delegated to.
Unless they pull a CDPR and pull off a Witcher 2/3 game it's not worth the risk.
I never played those. Horror and stealth games just aren't my thing. But if you say they're good, then I'll take your word on it.
Yeah, Bethesda is good as a publisher.
There is no arguing. 4 is objectively garbage trash and has nothing on New Vegas which is arguably a masterpiece.
I suspect the game Cain and Boyarsky are working on is 3D. Not necessarily first person, but probably over the shoulder third person at the very least.
While it still uses the same shitty engine it does have much nicer graphics and combat mechanics improved a lot. But the already poor writing dropped even more in quality and dialogue went to shit. The only reason I think it's marginally better is because modding in 4 is much better and Far Harbor is actually a decent piece of DLC unlike any of 3's
You could cut ALL gameplay from NV and it would only benefit from it.
>arguably still superior to 4
only in terms of plot and character design. fallout 4's combat is orders of magnitude better than every other fallout.
True, hopefully the next fallout has more weapon variety and a better plot and character interaction like speech checks and actual dialogue choices that lead to different outcomes. Fallotu 4 might have been kinda shit, but its a good foundation to be improved on, hopefully Bethesda doesn't fuck it up.
why do you nerds cling onto some franchise and desire to play the same shit over and over?
If they embraced the role of publishers and just gave crative freedom to developers...
>200 years after the Great War
>nothing is lived-in
>people are too stupid to build and provide for themselves
>most areas remain largely untouched
Combat was lightyears ahead of F3 and NV, and well above average, but that's just because it was made by id software, not bethesda. Let's just hope they're in charge again for F5.
>implying fallout 3 wasnt the best fallout
God this board is full of plebs
>every gun is left-handed but operated right-handed for no reason
>no pump-shotguns
Someone is going to reply to this saying New Vegas had better gunplay because some people absolutely refuse to acknowledge anying about 4 being better, but this is true. If New Vegas played like 4 did it would without a doubt be a better game than it already is.
name please
Imagine what they could have done if they weren't rushed and forced to use bethesda's shitty outdated engine.
>boring, empty wasteland that literally just fills space between cities and interesting places
>poor gunplay; almost no recoil, maladjusted sights on lots of weapons, shooting at enemies and surfaces doesn't feel impactful
>every other kind of combat (sneaking, melee etc) feels incredibly shallow, explosives or stealthy melee aren't even viable
>sniping is severely overpowered relative to everything else
>terrible ai that can't handle being shot at from far away but when upclose will jitter about while shooting at you with pinpoint accuracy, the only enemies that are fun to fight are animals
>combat encounters are awful, the game regularly just spawns enemies on top of/near/behind you (like the battle of hoover dam and parts of lonesome road)
>stops being remotely challenging or resource intensive within a few hours
>80%-90% of quests are terrible (go from a to b to a)
>quest structure is rigid and disincentivses exploration; you almost never activate a quest associated with an area by entering that area, so you learn not to bother going somewhere until someone has given you a quest to go there
>faction system is glitchy and only serves to lock you out of content later on in the game (oh and every so often an npc will walk up to you and say "you're okay" and hand you 2 maize or some shit. REACTIVITY!!!)
>severely overpowered skills that you have no reason not to pick like speech, which should work as a way to resolve a conflict without violence or convince people to like you but ends up being the ONLY way to do those things in most circumstances
>simultaneously performs and looks like shit
>vegas strip is a massive letdown
>companions trivialise combat to the point where you don't even have to get involved
>weird mix of super serious political stuff and wacky GHOULS IN SPACE XD writing that doesn't really mesh together well
>muh obsidian
>fallout new vegas is far superior
Ain't even surprised.
>superior to [Insert Bethesda title]
I don't give a fuck your game is "better than a turd", it's still in the same category.
Try harder with at least one proper argument next time, pardner.
>moves goal posts again
never did i or you in our exchange say the word flop
you're a retard, stop debating for reverence of a failed developer
See >theyve had all the crowd funding in the world and continue to make flops
>continue to make flops
>make flops
thats not me you idiot
>arguably still superior to 4
3 is arguably superior to 4
Then you're a fucking idiot
>Someone says that Obsidian can't stop making flops
>I correct him and show him that the last two of three games (three out of four, really) they made were commercially successful
howdy pardner i also backed some dollarves for obsidian on kictkstarter i know it's good because they are popularr
Yet its still shit combat in compassion to other FPS games.
So if the RPG elements suck you're just buying an buggy and shit open world CoD