To make this more fun don't name the game so others can guess what it is

To make this more fun don't name the game so others can guess what it is.

You fight monsters underwater but the controls are crappy and it's a grindfest

You have elemental powers and can choose to be a villain or a hero

You repeat the same level over and over again and learn it like in you're in Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray, seeing everything all the NPCs do for hours, so you can find the absolute perfect way of going through the level and killing one person without anyone else realizing anything went wrong.

you fight 5 dropshotting ping abusers who make 1cm holes in walls to shoot out of

a game about economics, supply and demand, markets, and trading goods. There's also a minigame about spaceship combat

You honestly made Hitman sound better though

completely unrealistic flight game with overdone and cheesy characters and story


it's a open world game with huge map but missions are shitty and traveling takes forever.

i can't. it's too perfect.
some of the levels are kinda short. i guess.

You're imprisoned and kept by a bunch of guardians because you're a bad guy, so you kill them in order to escape your jail and you become the good guyd

How can I make it sound better than what it literally is? But yes, it's Hitman: Blood Money.

you forgot that your teammates are either useless or will kill you any the most minor provocation or even none at all

don't mind the d, it's a typo

You control a orange rat on a 3D game with a strictly restricted path

X3 bro, it's true.



don't worry, there are worse problems with that sentence.

You're supposed to make it sound worse

Dead girl shoots through only 7 levels to fight reskinned versions of herself to win a prize on a TV show. The voice acting is shit and it uses seven deadly sins boss trope.

Brash Candicoot

Teenages dress up in cosplay and commit criminal acts while their leader builds a harem

Persona 5

If qbert were a poorly done anime it would be this game

You are a WW2 soldier that comes home and needs money so he goes around doing favors to other people

I guess that was too easy if someone found it that fast

You fuck girls and kill demons or shit.

Wario cosplays

You got it, P5

Usually, people cringe at the idea of trial and error. I did my best. Think you can do it better than me?


Some random traveler wonders around and ends up killing an invisible baby inside a realm that doesn't exist in reality

You have to hunt for keys and secrets in abstract 3D maps while being pestered by 2D sprite monsters

A boring dungeon crawler with immense amount of inventory jumping and a story about a buff guy chasing after a faggy twink around the ruins of old city.
Also never taps the best ass in this world despite the fact it belonged to his partner.

It's a furry weaboo wankfest where you play as a dumbass dog who travels around Japan solving every useless NPCs problems as an added bonus all dialog is spoken in garbled mumbles and there are numerous unskippable cutscenes.


It's a Minecraft clone but in 2D and with more procedurally generated stuff on the map

What was a horror franchise turns into a magical girl game and you have to kill magic serial killers.

Killer is dead.

You ride a bull going in circles in a small fenced-off area for hours on end, waiting for eggs to hatch.

Giant robotic spreadsheets.

Congratulations, you've won!!! Click here for your prize!

Billions of humans die and a new species takes over the world and you must date them or be killed

E-sports material niche-notafighter-game

You come out of hole in ground, do work for a village find a device and return to the hole in the ground kill some big bad guys then blow their plant up and then their big cathederal then you take a long walk after being kicked out of the place in the hole in the ground.

Ace Combat?

Instead of rewarding you for good play, when you do good, the game rewards every single enemy with a level-up, which makes them noticeably more powerful. But if you play like shit, the game rewards you by levelling enemies down. This is not a secret mechanic aimed at balancing the game but an explicit event with big words across the screen and a crowd cheering loudly/booing every time it happens.

One of the clock towers

Or is that too obvious?

That Wario Master of Disguse game

Sonic Adventure 2

Star Fox 64

Correct, the third. Not my favorite but thought it'd make a good one.

It's Drakengard.


You play some no name faggot and meet equally as invisible to society faggots who sell you shit sometimes, then they expect you to do all their shit for you because you're "more special" than most. But then you have to fight gods who should all be able to kill you but just because you're "more special" you win and become the king of nothing because some snake faggot lied to you.

Never Ever?

spot on, I probably didn't put enough effort into it

God hand. Easy

Now that I think about it, here's one you might find harder to guess:

It's a Terraria clone

You wander around a big map for hours reading scribbles on walls and diaries about characters with personalities that are way more entertaining than the protagonist's but you never meet them. Everyone and everything has literal cancer and the game just cockteases you with the cool dragon you saw at the start over and over but when you finally fight it the battle is too easy.

But user that sounds fucking amazing.

God Hand

*for them

It's a glorified visual novel with some toddler tier puzzles in between (that sometime requires you to wait minutes before you're able to retry them) that explains all its plot points in the last 30 minutes of the game.

Metal Gear Solid 5?

Dark Souls. Snek clue 2ez


Spend hours working a boring job because you can.

Yeah I added the snake because people would've said an obscure jrpg or something.

no, it's still a 2D game though

Not what I was thinking of.

you play 5D chess with a attention whore bitch but you always lose no matter what

Viscera clean up?
It's dahk souls

You fight shit and your romantic partner gets your dick. And your powers too.


Jump and run game, but the player character has no limbs.
you also collect fireflies.

Close, it's a simulator but actually good.

You assemble atoms into molecules

You spend the entire game in the same location, and everything is colored in various shades of shit-brown and pisss-yellow.
The game has combat mechanics which are as fluid and intuitive as using a cheese grater to shave.
Every NPC makes it his personal mission to completely ruin your day, lying to your face and stabbing you in the back.
The major part of the game will be spent walking from one house to another while trying to avoid environmental hazards that can fuck up your entire savefile if you're not careful.
The story and plot are as obtuse and convoluted as humanly possible, and when you're finally done it turns out you have to complete the game THREE TIMES if you want to understand what the hell is going on.
Goddamit I love this game.

The main character is a generic monster hunter with very little personality, who ignores a woman throwing herself at him. But SUDDENLY he finds Super Stronk Women and he's in love with her after a fight with a pair of clowns. The other main cast consists of Generic Elf and a guy so generic, his name is actually Guy.

Protag meets mystery woman, and she tells him to kill these evil left handed people who think its their job to rule the world. And the best way to do it? Fetch Quests. The game tells its story through dozens of fetch quests. Go get a crown from some thieves. Get a Ruby Apple from a dungeon. Cut down a tree on a mountain. Save MC's child from some gay dude in a tower. It goes on and on.

Finally, MC fights the big left handed guys. And then dies because its a prequel. Right, i didn't mention that. The plot was already determined from the beginning because its a prequel. The villains come back 100 years later anyway. You just wasted 20 hours. Congratulations.



It's a JRPG that punishes you for fighting enemies or leveling up or not knowing everything about the game from the start and becomes unwinnable.

You are a cheap Tony Montana rip off who does odd jobs for odd people but it's ok because the radio is god tier and somehow just cruising through the city is extremely fun.

You ride around in a wagon and gather tree water.


nope, it was released before Starbound entered its beta phase


You fight the final boss over and over and over and over and over again.


good answer, here's a cat as a reward for knowing an unpopular game

It's a platformer where you do shit like run on slow moving tops and do shitty lever-based puzzles in a pyramid

you platform around as a plumber who can posses other things and camera really likes to focus on that plumbers face.

Hobo murders half naked men for a child


Oregon Trail

Infinity Blade

monster hunter 3 ultimate

You start off as a quiet beta with like 5 friends and a milf who's actually crazy. but as the world turns to shit you take this opportunity to become an alpha and wreck niggas left and right.

You select your favorite from a group of freaks, weirdos, and karate men then beat up the rest of them in a 1v1 fighting tournament the illuminati set up

An over the hill fat slob plays nanny to other adults while drinking and feeling bad for himself the whole time.

Last Remnant is a blast